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How to store font information in the registry - with one key only Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Tomas Rutkauskas

Storing Font information in the registry - with one key only


If you came in a situation to store font information in the registry, because you 
want to allow your users to customize your application, then you may have faced the 
fact that the TRegistry class does not provide WriteFont(), ReadFont() functions.

The first thought would be to make a sub key for each item in your application and 
write the font information as a combination of Strings and Integers.

1   WriteString(key, Font.FaceName);
2   WriteInteger(key, Font.Size);

Obviously not the most elegant code. Here's an elegant solution - store the font 
information as binary data! The Windows API provides a TLogFont structure that 
describes a font. It includes all properties that the Borland TFont class provides 
except the font's color. We'll use an extended logical description that contains 
the Windows (T)LogFont and the color. For information on TLogFont open help file 
Win32.hlp and search for LogFont.
4   // saves/ reads a font to/ from the registry
5   //
6   // read like this:
7   //   fEditorFont := TFont.Create;
8   // := 'Courier New';
9   //   fEditorFont.Size := 10;
10  //   LoadFont(sKey, 'Editor', fEditorFont);
11  //
12  // and save like this:
13  //   SaveFont(sKey, 'Editor', fEditorFont);
14  unit sFontStorage;
15  interface
16  uses
17    Graphics, Windows, Registry;
19  procedure LoadFont(const sKey, sItemID: string; var aFont: TFont);
20  procedure SaveFont(const sKey, sItemID: string; aFont: TFont);
22  implementation
24  type
25    TFontDescription = packed record
26      Color: TColor;
27      LogFont: TLogFont;
28    end;
30  procedure LoadFont(const sKey, sItemID: string; var aFont: TFont);
31  var
32    iSiz: Integer;
33    FontDesc: TFontDescription;
34  begin
35    with TRegistry.Create do
36    begin
37      if OpenKey(sKey, False) then
38      try
39        iSiz := SizeOf(FontDesc);
40        if ReadBinaryData(sItemID, FontDesc, iSiz) = SizeOf(FontDesc) then
41        begin
42          aFont.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(FontDesc.LogFont);
43        end;
44        aFont.Color := FontDesc.Color;
45      finally
46        CloseKey;
47      end;
48      // free the registry object
49      Free;
50    end;
51  end;
53  procedure SaveFont(const sKey, sItemID: string; aFont: TFont);
54  var
55    iSiz: Integer;
56    FontDesc: TFontDescription;
57  begin
58    with TRegistry.Create do
59    begin
60      iSiz := SizeOf(FontDesc.LogFont);
61      if GetObject(aFont.Handle, iSiz, @FontDesc.LogFont) > 0 then
62      begin
63        f OpenKey(sKey, True) then
64          try
65          FontDesc.Color := aFont.Color;
66          WriteBinaryData(sItemID, FontDesc, SizeOf(FontDesc));
67        finally
68          CloseKey;
69        end;
70      end;
71      // free the registry object
72      Free;
73    end;
74  end;
76  end.

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