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How to build a Table Tree from Records to Objects Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Delphi 2.x
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Max Kleiner

In a relational database like the well known IBLocal you find a table DEPARTMENT 
which has a self join on her own, means there is a tree inside with a Parent/Child 


In a relational database like the well known IBLocal you find a table DEPARTMENT 
which has a  self join on her own, means there is a tree inside with a Parent/Child 

DEPT_NO       DEPARTMENT                 HEAD_DEPT 
100           Sales and Marketing        000 
120           European Headquarters      100 
121           Field Office Swiss         120 
and so on... 

This article is aimed mainly at people interested in trees and recurcions who need 
to find their  way around self referencing system and get going with a 
object-visualisation in a tree. Furthermore it's an example for the Composite 
Design Pattern.   
First we need a startprocedure mainly to call the query, build the tree with 
records in objects and   show the tree at last: 
2   procedure TForm1.btnTreeSelfClick(Sender: TObject);
3   var
4     dimlist: TStringList;
5   begin
6     dimlist := TStringlist.create;
7     datdepartment := TBusinessObj.Create(nil);
8     try
9       if datDepartment.open_recursiveQuery then
10        with TDims.create(nil, DimList) do
11        begin
12          FillTree(treeview1, nil);
13          Free;
14        end;
15      treeview1.FullExpand;
16      btnLTree.visible := true;
17    finally;
18      dimlist.Free;
19      datDepartment.Free;
20    end;
21  end;

The records in the query must follow one condition [child# > parent#], means a 
child like  "FieldOffice Swiss" has a child# 121 so the parent it belongs is 120. 
So we call the query and open the dataset:     
23  function TBusinessObj.open_recursiveQuery: boolean;
24  begin
25    result := false;
26    with qryselfTree do
27    begin
28      try
29        SQL.Clear;
30        SQL.add('SELECT dept_no, department, location, head_dept' +
31          ' FROM department ORDER BY dept_no');
32        open;
33        result := true;
34      except on EDataBaseError do
35          showmessage('data not found');
36      end;
37    end;
38  end;

Next we implement a class which holds at runtime the whole tree table in objects. 
Every object is a stored record from the table DEPARTMENT with the attributes you 
want to publish or  manipulate at runtime. Grace the members FParent, FChild the 
whole table is chained in objects  with a top level object, in our case the 
CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS. This top level object doesn't have a parent, the parent is 

39  TDims = class(TObject)
40  private
41    FstrDimArt: string;
42    FstrDimArtBez: string;
43    FParent: TDims;
44    FChilds: TList;
45  public
46    constructor create(Sender: TDims; myRegister: TStringList);
47    destructor Destroy; override;
48    procedure FillTree(aOl: TTreeview; xnode: TTreenode);
49    function IsDimartInChilds(DimArt: string): Boolean;
50    property DimArtBez: string read FstrDimArtBez;
51    property DimArt: string read FstrDimArt;
52    property treechilds: TList read FChilds;
53  end;

Now comes the real power part, a recursive constructor which collects all records 
to build the  tree in memory. When a parent like "Sales and Marketing" finds some 
childs like "European  Headquarters" it creates new objects in a recursion and adds 
the object to the list: 

FChilds.Add(TDims.create(self, myRegister));

Recursions aren't dark chapter by opening in Delphi the debug windows "Call Stack 
and Local  Variables" you'll learn a lot. When a function name appears anywhere 
else in a statement block,  the compiler interprets it as a recursive call to the 
function itself. 
The constructor has been used to recursively include another objects. But in every 
tree an object  without childs terminates without having cycles in them. The last 
level of a tree is almost the  deepness of recursions. 
By the way do you know the explanation of a recursion in a "well behaved" 

Recursion: See under Recursion ;) 

Let jokes aside, here it is: 
A programming technique in which a subroutine calls itself. Use care to ensure that 
a recursion eventually exits. Otherwise, an infinite recursion will cause a stack 
55  constructor TDims.create(Sender: TDims; myRegister: TStringList);
56  var
57    bmAkt: TBookmark;
58  begin
59    inherited Create;
60    with datDepartment.qrySelfTree do
61    begin
62      FstrDimArt := fieldByName('DEPT_NO').AsString;
63      FstrDimArtBez := fieldbyName('DEPARTMENT').AsString;
64      myRegister.AddObject(Format('%10s', [FstrDimArt]), self);
65      FChilds := TList.Create;
66      FParent := Sender;
67      bmAkt := GetBookmark;
68      if Locate('DEPT_NO', FstrDimArt, []) then
69        while not (EOF) do
70        begin
71          if (fieldByName('HEAD_DEPT').Asstring = FstrDimArt) then
72            FChilds.Add(TDims.create(self, myRegister));
73          Next;
74        end;
75      GotoBookmark(bmAkt);
76      FreeBookmark(bmAkt);
77    end;
78  end;
80  destructor TDims.Destroy;
81  var
82    i: integer;
83  begin
84    if FChilds <> nil then
85      for i := 0 to FChilds.Count - 1 do
86        TDims(FChilds[i]).Free;
87    FChilds.Free;
88    inherited Destroy;
89  end;

Now comes the last part, the most efficient way to represent the tabel tree in a 
view. TTreeView represents a window that displays a hierarchical list of items, 
such as the headings in a document, the entries in an index, or the files and 
directories on a disk. 
Use TTreeView to add an expanding and contracting outline to a form. Each node in a 
tree view  control consists of a label and a number of optional bitmapped images. 
Each node can have a  list of subnodes associated with it. By clicking on a node, 
the user can expand or collapse the associated list of subnodes. 
At run-time nodes can be added and inserted by using the TTreeNodes methods 
AddChildFirst, AddChild, AddChildObjectFirst, AddChildObject, AddFirst, Add, 
AddObjectFirst, AddObject and Insert. We only need AddChild: 
91  procedure TDims.FillTree(aOl: TTreeview; xnode: TTreenode);
92  var
93    i: integer;
94    dbcontent: string[255];
95  begin
96    dbcontent := dimart + ' ' + dimartbez;
97    xnode := aOl.items.addchild(xnode, dbcontent);
98    for i := 0 to treechilds.Count - 1 do
99      TDims(treechilds.items[i]).FillTree(aOl, xnode);
100 end;

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