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Accessing the Windows Registry Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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			Author: Ernesto De Spirito 

How can I simply save and get data from the Windows Registry? The purpose of this 
article is to introduce GetRegistryData and SetRegistryData as an alternative to 
TRegistry, making it easy to read and write values from and to the Windows 
Registry, allowing developers to access the registry in a practical way.


What is the Registry? 

It is where Windows stores many of its configuration options and also allows 
applications to access this data as well as save their own data. If you want to 
take a look at the registry, just execute the REGEDIT.EXE application located in 
the Windows directory. Be careful not to change anything or you could end up 
ruining your installation! Now, the data in the registry is stored in a tree 
structure. There are many roots (many trees): 


Each root can have values and keys. The values are data stored under item names 
(right panel of RegEdit). Keys can have values and other keys, forming a tree 
structure (left panel of RegEdit). 

For example, the tree HKEY_CURRENT_USER has many keys, like AppEvents, Control 
Panel, Identities, Network, Software, etc. Each key may have sub-keys. For example, 
Control Panel has some sub-keys, like Accessibility, Appearance, Colors, Cursors, 
Desktop, International, etc. All keys have at least one value (the first value in 
the right panel of RegEdit), which is the default value (the name of the value is 
the empty string), not necessarily set. A key may have more values. For example, 
let's see the key Control Panel\Colors under HKEY_CURRENT_USER. Appart from the 
default value, it has values like ActiveBorder, ActiveTitle, AppWorkspace, 
Background, etc. In turn, each "value" has a "data" (the actual value, sort to 
speak). For example, the data of the value ActiveTitle would be "0 0 128" (may be 
different if you are not using the standard Windows colors). 


Before getting into GetRegistryData and SetRegistryData, let's see how we would 
accomplish the same tasks the hard way, using TRegistry. 

The TRegistry class is declared in the Registry unit, so you will have to add this 
unit to the Uses clause of the unit or program where you want to use it. To access 
a value in the registry, first you should create an object of this class, assign 
the root to its RootKey property (the values are defined in the Windows unit) and 
then try to open a key with the OpenKey function method, which will return True if 
successful. Then you can read (with the ReadXxxx functions) or write (with the 
WriteXxxx procedures) the values of the open key and, after that, you should close 
the key with CloseKey. When you are done with the registry, you should free the 
registry object you created. Let's see an example of how to obtain the name of the 
processor in our computer: 

1   procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
2   var
3     Reg: TRegistry;
4   begin
5     Reg := TRegistry.Create;
6     Reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
7     if Reg.OpenKey('\Hardware\Description\System'
8       + '\CentralProcessor\0', False) then
9     begin
10      ShowMessage(Reg.ReadString('Identifier'));
11      Reg.CloseKey;
12    end; // if
13    Reg.Free;
14  end;

You can see another example in the article Determining the associated application. 
Of course, there are many more things you can do with the registry, like creating 
and deleting keys and values... 

The TRegistryIniFile class makes it simpler for applications to write and read 
their configuration information to and from the registry, while TRegistry operates 
at a lower level. 


To simplify reading a data value from the registry you can use the following 
function that can read any data type from the registry and returns it as a variant 
(string or integer). The function performs exception handling. 

15  uses Registry;
17  function GetRegistryData(RootKey: HKEY; Key,
18    Value: string): variant;
19  var
20    Reg: TRegistry;
21    RegDataType: TRegDataType;
22    DataSize, Len: integer;
23    s: string;
24  label
25    cantread;
26  begin
27    Reg := nil;
28    try
29      Reg := TRegistry.Create(KEY_QUERY_VALUE);
30      Reg.RootKey := RootKey;
31      if Reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(Key) then
32      begin
33        try
34          RegDataType := Reg.GetDataType(Value);
35          if (RegDataType = rdString) or
36            (RegDataType = rdExpandString) then
37            Result := Reg.ReadString(Value)
38          else if RegDataType = rdInteger then
39            Result := Reg.ReadInteger(Value)
40          else if RegDataType = rdBinary then
41          begin
42            DataSize := Reg.GetDataSize(Value);
43            if DataSize = -1 then
44              raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(ERROR_CANTREAD));
45            SetLength(s, DataSize);
46            Len := Reg.ReadBinaryData(Value, PChar(s)^, DataSize);
47            if Len <> DataSize then
48              raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(ERROR_CANTREAD));
49            Result := s;
50          end
51          else
52            raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(ERROR_CANTREAD));
53        except
54          s := ''; // Deallocates memory if allocated
55          Reg.CloseKey;
56          raise;
57        end;
58        Reg.CloseKey;
59      end
60      else
61        raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
62    except
63      Reg.Free;
64      raise;
65    end;
66    Reg.Free;
67  end;
69  //Sample Call
71  ShowMessage(GetRegistryData(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
72    '\Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0', 'Identifier'));


To simplify writing a data value to the registry you can use the following 
procedure that can write any data type to the registry. The procedure performs 
exception handling. 

73  uses Registry;
75  procedure SetRegistryData(RootKey: HKEY; Key, Value: string;
76    RegDataType: TRegDataType; Data: variant);
77  var
78    Reg: TRegistry;
79    s: string;
80  begin
81    Reg := nil;
82    try
83      Reg := TRegistry.Create(KEY_WRITE);
84      Reg.RootKey := RootKey;
85      if Reg.OpenKey(Key, True) then
86      begin
87        try
88          if RegDataType = rdUnknown then
89            RegDataType := Reg.GetDataType(Value);
90          if RegDataType = rdString then
91            Reg.WriteString(Value, Data)
92          else if RegDataType = rdExpandString then
93            Reg.WriteExpandString(Value, Data)
94          else if RegDataType = rdInteger then
95            Reg.WriteInteger(Value, Data)
96          else if RegDataType = rdBinary then
97          begin
98            s := Data;
99            Reg.WriteBinaryData(Value, PChar(s)^, Length(s));
100         end
101         else
102           raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(ERROR_CANTWRITE));
103       except
104         Reg.CloseKey;
105         raise;
106       end;
107       Reg.CloseKey;
108     end
109     else
110       raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
111   except
112     Reg.Free;
113     raise;
114   end;
115   Reg.Free;
116 end;
118 //Sample Call
120 SetRegistryData(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
121   '\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion',
122   'RegisteredOrganization', rdString, 'Latium Software');

You can find another example of SetRegistryData in my article Making an application 
run automatically when Windows starts.

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Copyright (c) 2001 Ernesto De

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