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How to conserve Windows resources when using TPageControl Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Delphi 2.x
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Richard Winston

Complex forms can use up a lot of the Windows resources. This article describes a 
method for reducing the drain on the Windows resources.


In my application there is a form with lots of components on it; 1047 components to 
be exact.  In my development environment, WindowsNT, this did not cause any 
problems but under Windows 98, my application would crash if a user tried to create 
a second instance of this form.  The problem was that in Windows 98, there are a 
limited number of Windows resources and one instance of my form used 42% of the 
Windows resources.  With the operating system already using 20% of the resources, 
there weren't enough resources left to create a second instance of the form. 

In researching this problem I came across a thread in alt.comp.lang.borland-delphi 
by Ken Phipps, Bruce Roberts, and M.H. Avegaart that gave most of a solution to the 
problem.  The thread extended from Jan. 13, 2001 to Jan. 16, 2001.  There is also 
an article on the Borland web site that gives some related information 

The following is the solution I implemented in my program.  It solved my problem. 

First, I created the ConserveResourcesUnit shown below.  I called FreeFormResources 
in the OnCreate event handler of each form that had a TPageControl.  I called 
FreePageControlResources in the OnChange event handler of each TPageControl.  I 
could have gone further and made a component that did the same thing after the page 
control was created and when the ActivePage was changed but it didn't seem worth 
the effort.  I could also have called FreePageControlResources when the ActivePage 
of a TPageControl was changed programatically but I haven't gotten around to that 
yet.  Another option would have been to redesign the form to use fewer TWinControls 
but that would have been a lot of effort and would have created other problems. 

There is one tricky bit.  If you have a TPageControl on a tab of another 
TPageControl and you want to set the TabVisible property of one of the tabs on the 
former TPageControl you may need to call HandleNeeded for all the tabs on the 
former TPageControl before setting the TabVisible property.  You can call 
FreePageControlResources afterwards to free-up resources.  If you don't do this, an 
error can occur in the VCL when you try to set the TabVisible property. 

If you use a TTabbedNotebook rather than a TPageControl, see the article on the 
Borland web site cited above. 

1   unit ConserveResourcesUnit;
3   interface
5   uses Windows, Classes, Controls, Forms, comctrls;
7   procedure FreePageControlResources(const APageControl: TPageControl;
8     const FormHandle: HWND);
10  procedure FreeFormResources(const AForm: TForm);
12  implementation
14  type
15    TMyWinControl = class(TWinControl);
17  procedure FreePageControlResources(const APageControl: TPageControl;
18    const FormHandle: HWND);
19  var
20    Index: integer;
21  begin
22    //  LockWindowUpdate prevents any drawing in a given window}
23    LockWindowUpdate(FormHandle);
24    with APageControl do
25    begin
26      for Index := 0 to PageCount - 1 do
27      begin
28        // DestroyHandle is protected so a typecast is required
29        // to expose it.
30        // Usually, the handles will be automatically recreated when needed.
31        // However, in setting the TabVisible property, they may not be recreated
32        // without a direct call to HandleNeeded.
33        if Pages[Index] <> ActivePage then
34          TMyWinControl(Pages[Index]).DestroyHandle;
35      end;
36    end;
37    {Release the Lock on the Form so any Form drawing can work}
38    LockWindowUpdate(0);
39  end;
41  procedure FreeFormResources(const AForm: TForm);
42  var
43    AComponent: TComponent;
44    Index: integer;
45  begin
46    for Index := 0 to AForm.ComponentCount - 1 do
47    begin
48      AComponent := AForm.Components[Index];
49      if AComponent is TPageControl then
50      begin
51        FreePageControlResources(TPageControl(AComponent), AForm.Handle);
52      end;
53    end;
54  end;
56  end.

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