Author: Mike Shkolnik
How can I change the default printer in Windows?
If you want to change the the default printer in Windows OS, you must change the
device key in the Windows section of the WIN.INI. After that you must send a
1 var2 strIni: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
3 arrWindows: array[0..64] of Char;
4 begin5 GetWindowsDirectory(strIni, SizeOf(strIni));
6 StrCat(strIni, '\win.ini');
7 with TIniFile.Create(strIni) do8 try9 WriteString('windows', 'device', 'HP LaserJet 4 Plus,HPPCL5MS,LPT1:');
10 finally11 Free;
12 end;
13 14 StrCopy(arrWindows, 'windows');
15 SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_WININICHANGE, 0, LongInt(@arrWindows));
16 end;