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How to Copy/delete a BDE table Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Copy/delete a BDE table 25-Aug-02
Delphi 2.x
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DSP, Administrator
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			Author: Tomas Rutkauskas 
Copy/delete a BDE table


Here is an example of a routine that I use for copying and deleting tables. It uses 
DB, DBTables, DbiProcs,DbiErrs, and DbiTypes.

You simply provide the directory to copy from, the source table name, the directory 
to copy to, and the destination table name, and the BDE will copy the entire table, 
indexes and all to the new file.

The delete function takes the path to delete from and the name of the table to 
delete, the BDE takes care of deleting all associated files (indexes, etc.).

These procedures have been pulled off a form of mine, and I've edited them to 
remove some dependencies that existed with that form. They should now be completely 

1   procedure TConvertForm.CopyTable(FromDir, SrcTblName, ToDir, DestTblName: 
2   string);
3   var
4     DBHandle: HDBIDB;
5     ResultCode: DBIResult;
6     Src, Dest, Err: array[0..255] of Char;
7     SrcTbl, DestTbl: TTable;
8   begin
9     SrcTbl := TTable.Create(Application);
10    DestTbl := TTable.Create(Application);
11    try
12      SrcTbl.DatabaseName := FromDir;
13      SrcTbl.TableName := SrcTblName;
14      SrcTbl.Open;
15      DBHandle := SrcTbl.DBHandle;
16      SrcTbl.Close;
17      ResultCode := DbiCopyTable(DBHandle, false,
18        StrPCopy(Src, FromDir + '\' + SrcTblName), nil,
19        StrPCopy(Dest, ToDir + '\' + DestTblName));
20      if ResultCode <> DBIERR_NONE then
21      begin
22        DbiGetErrorString(ResultCode, Err);
23        raise EDatabaseError.Create('While copying ' +
24          FromDir + '\' + SrcTblName + ' to ' +
25          ToDir + '\' + DestTblName + ', the '
26          + ' database engine   generated the error '''
27          + StrPas(Err) + '''');
28      end;
29    finally
30      SrcTbl.Free;
31      DestTbl.Free;
32    end;
33  end;
35  procedure TConvertForm.DeleteTable(Dir, TblName: string);
36  var
37    DBHandle: HDBIDB;
38    ResultCode: DBIResult;
39    tbl, Err: array[0..255] of Char;
40    SrcTbl, DestTbl: TTable;
41  begin
42    SrcTbl := TTable.Create(Application);
43    try
44      SrcTbl.DatabaseName := Dir;
45      SrcTbl.TableName := TblName;
46      SrcTbl.Open;
47      DBHandle := SrcTbl.DBHandle;
48      SrcTbl.Close;
49      ResultCode := DbiDeleteTable(DBHandle,
50        StrPCopy(Tbl, Dir + '\' + TblName), nil);
51      if ResultCode <> DBIERR_NONE then
52      begin
53        DbiGetErrorString(ResultCode, Err);
54        raise EDatabaseError.Create('While deleting ' +
55          Dir + '\' + TblName + ', the database ' +
56          'engine generated the error ''' + StrPas(Err) + '''');
57      end;
58    finally
59      SrcTbl.Free;
60    end;
61  end;

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