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How to ping without raw sockets Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Implementing Internet Pings Using Icmp.dll 25-Oct-04
Delphi All Versions
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Perevoznyk, Serhiy
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			Windows supports an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) to determine whether 
or not a particular host is available. ICMP is a network layer protocol that 
delivers flow control, error messages, routing, and other data between Internet 
hosts. ICMP is primarily used by application developers for a network ping. 
A ping is the process of sending an echo message to an IP address and reading the 
reply to verify a connection between TCP/IP hosts. 
If you are writing new application will be better to use the Winsock 2 raw sockets 
support, implemented in Indy, for example. 
Please note, however, that for Windows NT and Windows 2000 implementations, Raw 
Sockets are subject to security checks and are accessible only to members of the 
administrator's group. 
Icmp.dll provides functionality that allows developers to write Internet ping 
applications on Windows systems without Winsock 2 support. 
Note that the Winsock 1.1 WSAStartup function must be called prior to using the 
functions exposed by ICMP.DLL. 
If you do not do this, the first call to IcmpSendEcho will fail with error 10091 

1   unit Ping;
3   interface
4   uses
5     Windows, SysUtils, Classes;
7   type
8     TSunB = packed record
9       s_b1, s_b2, s_b3, s_b4: byte;
10    end;
12    TSunW = packed record
13      s_w1, s_w2: word;
14    end;
16    PIPAddr = ^TIPAddr;
17    TIPAddr = record
18      case integer of
19        0: (S_un_b: TSunB);
20        1: (S_un_w: TSunW);
21        2: (S_addr: longword);
22    end;
24   IPAddr = TIPAddr;
26  function IcmpCreateFile : THandle; stdcall; external 'icmp.dll';
27  function IcmpCloseHandle (icmpHandle : THandle) : boolean; stdcall; external 
28  'icmp.dll'
29  function IcmpSendEcho (IcmpHandle : THandle; DestinationAddress : IPAddr;
30      RequestData : Pointer; RequestSize : Smallint;
31      RequestOptions : pointer;
32      ReplyBuffer : Pointer;
33      ReplySize : DWORD;
34      Timeout : DWORD) : DWORD; stdcall; external 'icmp.dll';
37  function Ping(InetAddress : string) : boolean;
39  implementation
41  uses
42    WinSock;
44  function Fetch(var AInput: string; const ADelim: string = ' '; const ADelete: 
45  Boolean = true)
46   : string;
47  var
48    iPos: Integer;
49  begin
50    if ADelim = #0 then begin
51      // AnsiPos does not work with #0
52      iPos := Pos(ADelim, AInput);
53    end else begin
54      iPos := Pos(ADelim, AInput);
55    end;
56    if iPos = 0 then begin
57      Result := AInput;
58      if ADelete then begin
59        AInput := '';
60      end;
61    end else begin
62      result := Copy(AInput, 1, iPos - 1);
63      if ADelete then begin
64        Delete(AInput, 1, iPos + Length(ADelim) - 1);
65      end;
66    end;
67  end;
69  procedure TranslateStringToTInAddr(AIP: string; var AInAddr);
70  var
71    phe: PHostEnt;
72    pac: PChar;
73    GInitData: TWSAData;
74  begin
75    WSAStartup($101, GInitData);
76    try
77      phe := GetHostByName(PChar(AIP));
78      if Assigned(phe) then
79      begin
80        pac := phe^.h_addr_list^;
81        if Assigned(pac) then
82        begin
83          with TIPAddr(AInAddr).S_un_b do begin
84            s_b1 := Byte(pac[0]);
85            s_b2 := Byte(pac[1]);
86            s_b3 := Byte(pac[2]);
87            s_b4 := Byte(pac[3]);
88          end;
89        end
90        else
91        begin
92          raise Exception.Create('Error getting IP from HostName');
93        end;
94      end
95      else
96      begin
97        raise Exception.Create('Error getting HostName');
98      end;
99    except
100     FillChar(AInAddr, SizeOf(AInAddr), #0);
101   end;
102   WSACleanup;
103 end;
105 function Ping(InetAddress : string) : boolean;
106 var
107  Handle : THandle;
108  InAddr : IPAddr;
109  DW : DWORD;
110  rep : array[1..128] of byte;
111 begin
112   result := false;
113   Handle := IcmpCreateFile;
114   if Handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
115    Exit;
116   TranslateStringToTInAddr(InetAddress, InAddr);
117   DW := IcmpSendEcho(Handle, InAddr, nil, 0, nil, @rep, 128, 0);
118   Result := (DW <> 0);
119   IcmpCloseHandle(Handle);
120 end;
122 end.

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