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How to set the character format in a TRichEdit to subscript or superscript Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
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			Author: Jonas Bilinkevicius

I need to set the character format in a RichEdit control to subscript or 
superscipt. When I produce an RTF file including this formatting, the Delphi 
TRichEdit shows it correctly. But I cannot set the formatting by code. I tried to 
send a EM_SETCHARFORMAT message to the TRichEdit with dwEffects set to 
CFE_SUBSCRIPT but this doesn't have the desired effect.


Solve 1:

You have to use a little API here since the TTextAttributes class used to implement 
DefAttributes does not surface this ability (since it was designed to be compatible 
to TFont). You should be able to set sub/ superscripts by sending an 
EM_SETCHARFORMAT message to a TRichedit. Something like this:

1   var
2     format: TCharFormat; {defined in Unit RichEdit}
4   FillChar(format, sizeof(format), 0);
5   with format do
6   begin
7     cbSize := Sizeof(format);
8     dwMask := CFM_OFFSET;
9     yOffset := 60; {superscript by 60 twips, negative values give subscripts}
10  end;
11  richedit1.Perform(EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, LongInt(@format));

The message affects the current selection. If there is none it will affect new text 
inserted via seltext.

The problem with this is that the rich edit common control version 1 does not 
properly adjust the line spacing in lines containing super- or subscripted text. So 
if you don't reduce the font size as well, the text may be cut off at top or 
bottom. This version of the control also has no way to manually adjust the 
linespacing. There are wrappers for version 2 and 3 of the control around, e.g. the 
TRxrichEdit component in RXLib. These versions handle sub/superscripted text 
correctly but they require riched20.dll on the target system and it may not be 
present on all of them.

Solve 2:

Pressing the Up arrow sets to SuperScript, the down arrow to SubScript and the Left 
arrow back to normal.
13  procedure TForm1.RichEdit1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: 
14  TShiftState);
15  var
16    ref: TCharFormat;
17  begin
18    FillChar(ref, sizeof(ref), 0);
19    if ssAlt in Shift then
20      case Key of
21        VK_UP:
22          begin
23            with ref do
24            begin
25              cbSize := Sizeof(ref);
26              dwMask := CFM_OFFSET;
27              yOffset := 60;
28            end;
29          end;
30        VK_DOWN:
31          begin
32            with ref do
33            begin
34              cbSize := Sizeof(ref);
35              dwMask := CFM_OFFSET;
36              yOffset := -60;
37            end;
38          end;
39        VK_LEFT:
40          begin
41            with ref do
42            begin
43              cbSize := Sizeof(ref);
44              dwMask := CFM_OFFSET;
45              yOffset := 0;
46            end;
47          end;
48      end;
49    (Sender as TRichEdit).Perform(EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, LongInt(@ref));
50  end;

Solve 3:

51  { ... }
52  type
53    TCharacterFormat = (CFM_Superscript, CFM_Subscript, CFM_Normal);
55  procedure RE_SetCharFormat(RichEdit: TRichEdit; CharacterFormat: TCharacterFormat);
56  var
57    {The CHARFORMAT structure contains information about character formatting
58    in a rich edit control}
59    Format: TCharFormat;
60  begin
61    FillChar(Format, SizeOf(Format), 0);
62    with Format do
63    begin
64      cbSize := SizeOf(Format);
65      dwMask := CFM_OFFSET;
66      {Character offset, in twips, from the baseline. If the value of this member 
67  		is positive, the character is a superscript; if it is negative, the 
68  		character is a subscript}
69      case CharacterFormat of
70        CFM_Superscript: yOffset := 60;
71        CFM_Subscript: yOffset := -60;
72        CFM_Normal: yOffset := 0;
73      end;
74    end;
75    {The EM_SETCHARFORMAT message sets character formatting in a rich edit control.
76    SCF_SELECTION: Applies the formatting to the current selection}
77    Richedit.Perform(EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, Longint(@Format));
78  end;
80  //Examples:
82  {Apply Subscript to the current selection}
84  procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
85  begin
86    RE_SetCharFormat(RichEdit1, CFM_Superscript);
87  end;
89  {Apply subscript to the current selection}
91  procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
92  begin
93    RE_SetCharFormat(RichEdit1, CFM_Subscript);
94  end;

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