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How to create a vertical progress bar and fill it from top to bottom Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Tomas Rutkauskas

Is it possible for the position parameter to fill a vertically orientated 
ProgressBar going down (rather than starting from its bottom and going up)? I want 
to indicate negative values. Ideal would be Min = -negative value and Max = 
+positive value with zero position in center and the fill would start from zero 
center and go either up or down depending on value.


Here's one with that capability:

1   unit W95meter;
3   {This component is a Windows 95 style progress meter.  It is free and donated to
4   the public domain. I do claim copyright of this code and I hereby prohibit the sale 
5   of the source or compiled code to anyone for any amount.
7   Modified 11/29/00 by Eddie Shipman
9   1. Added Direction Property to allow reverse fills.
11  Modified 10/15/97 by Eddie Shipman
13  1. Added a Max Value so Values over 100 can be used
15  2. Fixed the Invalidation of the control after properties are changed.
17  Modified 12/22/95 by John Newlin
19  1. Caught by Larry E. Tanner 70242,27.  Decreasing the Value of the Percent property
20      would fail to clear the higher segments. Fixed.
22  2. Setting the EdgeStyle propety to St95None would not eliminate painting the edge 
23  outline. Fixed.
25  by John Newlin CIS 71535,665}
27  interface
29  uses
30    WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Forms, Menus, 
31  Graphics, Dialogs;
33  type
34    StyleType = (st95None, st95Lowered, st95Raised);
35    TDirection = (dirForward, dirReverse);
36    TW95Meter = class(TGraphicControl)
37    private
38      FAlign: TAlign;
39      FPercent: Integer;
40      FBackColor: TColor;
41      FSegColor: TColor;
42      FSegWidth: Integer;
43      FSegGap: Integer;
44      FMax: Integer;
45      FEdgeStyle: StyleType;
46      FDirection: TDirection;
47      procedure Initialize;
48      procedure SetPercent(Value: Integer);
49      procedure SetAlign(Value: TAlign);
50      procedure SetBackColor(Value: TColor);
51      procedure SetDirection(Value: TDirection);
52      procedure SetSegColor(Value: TColor);
53      procedure SetSegWidth(Value: Integer);
54      procedure SetSegGap(Value: Integer);
55      procedure SetMax(Value: Integer);
56      procedure SetStyle(Value: StyleType);
57    protected
58      procedure UpdateProgress;
59      procedure Paint; override;
60      procedure AdjustSize; dynamic;
61      procedure RequestAlign; dynamic;
62    public
63      constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
64      property Canvas;
65      function IntPercent(High, Low: Longint): Integer;
66      function RealPercent(High, Low: real): Integer;
67    published
68      property OnClick;
69      property OnDblClick;
70      property OnMouseDown;
71      property OnMouseMove;
72      property OnMouseUp;
73      property Cursor;
74      property Align: TAlign read FAlign write SetAlign default alNone;
75      property Direction: TDirection read FDirection write SetDirection default 
76  dirForward;
77      property EdgeStyle: StyleType read FEdgeStyle write SetStyle default 
78  st95Lowered;
79      property SegmentGap: Integer read FSegGap write SetSegGap default 2;
80      property SegmentWidth: Integer read FSegWidth write SetSegWidth default 8;
81      property SegmentColor: TColor read FSegColor write SetSegColor default 
82  clActiveCaption;
83      property BackGroundColor: TColor read FBackColor write SetBackColor default 
84  clBtnFace;
85      property Percent: Integer read FPercent write SetPercent default 0;
86      property Max: Integer read FMax write SetMax default 100;
87      property Width default 100;
88      property Height default 18;
89    end;
91  procedure register;
93  implementation
95  procedure register;
96  begin
97    RegisterComponents('Win32', [TW95Meter]);
98  end;
100 procedure TW95Meter.SetSegWidth(Value: Integer);
101 begin
102   if (Value > 0) and (Value <> FSegWidth) then
103   begin
104     FSegWidth := Value;
105     Invalidate;
106   end;
107 end;
109 procedure TW95Meter.SetMax(Value: Integer);
110 begin
111   if Value <> FMax then
112   begin
113     FMax := Value;
114     Invalidate;
115   end;
116 end;
118 procedure TW95Meter.SetSegGap(Value: Integer);
119 begin
120   if (Value > 0) and (Value <> FSegGap) then
121   begin
122     FSegGap := Value;
123     Invalidate;
124   end;
125 end;
127 procedure TW95Meter.SetBackColor(Value: TColor);
128 begin
129   if FBackColor <> Value then
130   begin
131     FBackColor := Value;
132     Invalidate;
133   end;
134 end;
136 procedure TW95Meter.SetSegColor(Value: TColor);
137 begin
138   if FSegColor <> Value then
139   begin
140     FSegColor := Value;
141     Invalidate;
142   end;
143 end;
145 procedure TW95Meter.SetPercent(Value: Integer);
146 var
147   bRefresh: boolean;
148 begin
149   if Value <> FPercent then
150   begin
151     if FPercent > Value then
152       bRefresh := true
153     else
154       bRefresh := false;
155     FPercent := Value;
156     if (Fpercent = 0) or (bRefresh = true) or (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
157       Invalidate;
158     UpdateProgress;
159   end;
160 end;
162 procedure TW95Meter.SetStyle(Value: StyleType);
163 begin
164   if Value <> FEdgeStyle then
165   begin
166     FEdgeStyle := Value;
167     Invalidate;
168   end;
169 end;
171 procedure TW95Meter.Initialize;
172 begin
173   Width := 100;
174   Height := 18;
175   FPercent := 0;
176   FBackColor := clBtnFace;
177   FSegColor := clActiveCaption;
178   FSegWidth := 8;
179   FSegGap := 2;
180   FEdgeStyle := st95Lowered;
181   FMax := 100;
182   FDirection := dirForward;
183 end;
185 constructor TW95Meter.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
186 begin
187   inherited Create(AOwner);
188   Initialize;
189 end;
191 procedure TW95Meter.UpdateProgress;
192 var
193   x1, y1, x2, y2, max: Integer;
194   bg: TColor;
196   procedure DoHorizontalF;
197   var
198     i: Integer;
199   begin
200     x1 := 4;
201     x2 := x1 + FSegWidth;
202     y1 := 4;
203     y2 := Height - 4;
204     max := Width div (FSegWidth + FSegGap);
205     Max := round(max * (FPerCent / FMax));
206     for i := 1 to Max do
207     begin
208       with canvas do
209       begin
210         if x2 <= width - 4 then
211           Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2);
212         x1 := x1 + FSegWidth + FSegGap;
213         x2 := x1 + FSegWidth;
214       end;
215     end;
216   end;
218   procedure DoVerticalF;
219   var
220     i, h: Integer;
221   begin
222     h := height;
223     x1 := 4;
224     x2 := Width - 4;
225     y1 := Height - (FSegWidth + 4);
226     y2 := Height - 4;
227     max := Height div (FSegWidth + FSegGap);
228     max := round(max * (FPercent / FMax));
229     for i := 1 to max do
230     begin
231       with canvas do
232       begin
233         if y1 >= 4 then
234           Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2);
235         y1 := y1 - (FSegWidth + FSegGap);
236         y2 := y1 + FsegWidth;
237       end;
238     end;
239   end;
241   procedure DoHorizontalR;
242   var
243     i: Integer;
244   begin
245     x1 := Width - 4;
246     x2 := x1 - FSegWidth;
247     y1 := 4;
248     y2 := Height - 4;
249     max := Width div (FSegWidth + FSegGap);
250     Max := round(max * (FPerCent / FMax));
251     for i := 1 to Max do
252     begin
253       with canvas do
254       begin
255         if x2 <= width - 4 then
256           Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2);
257         x1 := x1 - FSegWidth - FSegGap;
258         x2 := x1 - FSegWidth;
259       end;
260     end;
261   end;
263   procedure DoVerticalR;
264   var
265     i: Integer;
266   begin
267     x1 := 4;
268     x2 := Width - 4;
269     y1 := 4;
270     y2 := 4 + FSegWidth;
271     max := Height div (FSegWidth + FSegGap);
272     max := round(max * (FPercent / FMax));
273     for i := 1 to max do
274     begin
275       with canvas do
276       begin
277         if y1 >= 4 then
278           Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2);
279         y1 := y1 + (FSegWidth + FSegGap);
280         y2 := y1 + FSegWidth;
281       end;
282     end;
283   end;
285 begin
286   canvas.pen.color := FSegColor;
287   canvas.brush.color := FsegColor;
288   case FDirection of
289     dirForward:
290       begin
291         if Width > Height then
292           DoHorizontalF
293         else
294           DoVerticalF;
295       end;
296     dirReverse:
297       begin
298         if Width > Height then
299           DoHorizontalR
300         else
301           DoVerticalR;
302       end;
303   end;
304 end;
306 procedure TW95Meter.Paint;
307 begin
308   with Canvas do
309   begin
310     Brush.Color := FBackColor;
311     if FEdgeStyle = st95none then
312     begin
313       Pen.Width := 0;
314       Pen.Color := FBackColor;
315       Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
316       if FPercent > 0 then
317         UpdateProgress;
318       exit;
319     end;
320     pen.Width := 2;
321     if FEdgeStyle = st95Lowered then
322       pen.color := clgray
323     else
324       pen.color := clWhite;
325     moveto(0, height);
326     lineto(0, 0);
327     lineto(width - 1, 0);
328     if FEdgeStyle = st95Lowered then
329       pen.color := clWhite
330     else
331       pen.color := clGray;
332     lineto(width - 1, height - 1);
333     lineto(0, height - 1);
334     Pen.Width := 0;
335     Brush.Color := FBackColor;
336     Pen.Color := FBackColor;
337     Rectangle(1, 1, Width - 1, Height - 1);
338     if FPercent > 0 then
339       UpdateProgress;
340   end;
341 end;
343 function TW95Meter.RealPercent(High, Low: Real): Integer;
344 begin
345   result := 0;
346   if High = 0.0 then
347     exit;
348   Result := Round((Low / High) * FMax);
349 end;
351 function TW95Meter.IntPercent(High, Low: Longint): Integer;
352 begin
353   result := 0;
354   if High = 0 then
355     exit;
356   Result := Round((low / high) * FMax);
357 end;
359 procedure TW95Meter.SetAlign(Value: TAlign);
360 var
361   OldAlign: TAlign;
362 begin
363   if FAlign <> Value then
364   begin
365     OldAlign := FAlign;
366     FAlign := Value;
367     if not (csLoading in ComponentState) and (not (csDesigning in ComponentState) or
368       (Parent <> nil)) then
369       if ((OldAlign in [alTop, alBottom]) = (Value in [alRight, alLeft])) and
370         not (OldAlign in [alNone, alClient]) and not (Value in [alNone, alClient]) 
371 then
372         SetBounds(Left, Top, Height, Width)
373       else
374         AdjustSize;
375   end;
376 end;
378 procedure TW95Meter.AdjustSize;
379 begin
380   if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then
381     SetBounds(Left, Top, Width, Height);
382 end;
384 procedure TW95Meter.RequestAlign;
385 begin
386   { if Parent <> nil then Parent.AlignControl(Self); }
387 end;
389 procedure TW95Meter.SetDirection(Value: TDirection);
390 begin
391   if Value <> FDirection then
392   begin
393     FDirection := Value;
394     Invalidate;
395   end;
396 end;
398 end.

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