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How to round numbers in different ways Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Delphi 3.x
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Ernesto De Spirito

How can I round a number "normally"? Can I round the thousands? Can I round the 
third digit after the decimal point?


Integer rounding 

The Round function that comes with Delphi performs what is called "banker's 
rounding", meaning that a number with a fractional part of 0.5 is rounded sometimes 
up and sometimes down, always towards the nearest even number. This means that for 
example Round(3.5) gives 4 while Round(2.5) gives 2. Here goes a set of functions 
for rounding numbers, including RoundN which rounds a number "normally" (i.e. 
RoundN(3.5) is 4 and RoundN(2.5) is 3). 

1    function Sgn(X: Extended): Integer;
2   // Returns -1, 0 or 1 according to the
3   // sign of the argument
4   begin
5     if X < 0 then
6       Result := -1
7     else if X = 0 then
8       Result := 0
9     else
10      Result := 1;
11  end;
13  function RoundUp(X: Extended): Extended;
14  // Returns the first integer greater than or
15  // equal to a given number in absolute value
16  // (sign is preserved).
17  //   RoundUp(3.3) = 4    RoundUp(-3.3) = -4
18  begin
19    Result := Int(X) + Sgn(Frac(X));
20  end;
22  function RoundDn(X: Extended): Extended;
23  // Returns the first integer less than or
24  // equal to a given number in absolute
25  // value (sign is preserved).
26  //   RoundDn(3.7) = 3    RoundDn(-3.7) = -3
27  begin
28    Result := Int(X);
29  end;
31  function RoundN(X: Extended): Extended;
32  // Rounds a number "normally": if the fractional
33  // part is >= 0.5 the number is rounded up (see RoundUp)
34  // Otherwise, if the fractional part is < 0.5, the
35  // number is rounded down (see RoundDn).
36  //   RoundN(3.5) = 4     RoundN(-3.5) = -4
37  //   RoundN(3.1) = 3     RoundN(-3.1) = -3
38  begin
39    (*
40      if Abs(Frac(X)) >= 0.5 then
41        Result := RoundUp(X)
42      else
43        Result := RoundDn(X);
44    *)
45    Result := Int(X) + Int(Frac(X) * 2);
46  end;
48  function Fix(X: Extended): Extended;
49  // Returns the first integer less than or
50  // equal to a given number.
51  //   Int(3.7) = 3          Int(-3.7) = -3
52  //   Fix(3.7) = 3          Fix(-3.1) = -4
53  begin
54    if (X >= 0) or (Frac(X) = 0) then
55      Result := Int(X)
56    else
57      Result := Int(X) - 1;
58  end;
60  function RoundDnX(X: Extended): Extended;
61  // Returns the first integer less than or
62  // equal to a given number.
63  //   RoundDnX(3.7) = 3     RoundDnX(-3.7) = -3
64  //   RoundDnX(3.7) = 3     RoundDnX(-3.1) = -4
65  begin
66    Result := Fix(X);
67  end;
69  function RoundUpX(X: Extended): Extended;
70  // Returns the first integer greater than or
71  // equal to a given number.
72  //   RoundUpX(3.1) = 4     RoundUpX(-3.7) = -3
73  begin
74    Result := Fix(X) + Abs(Sgn(Frac(X)))
75  end;
77  function RoundX(X: Extended): Extended;
78  // Rounds a number "normally", but taking the sign into
79  // account: if the fractional part is >= 0.5 the number
80  // is rounded up (see RoundUpX)
81  // Otherwise, if the fractional part is < 0.5, the
82  // number is rounded down (see RoundDnX).
83  //   RoundX(3.5) = 4     RoundX(-3.5) = -3
84  begin
85    (*
86      if Abs(Frac(X)) >= 0.5 then
87        Result := RoundUpX(X)
88      else
89        Result := RoundDnX(X);
90    *)
91    Result := Fix(X + 0.5);
92  end;

Rounding to a decimal digit 

The functions we've just presented above always round to the last integer digit, 
but sometimes we need to round for example to the second decimal or to the 
thousands, millions or billions. You can overload the RoundN function with this 
version that takes an extra parameter to indicate the digit to be round: 

93  function RoundN(x: Extended; d: Integer): Extended;
94  // RoundN(123.456, 0) = 123.00
95  // RoundN(123.456, 2) = 123.46
96  // RoundN(123456, -3) = 123000
97  const
98    t: array[0..12] of int64 = (1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000,
99      1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000, 10000000000,
100     100000000000, 1000000000000);
101 begin
102   if Abs(d) > 12 then
103     raise ERangeError.Create('RoundN: Value must be in -12..12');
104   if d = 0 then
105     Result := Int(x) + Int(Frac(x) * 2)
106   else if d > 0 then
107   begin
108     x := x * t[d];
109     Result := (Int(x) + Int(Frac(x) * 2)) / t[d];
110   end
111   else
112   begin // d < 0
113     x := x / t[-d];
114     Result := (Int(x) + Int(Frac(x) * 2)) * t[-d];
115   end;
116 end;

Copyright (c) 2001 Ernesto De

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