Author: Tomas Rutkauskas
How to print bitmaps
I use this function for printing bitmaps and it has never failed so far. R is the
restangle on the printer canvas that the printout must fit in:
2 procedure StretchPrint(R: TRect; ABitmap: Graphics.TBitmap);
3 var
4 dc: HDC;
5 isDcPalDevice: Bool;
6 hDibHeader: THandle;
7 pDibHeader: pointer;
8 hBits: THandle;
9 pBits: pointer;
11 pal: hPalette;
12 Oldpal: hPalette;
13 i: integer;
14 begin
15 pal := 0;
16 OldPal := 0;
17 {Get the screen dc}
18 dc := GetDc(0);
19 {Allocate memory for a DIB structure}
20 hDibHeader := GlobalAlloc(GHND, sizeof(TBITMAPINFO) + (sizeof(TRGBQUAD) * 256));
21 {get a pointer to the alloced memory}
22 pDibHeader := GlobalLock(hDibHeader);
23 {fill in the dib structure with info on the way we want the DIB}
24 FillChar(pDibHeader^, sizeof(TBITMAPINFO) + (sizeof(TRGBQUAD) * 256), #0);
26 PBITMAPINFOHEADER(pDibHeader)^.biPlanes := 1;
27 PBITMAPINFOHEADER(pDibHeader)^.biBitCount := 8;
28 PBITMAPINFOHEADER(pDibHeader)^.biWidth := ABitmap.width;
29 PBITMAPINFOHEADER(pDibHeader)^.biHeight := ABitmap.height;
30 PBITMAPINFOHEADER(pDibHeader)^.biCompression := BI_RGB;
31 {find out how much memory for the bits}
32 GetDIBits(dc, ABitmap.Handle, 0, ABitmap.height, nil, TBitmapInfo(pDibHeader^),
34 {Alloc memory for the bits}
35 hBits := GlobalAlloc(GHND, PBitmapInfoHeader(pDibHeader)^.BiSizeImage);
36 {Get a pointer to the bits}
37 pBits := GlobalLock(hBits);
38 {Call fn again, but this time give us the bits!}
39 GetDIBits(dc, ABitmap.Handle, 0, ABitmap.height, pBits, PBitmapInfo(pDibHeader)^,
41 {Release the screen dc}
42 ReleaseDc(0, dc);
43 {Just incase the printer drver is a palette device}
44 isDcPalDevice := false;
45 if GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Canvas.Handle, RASTERCAPS) and RC_PALETTE = RC_PALETTE
46 then
47 begin
48 {Create palette from dib}
49 GetMem(pPal, sizeof(TLOGPALETTE) + (255 * sizeof(TPALETTEENTRY)));
50 FillChar(pPal^, sizeof(TLOGPALETTE) + (255 * sizeof(TPALETTEENTRY)), #0);
51 pPal^.palVersion := $300;
52 pPal^.palNumEntries := 256;
53 for i := 0 to (pPal^.PalNumEntries - 1) do
54 begin
55 pPal^.palPalEntry[i].peRed := PBitmapInfo(pDibHeader)^.bmiColors[i].rgbRed;
56 pPal^.palPalEntry[i].peGreen :=
57 PBitmapInfo(pDibHeader)^.bmiColors[i].rgbGreen;
58 pPal^.palPalEntry[i].peBlue := PBitmapInfo(pDibHeader)^.bmiColors[i].rgbBlue;
59 end;
60 pal := CreatePalette(pPal^);
61 FreeMem(pPal, sizeof(TLOGPALETTE) + (255 * sizeof(TPALETTEENTRY)));
62 oldPal := SelectPalette(Printer.Canvas.Handle, Pal, false);
63 isDcPalDevice := true
64 end;
65 {send the bits to the printer}
66 StretchDiBits(Printer.Canvas.Handle, R.Left, R.Top, R.Right - R.Left,
67 R.Bottom - R.Top, 0, 0, ABitmap.Width, ABitmap.Height, pBits,
68 PBitmapInfo(pDibHeader)^, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY);
69 {Just incase you printer drver is a palette device}
70 if isDcPalDevice = true then
71 begin
72 SelectPalette(Printer.Canvas.Handle, oldPal, false);
73 DeleteObject(Pal);
74 end;
75 {Clean up allocated memory}
76 GlobalUnlock(hBits);
77 GlobalFree(hBits);
78 GlobalUnlock(hDibHeader);
79 GlobalFree(hDibHeader);
80 end;