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How to save and load printer settings to/from the registry Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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Delphi 5.x
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: William Gerbert

I'm trying to get Windows to remember settings - in particular paper type, size and 
orientation - configured using the Printer Setup dialogue. It's confusing me. It 
seems that sometimes Windows remembers these settings and sometimes not. The 
technique I'm considering is to read and save (to an INI file or wherever) the 
Printer.PageHeight, PageWidth etc. values for the particular printer concerned, so 
they're available to be loaded for subsequent sessions. What better solutions would 
people suggest? I can't find a way to get the name of the currently selected paper 
layout (e.g. Letter, Legal, etc.). It's not among the properties of TPrinter. 
Anyone have a way to get / set this? I'm working with D5 pro (D6 soon), developing 
in Win2K, deploying to various flavours from Win'9X to XP.


Solve 1:

Windows remembers only changes made to the default settings, using the printer icon 
in the control panels printers applet. A solution for you would be to save the 
printers devicemode record, the public part at least:

1   uses
2     printers, registry;
4   {$R *.dfm}
6   procedure SaveCurrentPrinterSettings(reg: TRegistry);
7   var
8     Device, Driver, Port: array[0..80] of Char;
9     DevMode: THandle;
10    pDevmode: PDeviceMode;
11  begin
12    Printer.GetPrinter(Device, Driver, Port, DevMode);
13    if Devmode <> 0 then
14    begin
15      {lock it to get pointer to DEVMODE record}
16      pDevMode := GlobalLock(Devmode);
17      if pDevmode <> nil then
18      try
19        reg.WriteBinaryData(device, pDevmode^, sizeof(TDevicemode));
20      finally
21        {unlock devmode handle.}
22        GlobalUnlock(Devmode);
23      end;
24    end;
25  end;
27  procedure LoadCurrentPrinterSettings(reg: TRegistry);
28  var
29    Device, Driver, Port: array[0..80] of Char;
30    DevMode: THandle;
31    pDevmode: PDeviceMode;
32  begin
33    Printer.GetPrinter(Device, Driver, Port, DevMode);
34    if Devmode <> 0 then
35    begin
36      {lock it to get pointer to DEVMODE record}
37      pDevMode := GlobalLock(Devmode);
38      if pDevmode <> nil then
39      try
40        reg.ReadBinaryData(device, pDevmode^, sizeof(TDevicemode));
41      finally
42        {unlock devmode handle.}
43        GlobalUnlock(Devmode);
44      end;
45    end;
46  end;
48  procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
49  var
50    reg: TRegistry;
51  begin
52    reg := TRegistry.Create(KEY_READ or KEY_WRITE);
53    try
54      reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
55      if reg.OpenKey('Software\PB\Test', true) then
56      try
57        SaveCurrentPrinterSettings(reg);
58      finally
59        reg.CloseKey;
60      end
61    finally
63    end;
64  end;
66  procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
67  var
68    reg: TRegistry;
69  begin
70    reg := TRegistry.Create(KEY_READ);
71    try
72      reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
73      if reg.OpenKey('Software\PB\Test', false) then
74      try
75        LoadCurrentPrinterSettings(reg);
76      finally
77        reg.CloseKey;
78      end
79    finally
81    end;
82  end;
84  procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
85  begin
86    printdialog1.execute
87  end;

Solve 2:

Check out the Delphi Win API help for GetPrinter, PRINTER_INFO_2, and DEVMODE. I 
use the following code to read the current info for the printer. I'm attempting to 
find some code to set the values, but I'm having problems with user rights in 
Win2000 Pro. Use the Delphi select printer dialog to set the current printer, 
otherwise the code will display the settings of the default printer if one is set.

88  function GetPrinterName: string;
89  var
90    prnIndex: Integer;
91    prnList: TStrings;
92  begin
93    result := '';
94    prnIndex := Printers.Printer.PrinterIndex;
95    prnList := Printers.Printer.Printers;
96    if (prnIndex > -1) and (prnIndex < prnList.Count) then
97    begin
98      if (prnList.Objects[prnIndex] <> nil) then
99        result := TPrinterDevice(prnList.Objects[prnIndex]).Device
100     else
101       result := prnList[prnIndex];
102   end;
103 end;
105 procedure ShowPrinterInfo;
106 const
107   LEVEL_2 = 2;
108 var
109   printerHandle: THandle;
110   printerInfo: TPrinterInfo2;
111   bytesNeeded: Cardinal;
112   printerDefaults: TPrinterDefaults;
113   prnName: string;
114   pBuffer: Pointer;
115   gpResult: Boolean;
116   devInfo: TDevMode;
117   sMsg: string;
118 begin
119   printerHandle := 0;
120   ClearRecord(printerInfo, SizeOf(TPrinterInfo2));
121   ClearRecord(printerDefaults, SizeOf(TPrinterDefaults));
122   prnName := GetPrinterName;
123   if not OpenPrinter(PChar(prnName), printerHandle, @printerDefaults) then
124     Exit;
125   try
126     gpResult := WinSpool.GetPrinter(printerHandle, LEVEL_2, @printerInfo,
127       SizeOf(printerInfo), @bytesNeeded);
128     if not gpResult and (bytesNeeded > SizeOf(PrinterInfo)) then
129       {get printer call failed because buffer passed was too small}
130     begin
131       GetMem(pBuffer, bytesNeeded); {allocate buffer of needed size}
132       try
133         {protect buffer memory allocate}
134         gpResult := WinSpool.GetPrinter(PrinterHandle, LEVEL_2, pBuffer,
135           bytesNeeded, @bytesNeeded);
136         {call GetPrinter() again with new, bigger buffer}
137         if gpResult then
138           {success second time}
139           printerInfo := PPrinterInfo2(pBuffer)^;
140             {1st bytes are info record, copy values}
141       finally
142         FreeMem(pBuffer); {deallocate buffer}
143       end;
144     end;
145     if gpResult then
146     begin
147       sMsg := '';
148       devInfo := printerInfo.pDevMode^;
149       if ((DM_PAPERSIZE and devInfo.dmFields) > 0) then
150         sMsg := 'Paper Size: ' + PaperSizeToStr(devInfo.dmPaperSize) + #13;
151       if ((DM_PAPERLENGTH and devInfo.dmFields) > 0) then
152         sMsg := sMsg + 'Paper Length: ' + IntToStr(devInfo.dmPaperLength) + #13;
153       if ((DM_PAPERWIDTH and devInfo.dmFields) > 0) then
154         sMsg := sMsg + 'Paper Width: ' + IntToStr(devInfo.dmPaperWidth) + #13;
155       ShowMessage(sMsg);
156     end;
157   finally
158     ClosePrinter(printerHandle);
159   end;
160 end;

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