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How to Customize the Open Dialog Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Delphi 3.x
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Vimil Saju

How can I customize the open dialog by adding any control to it.


I have created a component that lets you do just this. 

Here is the code. 

1   unit CusOpen;
2   interface
4   uses
5     classes, forms, sysutils, messages, windows, controls, dialogs, extctrls;
7   type
8     TOnPaint = procedure(sender: TObject) of object;
9     TControlInfo = record
10      control: Tcontrol;
11      parent: tWincontrol;
12    end;
13    PControlInfo = ^TControlInfo;
14  type
15    TCustomOpenDialog = class(TOpenDialog)
16    private
17      cpanel: Tpanel;
18      Controls: Tlist;
19      fOnResize: TNotifyEvent;
20      fOnPaint: TOnPaint;
21      fdwidth: integer;
22      fdheight: integer;
23      fexecute: boolean;
24      fdefproc: TFarProc;
25      fcurproc: TFarProc;
26      procedure SetHeight(aheight: integer);
27      procedure SetWidth(awidth: integer);
28    protected
29      procedure WndProc(var msg: TMessage); override;
30      procedure DlgProc(var msg: TMessage);
31    public
32      constructor Create(Aowner: Tcomponent); override;
33      destructor destroy; override;
34      procedure SetDialogSize(awidth: integer; aheight: integer);
35      function AddControl(AControl: TControl): boolean;
36      function RemoveControl(AControl: TControl): boolean;
37      function Execute: boolean; override;
38      property DialogWidth: integer read fdwidth write SetWidth;
39      property DialogHeight: integer read fdheight write SetHeight;
40    published
41      property OnResize: TNotifyEvent read fOnresize write fonresize;
42      property OnPaint: TOnPaint read fOnpaint write fonpaint;
43    end;
45  procedure register;
46  implementation
48  constructor TCustomOpenDialog.Create(Aowner: Tcomponent);
49  begin
50    fdheight := 0;
51    fdwidth := 0;
52    fexecute := false;
53    cpanel := Tpanel.create(self);
54    cpanel.Caption := '';
55    cpanel.BevelInner := bvnone;
56    cpanel.BevelOuter := bvnone;
57    controls := Tlist.Create;
58    inherited Create(Aowner);
59  end;
61  destructor TCustomOpenDialog.destroy;
62  var
63    i: integer;
64    pcinfo: PControlInfo;
65  begin
66    for i := 0 to controls.count - 1 do
67    begin
68      pcinfo := controls.Items[i];
69      dispose(pcinfo);
70    end;
71    freeandnil(controls);
72    freeandnil(cpanel);
73    FreeObjectInstance(fcurproc);
74    inherited;
75  end;
77  procedure TCustomOpenDialog.SetHeight(aheight: integer);
78  begin
79    if (aheight >= 0) then
80    begin
81      fdheight := aheight;
82      if fexecute then
83      begin
84        setwindowpos(getparent(handle), 0, 0, 0, fdwidth, fdheight, SWP_NOMOVE or
85          SWP_NOREPOSITION);
86        cpanel.SetBounds(0, 0, fdwidth, fdheight);
87      end;
88    end;
89  end;
91  procedure TCustomOpenDialog.SetWidth(awidth: integer);
92  begin
93    if (awidth >= 0) then
94    begin
95      fdwidth := awidth;
96      if fexecute then
97      begin
98        setwindowpos(getparent(handle), 0, 0, 0, fdwidth, fdheight, SWP_NOMOVE or
99          SWP_NOREPOSITION);
100       cpanel.SetBounds(0, 0, fdwidth, fdheight);
101     end;
102   end;
103 end;
105 procedure TCustomOpenDialog.SetDialogSize(awidth: integer; aheight: integer);
106 begin
107   if (awidth >= 0) and (aheight >= 0) then
108   begin
109     fdwidth := awidth;
110     fdheight := aheight;
111     if fexecute then
112     begin
113       setwindowpos(getparent(handle), 0, 0, 0, fdwidth, fdheight, SWP_NOMOVE or
114         SWP_NOREPOSITION);
115       cpanel.SetBounds(0, 0, fdwidth, fdheight);
116     end;
117   end;
118 end;
120 procedure TCustomOpenDialog.WndProc(var Msg: TMessage);
121 var
122   i: integer;
123   rct: Trect;
124 begin
125   inherited WndProc(msg);
126   if msg.Msg = WM_INITDIALOG then
127   begin
128     fdefproc := TFarProc(GetWindowLong(getparent(handle), GWL_WNDPROC));
129     fcurproc := MakeObjectInstance(DlgProc);
130     SetWindowlong(getparent(handle), GWL_WNDPROC, longword(fcurProc));
131     if (fdwidth > 0) and (fdheight > 0) then
132       setwindowpos(getparent(handle), 0, 0, 0, fdwidth, fdheight, SWP_NOREPOSITION 
133 or
134         SWP_NOMOVE)
135     else
136     begin
137       getclientrect(getparent(handle), rct);
138       fdwidth := rct.right;
139       fdheight := rct.bottom;
140     end;
141     cpanel.parentwindow := getparent(handle);
142     setparent(cpanel.handle, getparent(handle));
143     cpanel.SetBounds(0, 0, fdwidth, fdheight);
144     setwindowpos(cpanel.handle, HWND_BOTTOM, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOMOVE);
145     cpanel.visible := true;
146     cpanel.enabled := true;
147     for i := 0 to controls.count - 1 do
148       PControlInfo(controls[i]).control.Parent := cpanel;
149   end;
150 end;
152 function TCustomOpenDialog.AddControl(AControl: TControl): boolean;
153 var
154   pcinfo: pcontrolinfo;
155 begin
156   result := false;
157   if (acontrol is TControl) then
158   begin
159     new(pcinfo);
160     pcinfo.control := acontrol;
161     pcinfo.parent := TControl(acontrol).parent;
162     Controls.Add(pcinfo);
163     result := true;
164   end;
165 end;
167 function TCustomOpenDialog.RemoveControl(AControl: TControl): boolean;
168 var
169   i: integer;
170   pcinfo: PControlInfo;
171 begin
172   result := false;
173   if (acontrol is TControl) then
174   begin
175     for i := 0 to controls.count - 1 do
176     begin
177       pcinfo := controls.Items[i];
178       if pcinfo.control = acontrol then
179       begin
180         Tcontrol(acontrol).Parent := pcinfo.parent;
181         Controls.Remove(pcinfo);
182         dispose(pcinfo);
183         result := true;
184         break;
185       end;
186     end;
187   end;
188 end;
190 function TCustomOpenDialog.Execute: boolean;
191 begin
192   fexecute := true;
193   result := inherited Execute;
194 end;
196 procedure TCustomOpenDialog.DlgProc(var msg: Tmessage);
197 var
198   rct: TRect;
199   pcinfo: PControlInfo;
200   fcallinherited: boolean;
201   i: integer;
202 begin
203   fcallinherited := true;
204   case msg.msg of
205     WM_SIZE:
206       begin
207         getclientrect(getparent(handle), rct);
208         fdheight := rct.Bottom;
209         fdwidth := rct.Right;
210         cpanel.SetBounds(0, 0, fdwidth, fdheight);
211         if assigned(fOnResize) then
212           fOnresize(self);
213       end;
214     WM_PAINT:
215       begin
216         if assigned(fonpaint) then
217           fonpaint(self);
218       end;
219     WM_CLOSE:
220       begin
221         for i := 0 to controls.count - 1 do
222         begin
223           pcinfo := controls.Items[i];
224           Tcontrol(pcinfo.control).Parent := pcinfo.parent;
225           Controls.Remove(pcinfo);
226           dispose(pcinfo);
227         end;
228       end;
229   end;
230   if fcallinherited then
231     msg.result := CallWindowProc(fdefproc, getparent(handle), msg.msg, msg.wparam,
232       msg.lparam);
233 end;
235 procedure register;
236 begin
237   RegisterComponents('My Components', [TCustomOpenDialog]);
238 end;
240 end.

save it into a .pas file and register the component. 

This component implements three functions

procedure SetDialogSize(width: integer; height: integer);

This procedure lets you set the mount of space you want to leave for your controls. 

function AddControl(AControl: TControl): boolean;

This function is used to add an already created control to open dialog 

function RemoveControl(AControl: TControl): boolean;

This function is used to remove a control from the dialog. 

Note that when the opendialogbox is closed all controls added to the dialog are 
automatically destroyed. So these components cannot be used after the dialog is 

An example of how to use the component is  shown below 

241 unit test;
243 interface
245 uses
246   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
247   ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, CusOpen, ExtDlgs;
249 type
250   TForm1 = class(TForm)
251     CustomOpenDialog1: TCustomOpenDialog;
252     Button1: TButton;
253     Image1: TImage;
254     procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
255     procedure CustomOpenDialog1SelectionChange(Sender: TObject);
256   private
257     { Private declarations }
258   public
259     { Public declarations }
260   end;
262 var
263   Form1: TForm1;
265 implementation
267 {$R *.DFM}
269 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
270 begin
271   CustomOpenDialog1.SetDialogSize(600, 325);
272   CustomOpenDialog1.AddControl(image1);
273   image1.left := 430;
274 := 35;
275   CustomOpenDialog1.execute;
276 end;
278 procedure TForm1.CustomOpenDialog1SelectionChange(Sender: TObject);
279 begin
280   try
281     image1.Picture.LoadFromFile(CustomOpenDialog1.FileName);
282   except
283   end;
284 end;
286 end.

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