Author: Alec Bergamini
I'd like to be able to speak into my computers microphone and have what I say
translated into text that is entered into my application. How Can I do this?
This article shows how you can add simple dictation speech recognition capabilities
to an application. First some technical considerations will be discussed followed
by the creation of a small application that will allow the user to add words to a
TMemo by speaking into a microphone attached to the computers sound card.
If you did not read Speech Part 1 you should go read it now. It tells you how to
get the Microsoft Speech API 5.1 (SAPI) and install it on your system and in
SAPI version 5.1 supports two distinct types of speech recognition; dictation and
command and control. It’s important to understand the differences between the two
in order to make correct decisions in the design of your speech enabled
Dictation Speech Recognition
Dictation refers to a type of speech recognition where the machine listens to what
you say and attempts to translate it into text. This all happens inside the speech
engine and you don’t need to worry about it although a little theory may be
helpful. Most modern dictation engines use a scheme where they listen to what’s
said and break what they hear down into a series of word hypothesis. Each word
hypothesis may actually contain a list of possible words with each word given some
probability of correctness. So, for example, if I say “The quick red fox” the
computer will likely break this down into 4 separate word hypothesis. The “fox”
hypothesis may contain the possibilities of “fax”, “box”, “fix”, etc. These
individual word hypothesis are then “put in context”. That is, each word is
considered in relation to the words that came before and after. Based on the rules
of context the speech engine comes to a final “best” decision about what was spoken
and returns it to the application. In dictation, context is the name of the game.
For this reason, dictation engines are considered to be contextual. (My apologies
to any ASR scientists reading this for this minimalist explanation.)
As you may imagine, the accuracy of dictation ties directly to the CPU's speed and
the system's available memory. The more resources, the more context that can be
considered in a reasonable amount of time the more likely the resulting recognition
will be accurate. The truth is that the basic principals on how to do speech
recognition have not changed in over 20 years. What has changed is the power of the
PC and it’s the processing power of modern PCs that makes speech recognition
finally usable.
Also important to accurate dictation recognition is the engine having some
understanding of the individual speaker’s voice. First speech engines are specific
to language and possibly even region. This is why we see English engines and French
engines and Chinese engines, etc. Beyond languages though, there are differences
(sometimes extreme) within a language. A 5 year old girl sounds very different to
the computer than a 47 year old man. This is why most current dictation engines
require voice training.
If you have SAPI 5.1 installed, go to your system’s Control Panel and click the
Speech icon. On the speech recognition tab you will find a button called >Train
Profile..< that brings up the voice training wizard. If you haven’t already done
so, you should take the time to complete at least one session. The more sessions
you complete, the more accurate you can expect the dictation recognition. By the
way, you have access to this wizard from the SDK and you can even provide the text
for you own personal training sessions. In fact, taking a fairly long document
that’s you’ve written in your own particular style and using that to train the
engine can dramatically improve your own personal dictations.
Command and Control Speech Recognition
While dictation recognition is use primarily for recording what a user says and
translating it into text, Command and Control (CnC) speech recognition is used for
controlling applications. In the same way that you click your mouse on the browser
icon on your desktop to access the internet you could speak “Computer, run
browser”, or even better “Compute, go to” to accomplish the same thing.
Currently you are used to controlling your computer by you mouse and keyboard. CnC
recognition adds a third input device, you voice.
CnC speech recognition is fundamentally different from dictation recognition in
that it is recognition without regard to context. That is, there are no CPU cycles
spent trying to determine if a word is correct by looking at the words that come
before or after. For this reason CnC recognition is often also know as context free
Instead of using context, CnC recognition uses pre-defined grammars. These grammars
contain rules, and each rule can then have a programmed response. So, in developing
an application that uses CnC recognition the programmer defines both the grammar
and the rules as well as the response to the recognition of each rule.
If grammars and rules are managed properly CnC recognitions can be much more
accurate than dictation recognition. This is because the number of words that need
to be recognized for CnC is only a subset of the universe of words needed for
dictation. With CnC the engine only need to worry about the words in the active
grammar not all the words in the dictionary. Fewer possibilities mean better
It turns out that dictation recognition is much more difficult for speech engine
developers than CnC recognition. But for us as the application developer it is much
easier to implement simple dictation in an application than CnC because with
dictation we don’t need to worry about writing a grammar. For this reason I’m
starting with dictation instead of CnC. I’ll probably do CnC and grammar
development in the next article.
A Simple Dictation Application
All right then, let’s build an application that takes dictation.
[ Delphi 6 users – In the process of testing this sample in Delphi 6 I ran into a
known problem with event sinks generated from type library imports. See Article
number 2590 for more information and some work arounds.
Start up Delphi (5 or 6, 4 might work to but I didn’t try it). On the SAPI5 palette
(see Speech Part 1 if you don’t have one) find the TSpSharedRecoContext component
and drop it on your form along with a TMemo component.
Add the ActiveX unit to your uses clause and add a private field to the form called
fMyGrammar of type IspeechRecoGrammar.
Create an onCreate event for the form, plus OnRecognition and OnHypothesis events
for the SpSharedRecoContext component. You complete unit should look something like
1 unit Unit1;
3 interface
5 uses
6 Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
7 Dialogs, OleServer, SpeechLib_TLB, StdCtrls, ActiveX, ComCtrls;
9 type
10 TForm1 = class(TForm)
11 SpSharedRecoContext1: TSpSharedRecoContext;
12 Memo1: TMemo;
13 procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
14 procedure SpSharedRecoContext1Recognition(Sender: TObject;
15 StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant;
16 RecognitionType: TOleEnum; var Result: OleVariant);
17 procedure SpSharedRecoContext1Hypothesis(Sender: TObject;
18 StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant;
19 var Result: OleVariant);
20 private
21 { Private declarations }
22 fMyGrammar: ISpeechRecoGrammar;
23 public
24 { Public declarations }
25 end;
27 var
28 Form1: TForm1;
30 implementation
32 {$R *.dfm}
34 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
35 begin
36 fMyGrammar := SpSharedRecoContext1.CreateGrammar(0);
37 fMyGrammar.DictationSetState(SGDSActive);
38 end;
40 procedure TForm1.SpSharedRecoContext1Recognition(Sender: TObject;
41 StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant;
42 RecognitionType: TOleEnum; var Result: OleVariant);
43 begin
44 Memo1.Text := Result.PhraseInfo.GetText;
45 end;
47 procedure TForm1.SpSharedRecoContext1Hypothesis(Sender: TObject;
48 StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant;
49 var Result: OleVariant);
50 begin
51 Memo1.Text := Result.PhraseInfo.GetText;
52 end;
54 end.
Compile and run this. Speak something. Your words should appear in the memo field.
If they do not shut the application down and:
Make sure you microphone is not muted.
Use the Speech control panel applet to make sure that your microphone and the
recognition engine is working properly.
Now try it again.
The SAPI 5.1 automation objects support both dictation and CnC speech recognition.
Of the 19 components installed the following 4 are central to speech recognition.
The SpInprocRecognizer represents a speech recognition engine that is instantiated
in the same process as the application.
The SpSharedRecognizer represents an instance of a speech recognition engine that
is shared by many applications.
The SpInprocRecoContext is a recognition context that uses a SpInprocRecognizer.
The SpSharedRecoContext is recognition context that uses a SpSharedRecognizer.
Shared vs. Inprocess
An application can use either an inprocess instance of a speech engine
(SpInprocRecognizer) or an instance that is shared with other applications
(SpSharedRecognizer). The inprocess recognizer claims resources for the
application, so, for example, once an inprocess recognizer claims the system’s
microphone, no other application can use it.
A shared recognizer runs in a separate process from the application and, as a
result, it can be shared with other applications. This allows multiple applications
to share system resources (like the microphone).
In our sample we are using a shared engine. In most desktop applications shared is
the way to go. Using a shared recognizer allows your application to play nicely
with other speech enabled applications on your system. If your application is
targeted for some dedicated machine like one running a telephone voice response
application then the inprocess approach would be appropriate. Inprocess recognition
is somewhat more efficient then shared recognition.
Recognition Contexts
A recognition context is an object that manages the relationship between the
recognition engine object (the recognizer) and the application. Do not confuse the
use of the word “context“ as used here with its usage in “context free grammar”.
A single recognizer can be used by many contexts. For example, a speech enabled
application with 3 forms will likely have a single engine instance with a separate
context of each form. When one form gets the focus its context becomes active and
the other two forms contexts are disabled. In this way, only the commands relevant
to the one form are recognized by the engine. Another example as seen in Microsoft
Word XP where there is one context for dictation and another context for issuing
menu commands.
The recognition context is the primary means by which an application interacts with
SAPI. It is the object you use to start and stop recognition and it is the object
that receives the event notifications when something is recognized. Further, the
recognition context controls which words (grammars and/or dictation) are
recognized. By setting recognition contexts, applications limit or expand the scope
of the words needed for a particular aspect of the application. This granularity
for speech recognition improves the quality of recognition by removing words not
needed at that moment. Conversely, the granularity also allows words to be added to
the application if needed.
In our example above we do the simple thing (at least programmatically) and just
load dictation. This means that all words will attempt to be recognized. The other
possibility is to load one or more specific grammars. Grammars are a big subject
and will be covered in a later article.
There’s a lot more on the subjects of recognition contexts and inprocess vs. shared
recognizers in the SAPI 5.1 documentation but for now that’s enough to talk about
the sample code.
What the sample code does
First, here is the form’s OnCreate event.
55 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
56 begin
57 fMyGrammar := SpSharedRecoContext1.CreateGrammar(0);
58 fMyGrammar.DictationSetState(SGDSActive);
59 end;
Just two lines of code to set the whole recognition process in motion. First we
need to create a grammar (CreateGrammar) object for the engine and then we instruct
this grammar that it is to attempt to recognize all words by
Notice that neither on the form or in the code do we ever instantiate a
SpSharedRecognizer. This is because SAPI is smart enough to create the shared
recognizer object for us automatically when the SpSharedRecoContext is created.
Next we need some way for the application to be informed by the engine when it
recognizes something. This is done through the OnRecognition event.
60 procedure TForm1.SpSharedRecoContext1Recognition(Sender: object;
61 StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant;
62 RecognitionType: TOleEnum; var Result: OleVariant);
63 begin
64 Memo1.Text := Result.PhraseInfo.GetText;
65 end;
Of the various parameters passed in the OnRecogntion event, the Result parameter is
the key. Although declared as an OleVariant for interprocess communications it’s
really an object with an ISpeechRecoResult interface. This interface lets you get
all sorts of information about what was said and what the recognizer understood.
Some of the information available through this interface includes; the words
recognized, a rating of the engine’s confidence in the recognition, when the
recognition happened and how long it took. You can even play back the audio for
what was said. Much of the information returned is only useful for context free
grammars and doesn’t apply to dictation.
In the sample we just call the GetText method to return the text of what the engine
The OnRecogintion event only fire when the engine is satisfied that the user has
uttered a complete phase and that it has made its best guess about what the user
said. You could run the sample application with only this event defined and it
would work.
I added the OnHypothesis event so you could get a feel for how the engine, working
in dictation mode, uses all the words together (in context) to create hypothesis’,
make corrections, and, finally, come to a decision about what was said.
That’s enough for now
Speech recognition is a very big subject. I’ve scratched the surface of dictation
speech recognition but there is much more. To write a really usable dictation
application the user will need ways to correct mistakes and give the speech
recognition engines commands like “Bold the last 3 words”. While possible with SAPI
this level of discussion is beyond the scope of this introduction. I urge to study
the documentation that comes with the SAPI SDK.
I haven’t give much more than passing mention of CnC context free grammars. CnC
recognition and grammars will be the next article.
OK not quite enough
I couldn’t leave the sample application alone. Here’s a slightly modified version
that is a bit more satisfying in that it lets you keep multiple utterances.
66 type
67 TForm1 = class(TForm)
68 SpSharedRecoContext1: TSpSharedRecoContext;
69 Memo1: TMemo;
70 procedure ButtonSpeakClick(Sender: TObject);
71 procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
72 procedure SpSharedRecoContext1Recognition(Sender: TObject;
73 StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant;
74 RecognitionType: TOleEnum; var Result: OleVariant);
75 procedure SpSharedRecoContext1Hypothesis(Sender: TObject;
76 StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant;
77 var Result: OleVariant);
78 private
79 { Private declarations }
80 fMyGrammar: ISpeechRecoGrammar;
81 CurrentText: string;
82 public
83 { Public declarations }
84 end;
86 var
87 Form1: TForm1;
89 implementation
91 {$R *.dfm}
93 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
94 begin
95 fMyGrammar := SpSharedRecoContext1.CreateGrammar(0);
96 fMyGrammar.DictationSetState(SGDSActive);
97 end;
99 procedure TForm1.SpSharedRecoContext1Recognition(Sender: TObject;
100 StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant;
101 RecognitionType: TOleEnum; var Result: OleVariant);
102 begin
103 Memo1.Text := CurrentText + Result.PhraseInfo.GetText;
104 CurrentText := Memo1.Text;
105 end;
107 procedure TForm1.SpSharedRecoContext1Hypothesis(Sender: TObject;
108 StreamNumber: Integer; StreamPosition: OleVariant;
109 var Result: OleVariant);
110 begin
111 Memo1.Text := CurrentText + Result.PhraseInfo.GetText;
112 end;
114 end. //really