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How to create Smart threads with a central management Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Delphi 6.x
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Erwin Molendijk

Ever wanted to fire up some threads in your application, let them do some time 
consuming stuff and then report the results to the user? This caused some 
synchronisation trouble, didn't it? Shutting down your app while threads where 
still running, updating the user interface... 
Here is a unit that will give a good bases to avoid all kinds of multi threading 


1   { -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2     Newer version and test bench can be found here:
4     -----------------------------------------------------------------------
6     Smart Thread Lib
7     Version 1.01
8     Copyright (c) 2002 by DelphiFactory Netherlands BV
10    What is it:
11    Provides an easy way to use threads.
13    Usage:
14    Create your threads as TSmartThreads and manage them
15    using the SmartThreadManager global object.
17    For more information about threads in delphi:
20    For example on how to use this unit for with a Indy blocking
21    socket TCP/IP client:
22     "SmartThreadLib example: Using blocking Indy sockets in a thread" article
23  }
25  unit SmartThreadLib;
27  { Defining the DefaultMessageHandler causes the messages send
28    by the threads to be displayed on screen if no OnMessage handler
29    is assigned. This is only for debugging purposes (as GUI routines should
30    not be located in this unit). }
31  {$DEFINE DefaultMessageHandler}
33  interface
35  uses
36    SysUtils, Classes, Contnrs
37  {$IFDEF DefaultMessageHandler}
38    , QDialogs
39  {$ENDIF}
40    ;
42  resourcestring
43    SForcedStop = 'Thread ''%s'' forced to stop';
45    { EThreadForcedShutdown exception will be raised inside a thread when
46      it has to stop running. }
47  type
48    EThreadForcedShutdown = class(Exception);
50    { The ThreadMessageEvent is called by a smart thread but within the
51      context of the main thread and provides the ability to easily show messages
52      to the user. }
53  type
54    TThreadMessageEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const AMessage: string) of 
55  object;
57    { The SmartThread.
58      Usage:
59        1. Create a descendent class.
60        2. Override the SmartExecute.
61        3. Call Check from within SmartExecute on a regular base. This
62           routine will raise an EThreadForcedShutdown exception if the thread
63           has to stop. The exception is handled by this base class, you do
64           not need to handle it.
66      Additional tips:
67        - You can use the Msg() procedure to show messages to the user without
68          having to worry about synchronisation problems.
69        - You can override GetMustStop() to add additional checks that could
70          cause a thread to do a forced shutdown.
71        - SmartExecute is started directly after calling Create()
72        - The thread is FreeOnTerminate.
73        - SmartThreads are based on the idea that threads are independant. You
74          should not keep a pointer to the new thread, because you can never know
75          if this pointer is still valid.
76          Instead let your threads communicate using a global object. As an
77          example se the SmartThreadManager.
78    }
79  type
80    TSmartThread = class(TThread)
81    private
82      FMsg: string;
83      procedure DoMessage;
84    protected
85      function GetMustStop: Boolean; virtual;
86      procedure Msg(const Msg: string); virtual;
87      procedure Check;
89      procedure Execute; override;
90      procedure SmartExecute; virtual;
91    public
92      constructor Create; virtual;
93      property MustStop: Boolean read GetMustStop;
94    end;
96    { The SmartThreadManager: Global object that manages all TSmartThread's.
98      The SmartThreads register themselfs at this manager before
99      executing, and unregister just before destroying itself.
101     - SmartThreads are based on the idea that threads are independant. You
102     should not keep a pointer to the new thread, because you can never know
103     if this pointer is still valid.  Instead let your threads communicate
104     using a global object. The manager provides an event called OnMessage.
105     The threads can trigger this event by calling their Msg() method. The
106     OnMessage event runs in the context of the main thread. So screen updates
107     can be performed. The Sender parameter is the thread which has send the
108     message. This thread is guarantied to exist and is in suspended mode during
109     the execution of the eventhandler.
110     (If 'DefaultMessageHandler' is defined during compilation, the message will
111     be displayed automaticly when no handler is assigned.)
113     - Set ShutDown to True to shutdown all the smart threads.
115     - ThreadCount returns the number of currently running smart threads
117     - All threads are terminated automaticaly when the manager is destroyed.
118       The manager is created and destroyed by the initialization and
119       finalization section in this unit.
120   }
121 type
122   TSmartThreadManager = class
123   private
124     FThreadListSync: TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer;
125     FShutDownSync: TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer;
126     FThreadList: TObjectList;
127     FShutDown: Boolean;
128     FOnMessage: TThreadMessageEvent;
129     function GetShutDown: Boolean;
130     procedure SetShutDown(const Value: Boolean);
131     function GetThreadCount: Integer;
132   protected
133     procedure RegisterThread(AThread: TSmartThread);
134     procedure UnregisterThread(AThread: TSmartThread);
135     procedure DoMessage(Sender: TObject; AMessage: string);
136   public
137     constructor Create;
138     destructor Destroy; override;
140     procedure LimitThreadCount(Max: Integer);
142     property ThreadCount: Integer read GetThreadCount;
143     property Shutdown: Boolean read GetShutDown write SetShutDown;
144     property OnMessage: TThreadMessageEvent read FOnMessage write FOnMessage;
145   end;
147 var
148   SmartThreadManager: TSmartThreadManager;
150 implementation
152 { TSmartThread }
154 procedure TSmartThread.Check;
155 begin
156   // raise exception when the thread needs to stop
157   if MustStop then
158     raise EThreadForcedShutdown.CreateFmt(SForcedStop, [Self.ClassName]);
159 end;
161 constructor TSmartThread.Create;
162 begin
163   // create in suspended mode
164   inherited Create(True);
165   // init
166   FreeOnTerminate := True;
168   // register at the manager
169   SmartThreadManager.RegisterThread(Self);
171   // run the thread
172   Suspended := False;
173 end;
175 procedure TSmartThread.DoMessage;
176 { Call this method using Synchronize(DoMessage)
177   to make sure that we are running in the context of the main thread }
178 begin
179   // Notify the manager about the message
180   SmartThreadManager.DoMessage(Self, FMsg);
181 end;
183 procedure TSmartThread.Execute;
184 begin
185   try
186     try
187       // Perform code to be implemented by descendant class
188       SmartExecute;
189     except
190       // ignore forced shutdown exceptions
191       on E: EThreadForcedShutdown do {nothing}
192         ;
193     end;
194   finally
195     // unregister at the manager
196     SmartThreadManager.UnregisterThread(Self);
197   end;
198   // After unregistering the smart thread should shutdown
199   // as fast as possible and do not perform any more tasks.
200 end;
202 function TSmartThread.GetMustStop: Boolean;
203 begin
204   // We must stop if the thread is marked as terminated
205   //   or if the manager wants to shutdown
206   Result := Terminated or SmartThreadManager.Shutdown;
207 end;
209 procedure TSmartThread.Msg(const Msg: string);
210 begin
211   // save message for later use by DoMessage
212   FMsg := Msg;
213   // call the DoMessage in the context of the main thread
214   Synchronize(DoMessage);
215 end;
217 procedure TSmartThread.SmartExecute;
218 begin
219   // do nothing, method can be implemented by descendant
220 end;
222 { TSmartThreadManager }
224 constructor TSmartThreadManager.Create;
225 begin
226   inherited Create;
227   // init
228   FShutdownSync := TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer.Create;
229   FThreadListSync := TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer.Create;
230   FThreadList := TObjectList.Create(False);
231 end;
233 destructor TSmartThreadManager.Destroy;
234 begin
235   // manager is shutting down - cause al threads to stop
236   SetShutDown(True);
238   // wait for all threads to have stopped
239   LimitThreadCount(0);
241   // now we can cleanup
242   FThreadList.Free;
243   FThreadListSync.Free;
244   FShutDownSync.Free;
246   inherited Destroy;
247 end;
249 procedure TSmartThreadManager.DoMessage(Sender: TObject; AMessage: string);
250 const
251   SMsg = '%s message: ''%s''';
252 begin
253   // Call eventhandler
254   if Assigned(FOnMessage) then
255     FOnMessage(Sender, AMessage)
256 {$IFDEF DefaultMessageHandler}
257   else // if there is no eventhandler, display the message on screen
258     ShowMessage(Format(SMsg, [Sender.ClassName, AMessage]));
259 {$ENDIF}
260 end;
262 function TSmartThreadManager.GetShutDown: Boolean;
263 { ThreadSafe
264   Returns the Shutdown flag
265 }
266 begin
267   FShutdownSync.BeginRead;
268   try
269     Result := FShutDown;
270   finally
271     FShutdownSync.EndRead;
272   end;
273 end;
275 function TSmartThreadManager.GetThreadCount: Integer;
276 { ThreadSafe
277   Returns the number of running smart threads
278 }
279 begin
280   FThreadListSync.BeginRead;
281   try
282     Result := FThreadList.Count;
283   finally
284     FThreadListSync.EndRead;
285   end;
286 end;
288 procedure TSmartThreadManager.LimitThreadCount(Max: Integer);
289 { Should only be called in the context of the main thread.
291   Returns until the number of runnning smart threads is
292   equal or lower then the Max parameter.
293 }
294 begin
295   while GetThreadCount > Max do
296     if not CheckSynchronize then
297       Sleep(100);
298 end;
300 procedure TSmartThreadManager.RegisterThread(AThread: TSmartThread);
301 { Thread safe
302   Is called by the TSmartThread.Create constructor to register
303   a new smart thread.
304 }
305 begin
306   FThreadListSync.BeginWrite;
307   try
308     if FThreadList.IndexOf(AThread) = -1 then
309       FThreadList.Add(AThread);
310   finally
311     FThreadListSync.EndWrite;
312   end;
313 end;
315 procedure TSmartThreadManager.SetShutDown(const Value: Boolean);
316 { Thread Safe
317   Set the shutdown flag.
318 }
319 begin
320   // make sure this is an different value
321   if Value <> GetShutDown then
322   begin
323     FShutdownSync.BeginWrite;
324     try
325       // set new value
326       FShutDown := Value;
327     finally
328       FShutdownSync.EndWrite;
329     end;
330   end;
331 end;
333 procedure TSmartThreadManager.UnregisterThread(AThread: TSmartThread);
334 { Thread Safe
335   Called by TSmartThread.Execute after the TSmartThread.SmartExecute
336   has finished (or an exception was raised). it unregisters the thread.
337 }
338 begin
339   FThreadListSync.BeginWrite;
340   try
341     FThreadList.Remove(AThread)
342   finally
343     FThreadListSync.EndWrite;
344   end;
345 end;
347 initialization
348   // fire up the manager
349   SmartThreadManager := TSmartThreadManager.Create;
350 finalization
351   // going down
352   SmartThreadManager.Free;
353 end.

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