Author: Jonas Bilinkevicius
I have a situation where I'd like to loop through about 100 font files and extract
their friendly name from the file. Has anyone ever done this?
Assuming that all fonts are already installed, you need to use EnumFontFamilies and
a callback function:
1 {the callback function prototype}2 3 function FontEnumProc(LogFont: PEnumLogFont; TextMetrics: PNewTextMetric;
4 FontType: Integer; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; stdcall;
5 6 implementation7 8 function FontEnumProc(LogFont: PEnumLogFont; TextMetrics: PNewTextMetric;
9 FontType: Integer; lParam: LPARAM): Integer; stdcall;
10 begin11 {add the font name and its font type to a list box}12 Form1.ListBox1.Items.AddObject(TEnumLogFont(LogFont^).elfLogFont.lfFaceName,
13 TObject(FontType);
14 {continue enumeration}15 Result := 1;
16 end;
17 18 procedure TForm1.FormClick(Sender: TObject);
19 begin20 EnumFontFamilies(Form1.Canvas.Handle, nil, @FontEnumProc, 0);
21 end;
If the fonts are not installed, you can install them temporarely.