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Delphi ActiveX / Midas Development Hints Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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			Author: Larry Nezar

Delphi ActiveX/Midas Development Hints



This document provides a basis for developing multi-tier database applications that 
have zero client configuration administration. This architecture was a requirement 
of the National Department of Agriculture brought on by a shortage of support 
personnel and the wide spread dispersion of the user-base throughout South Africa. 
Delphi was chosen as the development platform because it implemented the 
technologies required, and has a proven track record.

The requirement made was to have a user with limited computer experience download 
the program automatically and run it, without manually installing anything on his 
side. Also if a newer version of the program was released, it should automatically 
update the application on the client. The technology chosen for accomplishing this 
was to run an ActiveX application within a browser using Microsoft's DCOM 
technologies to access the data. Also Delphi's Midas technologies have features 
that make it easy to work with DCOM through a firewall and over the Internet. There 
is also support for MTS.

The first Server DCOM Application

Preparing the Server: The first thing to do before you can write a DCOM Server 
Application is to set up the server first, this is the only machine where you need 
to set up the connection to the database. This can be the Web-Server machine, but 
doesn't have to be. First set up the ODBC driver (system) to the appropriate Server 
and Database, then test the connection. Then you must install Delphi's BDE 
(preferably their latest one), or with Delphi 5, you can chose to use ADO instead, 
in this case you don't have to install the BDE on the NT machine (ADO drivers come 
with NT). After installing make sure you have DBCLIENT.DLL and STDVCLxx.DLL in the 
System32 directory (for Delphi 4 use STDVCL40.DLL), if not, copy them from your 
Delphi Development machine to the NT Server. Also copy the scktcrvr.exe file over 
to a directory on the server and put it in the Server startup group (this is part 
of Midas, and will be explained later).
Writing the Server Application: On your development machine, install the odbc 
driver exactly the same way you installed it on the Server, with the same name. In 
Delphi, open a new Project, a blank form will appear, you do not need this form, 
but it is good practice to put a label on it describing the role of the Server app. 
Add a new module to your project, chose the Remote Data Module form from the 
multitier group, give it a name and leave the defaults, this is where you place all 
your data-access tables that will be provided remotely to the client. Add the 
Database component from the Data Access tab to the new form, set the following 

DatabaseName:	odbc_name_that_you_defined
LoginPrompt:		false
Params:				USER NAME=username_of_odbc_database_server
Connected:			true

If the connected property does not want to set to true, then there is a connection 
problem, make sure everything is set up correctly and that your odbc driver on the 
development machine is working, then try again. After this works, you can drop the 
Query (or Table) component onto the new form, set the following properties:

CachedUpdates:	false (this is true for editable tables, but our first server will 
be read-only)
DatabaseName:	odbc_name_that_you_defined
SQL:					Select * from your_table_in_the_database
Active:				false (NB this is compulsory)

You can test your connection by setting the Active property to true, but under no 
circumstances deploy this application with the Active property set to true, doing 
so will disable remote refreshing of the table, rather let your client control this 
property. When you have completed the above, you can right-click on the Query (or 
Table) component, one of the Items appearing in the pop-up menu is called 'Export 
Query1 from Data Module', select this. You will notice that after this operation 
the item does not appear again in the pop-up menu. Now save your project and 
compile it. Your server application is now finished. To deploy this Server 
Application to the Server just copy it across to a directory on the server, then on 
the Server console run it once, this will automatically register it in the registry 
(make sure the scktsrvr.exe program is also running, if not, run it). Now your DCOM 
Server is ready to process any requests.

If you need need to replace the Server App with a modified version, do not copy the 
new one over the old one, first unregister the old one by going to the dos-prompt 
to the Server directory and typing: Your_Server_App_Name /unregserver. When this 
executes silently, you can copy the new one over the old one and manually execute 
it to register it.

The first ActiveX Client Application

Open a New ActiveForm application under the ActiveX tab of the 'New…' menu item and 
provide a name (leave the rest default), if you had a previous project open it will 
display a warning message that the ActiveForm cannot be added to the current 
project and needs to close the project, click to accept this. Add somewhere on the 
form a SocketConnection component from the 'Midas' tab, set the following 
properties in the order provided:

Address:			Physical_IP_address_of_Server (e.g.
ServerName:	Select_your_server_from_list
Connected:		true

If your program should be deployed outside the NT Domain area (i.e. the Internet or 
WAN) then it is better to use the Address property than the Host property, that is 
because the Host can only be resolved locally. If you do not see your Server 
Application in the drop-down list under ServerName, then there is a problem with 
either the Server Setup (See above), or the IP Address is wrong (Make sure that 
both the scktsrvr.exe and your server app is running, if so then you might not have 
exported the Query component from the Data Module via the pop-up menu). If all 
works fine you can add a ClientDataset component (also from the 'Midas' tab) to the 
form and set the following properties in the order provided:

RemoteServer:	Select_Your_SocketConnection_from_list
ProviderName:	Select_Your_Query_component_from_list
Active:				true

If the above works, which should, you now have a local record set of a remote 
table, all that you must now do is use it. Add a DataSource component (under the 
'Data Access' tab) to the form and select your ClientDataSet component in the 
DataSet property. Add a DBGrid component to the form (under 'Data Controls') and 
select the DataSource component in the DataSource property. If you have followed 
all the steps correctly, you should now see data in the Grid, enlarge it to have a 
larger view. The simple ActiveX application is now finished, save your work and 
compile it. To test your form in a browser you must deploy it, to do this you must 
set a few options in the 'Web Deployment Options…' first. We will deploy your app 
to a directory on your hard drive as this will speed up the deployment and 
page-open time. Set the Target directory field and the HTML directory field to the 
same value being the drive and directory you want to store the htm and ocx file. In 
the Target URL just enter './', this makes it possible to execute the htm file 
directly from the directory (this would otherwise point to the URL of where the ocx 
file would be found). Now you can deploy your app with the 'Web Deploy' menu 
option, if everything was set up correctly, you should have an htm file and an ocx 
file in the directory you specified. Browse to that directory with your Windows 
explorer, and double-click on the htm file… your Internet Browser should open, and 
after a delay, you should see your program running within.

If you want to deploy to a Web server, it is important that you have 'Deploy 
additional files' clicked in the Web Deployment Options. After this, go to the 
'Additional Files' tab and add the dbclient.dll file found in your /winnt/system32 
directory. Not always, but sometimes if the application still gives an error when 
run, add the stdvcl40.dll file also found in the same directory. You should see an 
INF file created in your deployment directory when you deploy, including the dll 

If you click CAB file compression in the Deployment Options, try to compress each 
file added separately (options available in the 'Additional Files' tab. This will 
ensure that no unnecessary downloads take place when one of the components (ocx or 
dll) is updated.

Persistent verses Dynamic Fields

In the above example, you used dynamic field allocation, you did not have to tell 
the DBGrid component what fields are available in the table, it deduced that from 
itself by examining the field results from the Select * statement. The nice thing 
with this is that if your table structure changed in the table you used, you would 
not have to modify the program, the new structure will be available dynamically in 
the DBGrid. You can even edit using the DBGrid. Even when you use separate edit 
fields (DBEdit, DBMemo, DBImage, etc), you can get the field names from a dynamic 
field list. There are two situation where you might consider using persistent 
fields (field names that you define during design time), the first is if you want 
to manipulate field values programmatically, the second would be when you want to 
use field values as parameters in your own SQL statements. To make fields 
persistent, you just right-click on the Table or Query component and select 'Fields 
editor…' from the drop-down menu. In the Field Editor you just add the fields you 
need, a separate field type is created for each field that can be referenced in 
code. (e.g. a field called name in the Query1 component can be referenced as 

You will notice in the fields editor that you can add new fields (user defined) 
that you can assign yourself or automatically (e.g. Lookup fields, Calculated 
fields etc). For lookup fields you just define the lookup field and key values in a 
foreign table, with a calculated field you use the OnCalculateFields event to add 
code to calculate the field value for each record.

You will also notice in the persistent field properties in the field editor that 
each field has a list of it's own properties, one of them is called 'Displayed 
Name', this property is used to enter a formatted description that appears in the 
header part of the DBGrid, change this if you want to see a field description 
instead of the field name on the field headers.

You can separately configure what fields to display in a DBGrid by right-clicking 
on the DBGrid component and selecting the fields to display in it's own field 

Using filters on a Table or Query

In certain cases you may want to shrink the size of the result query for search 
purposes by using certain search criteria. One way to do this is to modify the SQL 
in such a way as to return only a smaller sub-set of the query using a where 
clause. This is however inefficient as the query requires the SQL to be executed on 
the server, the new dataset returned to the client, and when the client is finished 
with the dataset and needs to be returned to it's previous state, the old SQL has 
to be executed and the result returned. This, even with a thin client takes time 
and wastes bandwidth. Delphi provides a means to filter the current dataset without 
re-issuing any SQL, each dataset (Query or Table) has a filter and filtered 
property to enable this. In the filter property you can add a string such as 
'surname='Smith'' (you can set this programmatically), the filter won't engage 
until you set the filtered property to true. Setting the filtered property to false 
disables the filter again and restores your viewed recordset. The nice thing about 
this is that all processing gets done on the workstation, and happens instantly, as 
opposed to re-issuing an SQL command.

Opening a dialog form from an ActiveForm

The one thing you might want your program to have is a load of custom dialogs, 
however, if you add a standard form to your ActiveForm application, you'll notice 
that the form opens within the region of your ActiveForm app. You would ideally 
like to open a form external to your ActiveForm app/browser. You can do this by 
instantiating the form within the unit of the form instead of instantiating 
(Showmodal) it from within the unit of the ActiveForm. To do this follow these 

Add a new form to the project, make sure the prj file does not instantiate the 
form, if so, remove the reference.
Remove the variable of the form type.
In the unit of the form add a function called ShowForm, with a return result of 
TmodalResult. Add var parameters you'd like returned. An example of the 
implementation code should look like the following:

1   function ShowForm: TmodalResult;
2   var
3     AXForm: TAXForm; // the variable of the form here
4   begin
5     AXForm := TAXForm.Create(Application);
6     ShowForm := AXForm.ShowModal;
7     AXForm.Free;
8   end;

Now add this unit to the uses clause of the ActiveForm. To call the form, just call 
the ShowForm function of the dialog. (you can even have menus on these forms).

On the dialog box you normally add an OK and CANCEL button to close the form, 
however, you would normally like to know which of the buttons were pressed, this is 
where ModalResult comes in. When you add a button to the dialog, you'll notice that 
among the button's properties is a modalresult property, selecting the button type 
from the drop-down list changes the function of the button. The ShowModal result 
returns the value you selected as the modalresult of the button (e.g. mrOK or 
mrCancel), and closes the form automatically without you having to enter code to 
close the form. You can then react on the result returned.

Handling database errors

Sometimes when you update a table and the update is unsuccessful, you'd like to 
know exactly what the error was instead of trying to figure out what went wrong. 
One of the most common type of errors that occur is when someone modifies a record 
that you are currently modifying, this is an example of a typical reconcile error. 
Fortunately Delphi makes it simple to capture the exact error and display it with 
the standard ReconcileError dialog form. Just add the form to the project, make 
sure the prj file does not instantiate the form, if so, remove the reference. Add 
the unit name of the dialog to the uses clause of all the forms that have 
clientdatasets you want monitored. Double-click the OnReconcileError property of 
the Table/Query you want monitored and type the following code in the handler: 
Action := HandleReconcileError(DataSet, UpdateKind, E);
Now when you receive an error, the dialog will pop-up with the appropriate error, 
and also give a list of the fields involved and their data. The dialog also allows 
you to take certain actions (e.g. skip, Cancel, etc ).

Updating data

When working with data on a local Query component, you can add an UpdateSQL 
component to the form and connect it to the UpdateObject property of the Query 
component. However, if working with a Query component in a DCOM remote data module, 
this step is not necessary, as the appropriate SQL is automatically generated for 
delete, insert and modify. If however you do need to use parameters, you can use 
the Provider.BeforeUpdateRecord event to execute your SQL (The UpdateSQL component 
is not supported here). Code within this event will look something like:

9   if UpdateKind = ukDelete then
10  begin
11    Query1.SQL.Text := 'Update CUSTOMER set STATUS="DEL" where ID=:ID';
12    Query1.Params[0].Value := SourceDS.FieldByName('ID').Value;
13    Query1.ExecuteSQL;
14    Applied := true;
15    // restore the SQL here
16  end;

If you have a Join select statement in a Query, the Query component needs to know 
which one of the tables used in the statement need to be updated, and what fields 
are involved in the update to that table, otherwise you get an 'Unable to resolve 
record, Table name not found' error. Using a separate Provider component, do the 
In the Provider.OnGetDatasetProperties event, add the code:

17  Properties := VarArrayCreate([0, 0], varVariant);
18  Properties[0] := VarArrayOf(['TABLE_NAME', table_name_you_want_updated, 
19  true]);

Add persistent fields to the remote data module for the join query.
Select the non-involved TFields in the fields-editor and set all of the 
ProviderFlags elements to false. (i.e. set pfInUpdate and pfInWhere to false).

Now the Query component will be able to correctly build up the update SQL 

If you use a separate form to modify data and you need to refresh the root-view so as to reflect any changes made, use the Query.refresh method of the root-view form. Also remember that if you have CachedUpdates set to true, you must apply those updates with the Query.ApplyUpdates(-1) method.

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