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How to use transparent Forms in Delphi : Practical advices Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Tips about using layered forms in Delphi 25-Oct-04
Delphi All Versions
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Perevoznyk, Serhiy
Reference URL:
			Windows 2000 function SetLayeredWindowAttributes can be used for
creating transparent forms in Delphi. 

1   const
2   WS_EX_LAYERED = $80000;
4   LWA_ALPHA = 2;
6   type
7   TSetLayeredWindowAttributes = function (
8       hwnd : HWND; // handle to the layered window
9       crKey : TColor; // specifies the color key
10      bAlpha : byte; // value for the blend function
11      dwFlags : DWORD // action
12      ): BOOL; stdcall;

Now I would like to talk about practical using of the layered windows.
Tip N1: Capturing screen

If you will try to capture the screen to bitmap using BitBlt function and have a 
layered (transparent)  window visible, you will get only a picture of the screen 
without this window.
To fix it we have to use the new raster-operation code for BitBlt function 
CAPTUREBLT that introduced in Windows 2000 for including any windows that are 
layered on top of your window in the resulting image. 

13  procedure CaptureScreen(AFileName : string);
14  const
15   CAPTUREBLT = $40000000;
16  var
17   hdcScreen : HDC;
18   hdcCompatible : HDC;
19   bmp : TBitmap;
20   hbmScreen : HBITMAP;
21  begin
22  // Create a normal DC and a memory DC for the entire screen. The
23  // normal DC provides a "snapshot" of the screen contents. The
24  // memory DC keeps a copy of this "snapshot" in the associated
25  // bitmap.
27  hdcScreen := CreateDC('DISPLAY', nil, nil, nil);
28  hdcCompatible := CreateCompatibleDC(hdcScreen);
29  // Create a compatible bitmap for hdcScreen.
31  hbmScreen := CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcScreen,
32                      GetDeviceCaps(hdcScreen, HORZRES),
33                      GetDeviceCaps(hdcScreen, VERTRES));
35  // Select the bitmaps into the compatible DC.
36  SelectObject(hdcCompatible, hbmScreen);
37  bmp := TBitmap.Create;
38  bmp.Handle := hbmScreen;
39  BitBlt(hdcCompatible,
40                0,0,
41                bmp.Width, bmp.Height,
42                hdcScreen,
43                0,0,
44                SRCCOPY or CAPTUREBLT);
46  bmp.SaveToFile(AFileName);
47  bmp.Free;
48  DeleteDC(hdcScreen);
49  DeleteDC(hdcCompatible);
50  end;


Tip N2: Transparent external program

OK, before we made our own forms transparent, but what about making external 
programs like Notepad transparent also? Yes, it's also possible.

First, we will start Notepad using ShellExecute function


and after will make it transparent.

51  procedure ShowTransparentNotepad;
52  var
53   np:HWND;
54  begin
55   np:=FindWindow('Notepad',nil);
56   SetTransparentForm(np,100);
57  end;

The code of the SetTransparentForm procedure you can find in article "Transparent 
Forms in Delphi"  

Tip N3: Transparent Hint

For customizing the standard Delphi hint window  we have to override THintWindow 
class. After overriding THintWindow to create a new derived type TTransparentHint, 
we will assign the new type to the global HintWindowClass variable at application 
startup, so that the new transparent hint window type is used for Help Hints.

58  type
59  TTransparentHint = class(THintWindow)
60  private
61    FTransparency : byte;
62  protected
63     procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
64     procedure CreateWnd; override;
65  public
66    property Transparency : byte read FTransparency write FTransparency;
67    constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override;
68  end;
70  { TTransparentHint }
72  constructor TTransparentHint.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
73  begin
74   inherited;
75   FTransparency := 100;
76  end;
78  procedure TTransparentHint.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
79  begin
80   inherited;
81   Params.ExStyle := Params.ExStyle or WS_EX_LAYERED;
82  end;
84  procedure TTransparentHint.CreateWnd;
85  var
86  SetLayeredWindowAttributes: TSetLayeredWindowAttributes;
87  begin
88   inherited;
89   SetLayeredWindowAttributes := 
90   GetProcAddress(GetModulehandle(user32), 'SetLayeredWindowAttributes');
91  SetLayeredWindowAttributes(Handle, 0, FTransparency, LWA_ALPHA);
92  end;
94  {Now we have to assign TTransparentHint to the HintWindowClass variable at 
95  application startup.}
97  procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
98  begin
99   HintWindowClass := TTransparentHint;
100 end; 

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