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How to Write sorting / search methods that can be re-used Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Delphi 2.x
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DSP, Administrator
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			Author: Chris Baldwin

I find that alot of developers that use sorting and search algorithms, taking the 
Quick Sort algorithm for an example, will reimplement it for every use.


Sorting algorithms rarely depend on actual knowledge what they are sorting, and 
when we require an algorithm and implement it, why restrict the algorithm to a 
specific use, as the algorithm itself will never change. 

They are only dependent on an index of which they then need to compare and exchange 
the information that resides at those indexes. 

The quick sort algorithm for the example would require only 3 main factors of which 
could be passed to a quick sort method. 

Start and End indexes 
Method for Comparing points 
Method for Exchanging points 

This going to apply for practially all sorting/searching algorithms. 

All that is required is that we specify the types that will define the Compare and 
Exchange methods. 

1   type
2     TIndexCompare = function(const ixA, ixB: integer): integer of object;
3     TIndexExchange = procedure(const ixA, ixB: integer) of object;
4     //-- Also these methods could be also reused for multiple sort algorythms.
5     //-- e.g
6     //-- procedure InsertionSortByIndex(ixLo, ixHi: Integer;
7     //--                                IndexCompare: TIndexCompare;
8     //--                                IndexExchange: TIndexExchange);
9     //--  etc....
11  procedure QuickSortByIndex(ixLo, ixHi: Integer;
12    IndexCompare: TIndexCompare;
13    IndexExchange: TIndexExchange);
14  implementation
16  procedure QuickSortByIndex(ixLo, ixHi: Integer;
17    IndexCompare: TIndexCompare;
18    IndexExchange: TIndexExchange);
20    procedure SortIndex(aLo, aHi: Integer);
21    var
22      I, J, P: Integer;
23      tmpInt: Integer;
24    begin
25      repeat
26        I := aLo;
27        J := aHi;
28        P := (aLo + aHi) shr 1;
29        repeat
30          while (I < aHi) and (IndexCompare(I, P) < 0) do
31            Inc(I);
32          while (J > aLo) and (IndexCompare(J, P) > 0) do
33            Dec(J);
34          if I <= J then
35          begin
36            IndexExchange(I, J);
37            if P = I then
38              P := J
39            else if P = J then
40              P := I;
41            Inc(i);
42            Dec(j);
43          end;
44        until I > J;
45        if aLo < J then
46          SortIndex(aLo, J);
47        aLo := I;
48      until I >= aHi;
49    end;
51  begin
52    SortIndex(ixLo, ixHi);
53  end;
55  Now to use this..lets say i want to sort a listbox for the example(rather than 
56  using  the Listbox standard sorting)
58  type
59    TMyForm = class(TForm)
60    private
61      ListBox1: TListBox;
62      btnSort: TButton;
63      .....
64      public
65      function IndexCompare(const ixA, ixB: integer): integer;
66      procedure IndexExchange(const ixA, ixB: integer);
67    end;
68    ..
70  implementation
72  function TMyForm.IndexCompare(const ixA, ixB: integer): integer;
73  //-- Source to compare items.
74  begin
75    Result := AnsiCompareText(ListBox1.Items[ixA], ListBox1.items[ixB]);
76  end;
78  procedure TMyForm.IndexExchange(const ixA, ixB: integer);
79  // -- Source to exchange items.
80  var
81    tmpStr: string;
82  begin
83    tmpStr := ListBox1.Items[ixA];
84    ListBox1.Items[ixA] := ListBox1.Items[ixB];
85    ListBox1.Items[ixB] := tmpStr;
86  end;
88  procedure TMyForm.btnSortClick(Sender: TObject);
89  begin
90    with ListBox1.items do
91    begin
92      BeginUpdate;
93      try
94        if UseQuickSort then
95          QuickSortByIndex(0, count - 1, IndexCompare, IndexExchange)
96        else
97          InsertionSortByIndex(0, count - 1, IndexCompare, IndexExchange);
98      finally
99        EndUpdate;
100     end;
101   end;
102 end;
104 //----

Well hopefully that might of been some use 

Later All 

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