Author: Jonas Bilinkevicius
I'd like to insert enough spaces between two strings to make a caption for a
titlebar show the pieces justified left and right. For example, program name on the
left and copyright notice on the right.
The DrawText API function supports drawing justified text. Below is an example:
1 { ... }2 var3 R: TRect;
4 fmt: UINT;
5 begin6 R := ClientRect; {define your rectangle to draw the text}7 with Canvas do{canvas to paint on}8 begin9 fmt := DT_LEFT;
10 DrawText(Handle, PChar(LeftSide), Length(LeftSide), R, fmt);
11 fmt := DT_RIGHT;
12 DrawText(Handle, PChar(RightSide), Length(RightSide), R, fmt);
13 end;
14 end;