Author: Tomas Rutkauskas
How do I force hints to be shown where I want? The hint for a stringgrid currently
is showing up right below it, where it doesn't get noticed if the user is moving
his/ her mouse over the top of the grid and the grid is large. Ideally I'd want
that little yellow boxed hint to show as close to the cursor as possible.
1 2 procedure TArrangerForm.AppShowHint(var HintStr: string; var CanShow: Boolean;
3 var HintInfo: THintInfo);
4 var5 i: integer;
6 begin7 with HintInfo do8 begin9 if (HintControl = LocatorPanel1) then10 with LocatorPanel1 do11 begin12 ifnot (csLButtonDown in ControlState) then13 begin14 i := FindListMarker(CursorPos.X);
15 if (i >= 0) then16 begin17 HintPos :=
18 ClientToScreen(Point(TimeToPixel(MarkerList.Markers[i].Offset) + 10, 2));
19 Application.HintPause := 0;
20 Application.HintHidePause := MaxInt;
21 CanShow := True;
22 exit;
23 end;
24 end;
25 CanShow := False;
26 end;
27 end;
28 Application.HintPause := 800;
29 Application.HintHidePause := 2500;
30 end;