Author: William Gerbert
I was just wondering what the best way to save a particular font to the registry
would be. Do I have to save each of its attributes separately? Is there an easier
way than storing it to the registry, perhaps? Seems like such a simple issue, but
other than saving and loading each attribute separately, I can't think of a way to
do it at one time!
You can do it by getting a TLogfont record filled and save that to a binary key:
1 var
2 lf: TLogfont;
3 begin
4 fillchar(lf, sizeof(lf), 0);
5 GetObject(font.handle, sizeof(lf), @lf);
6 registry.WriteBinarydata(valuename, lf, sizeof(lf));
7 end;
10 //Reading it back would go like this:
13 registry.ReadBinarydata(valuename, lf, sizeof(lf));
14 font.handle := CreateFontIndirect(lf);
A probably more Kylix-compatible method would be to create a non-visual wrapper
component for a TFont and stream that, e.g. to a memory stream. The streams content
could then be saved to a binary registry key.
15 type
16 TFontWrapper = class(TComponent)
17 private
18 FFont: TFont;
19 procedure SetFont(f: TFont);
20 public
21 constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
22 destructor Destroy; override;
23 published
24 property Font: TFont read FFont write SetFont;
25 end;
27 constructor TFontWrapper.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
28 begin
29 inherited Create(aOwner);
30 FFont := TFont.Create;
31 end;
33 destructor TFontWrapper.Destroy;
34 begin
35 FFont.Free;
36 inherited Destroy;
37 end;
39 procedure TFontWrapper.SetFont(f: TFont);
40 begin
41 FFont.Assign(f);
42 end;
44 procedure TScratchMain.SpeedButton2Click(Sender: TObject);
45 const
46 b: Boolean = False;
47 var
48 fw: TFontWrapper;
49 st: TFileStream;
50 begin
51 if b then
52 begin
53 edit1.text := 'Loading font';
54 fw := nil;
55 st := TFileStream.Create('E:\A\test.str', fmOpenRead);
56 try
57 fw := TFontWrapper.Create(nil);
58 st.ReadComponent(fw);
59 memo1.font.assign(fw.font);
60 finally
61 fw.Free;
62 st.Free;
63 end;
64 end
65 else
66 begin
67 edit1.text := 'Saving font';
68 fw := nil;
69 st := TFileStream.Create('E:\A\test.str', fmCreate);
70 try
71 fw := TFontWrapper.Create(nil);
72 fw.Font := Font;
73 st.WriteComponent(fw);
74 finally
75 fw.Free;
76 st.Free;
77 end;
78 end;
79 b := not b;
80 end;