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How can I access the InplaceEditor property of a Grid Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
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			Author: Ernesto De Spirito

How can I access the InplaceEditor property of a Grid?


Some components have useful properties, but for some reason they were declared in 
their protected section, so they are not readily available to the programmer. For 
example, TStringGrid, TDrawGrid, TDBGrid and in general any descendant of 
TCustomGrid has an InplaceEditor property that represents the text edit box used 
for editing cell values. However you can't access this property directly because it 
has been declared as protected. 

The easiest workaround to this problem is subclassing (deriving) your component 
with the only purpose or publishing the protected property. For example: 

1   type
2     TDBGridX = class(TDBGrid)
3     public
4       property InplaceEditor;
5     end;

We don't need to intall this new component and register it in the components 
palette (which I consider too much of a bother for such a little thing). Instead, 
any time we want to access this property, we can just cast the object (for example 
DBGrid1) to our new class. For example: 
7   TDBGridX(DBGrid1).InplaceEditor.SelectAll;

Note: InplaceEditor will be Nil until the first time EditorMode is set to True 
(either by code or when the user presses F2). 

But use the protected property always cause some fault unexpectable.Sush as the 
Fixcols property. How to resolve it?

The properties were left protected for some reason, usually this being the fact 
that they are not safe to use directly. There are some limitations when accessing 
protected fields, properties or methods and normally these limitations are 
documented (they are not so much "unexpectable"). 

For example, about the inplace editor the documentation says: 

   "The inplace editor is created the first time the grid is put in edit mode." 

This means that before the first time the grid is put in edit mode, a code like the 
following will certainly generate an 
Access Violation: 

8   TDBGridX(DBGrid1).InplaceEditor.SelectAll;

You can solve this problem by first checking if InplaceEditor is not Nil: 

9   if TDBGridX(DBGrid1).InplaceEditor <> nil then
10    TDBGridX(DBGrid1).InplaceEditor.SelectAll;

About FixedCols, the documentation says: 

"Grids must include at least one scrolling column. Do not set FixedCols to a value 
greater than ColCount - 1." 

This means that for instance the following code will raise an EInvalidGridOperation 
exception if ColCount <= 2: 

11  TDBGridX(DBGrid1).FixedCols := 2;

For example if you create columns automatically from a Dataset associated with a 
DataSource, then you should first open the Dataset to let the columns be created, 
and only then you can set the FixedCols property. For example: 

12  Table1.Active := True;
13  TDBGridX(DBGrid1).FixedCols := 2;

In conclusion, you should check the documentation first before using the protected 
properties since normally they have some limitation. As I've shown, the way to 
circunvent it depends on the case and there is no general rule. There may be also 
some undocumented problems and side effects and when they appear generally you 
should check the source code of the component to get an idea of how to avoid or fix 

Copyright (c) 2001 Ernesto De
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