Author: Tomas Rutkauskas
Can anyone help with a routine that will return a list of dates of specific days in
a given date range? For example, I want a list of dates of the third Monday of each
month in a given date range. The user will be able to nominate the date range, the
day of the week, and which day (i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th).
The procedure to call is ListDates(). The important function is DateInPeriod().
Because of DayOfWeek(), Sunday is WeekDay = 1. Tested briefly.
2 function ValidateWeekDay(const WeekDay: Word): Word;
3 begin
4 Result := WeekDay mod 7;
5 if Result = 0 then
6 Result := 7;
7 end;
9 function DayInMonth(const Year, Month, WeekDay, Nr: Word): Word;
10 var
11 MonthStart, Shift: Word;
12 begin
13 MonthStart := DayOfWeek(EncodeDate(Year, Month, 1));
14 Shift := ValidateWeekDay(8 + WeekDay - MonthStart);
15 Result := Shift + (7 * (Nr - 1));
16 end;
18 function DateInPeriod(const Date, FromDate, ToDate: TDate): Boolean;
19 begin
20 Result := (Trunc(Date) >= Trunc(FromDate)) and (Trunc(Date) <= Trunc(ToDate))
21 end;
23 procedure ListDates(const FromDate, ToDate: TDate; const WeekDay, Nr: Word;
24 const DatesList: TStrings);
25 var
26 Year, Month, Day: Word;
27 Date: TDate;
29 procedure NextMonth;
30 begin
31 if Month = 12 then
32 begin
33 Month := 1;
34 inc(Year);
35 end
36 else
37 inc(Month);
38 end;
40 begin
41 DatesList.Clear;
42 DecodeDate(FromDate, Year, Month, Day);
43 while EncodeDate(Year, Month, 1) <= Trunc(ToDate) do
44 begin
45 Date := EncodeDate(Year, Month, DayInMonth(Year, Month, WeekDay, Nr));
46 if DateInPeriod(Date, FromDate, ToDate) then
47 DatesList.Add(FormatDateTime(ShortDateFormat, Date));
48 NextMonth;
49 end;
50 end;