Author: Radikal Q3 Load OEM file (any DOS edited file) in a RichEdit. Answer: Use the following code, that translates the text through the OemToAnsiBuff function: 1 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); 2 var 3 i: integer; 4 linea: PChar; 5 txt: TStringList; 6 begin 7 txt := TStringList.Create; 8 try 9 txt.LoadFromFile('c:\Fichero\a\leer.txt'); 10 for i := 0 to txt.Count - 1 do 11 begin 12 linea := PChar(txt.strings[i]); 13 OemToAnsiBuff(linea, linea, strlen(linea)); 14 end; 15 RichEdit1.Lines.AddStrings(txt); 16 finally 17 txt.Free; 18 end; 19 end;