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How to print a file directly to a printer Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
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			Author: Jonas Bilinkevicius

How to print a file directly to a printer


Solve 1:

1   uses
2     WinSpool;
4   procedure PrintFile(const sFileName: string);
5   const
6     BufSize = 16384;
7   type
8     TDoc_Info_1 = record
9       pDocName: pChar;
10      pOutputFile: pChar;
11      pDataType: pChar;
12    end;
13  var
14    Count, BytesWritten: integer;
15    hPrinter: THandle;
16    Device: array[0..255] of char;
17    Driver: array[0..255] of char;
18    Port: array[0..255] of char;
19    hDeviceMode: THandle;
20    DocInfo: TDoc_Info_1;
21    f: file;
22    Buffer: Pointer;
23  begin
24    Printer.PrinterIndex := -1;
25    Printer.GetPrinter(Device, Driver, Port, hDeviceMode);
26    if not WinSpool.OpenPrinter(@Device, hPrinter, nil) then
27      exit;
28    DocInfo.pDocName := 'MyDocument';
29    DocInfo.pOutputFile := nil;
30    DocInfo.pDatatype := 'RAW';
31    if StartDocPrinter(hPrinter, 1, @DocInfo) = 0 then
32    begin
33      WinSpool.ClosePrinter(hPrinter);
34      exit;
35    end;
36    if not StartPagePrinter(hPrinter) then
37    begin
38      EndDocPrinter(hPrinter);
39      WinSpool.ClosePrinter(hPrinter);
40      exit;
41    end;
42    System.Assign(f, sFileName);
43    try
44      Reset(f, 1);
45      GetMem(Buffer, BufSize);
46      while not eof(f) do
47      begin
48        Blockread(f, Buffer^, BufSize, Count);
49        if Count > 0 then
50        begin
51          if not WritePrinter(hPrinter, Buffer, Count, BytesWritten) then
52          begin
53            EndPagePrinter(hPrinter);
54            EndDocPrinter(hPrinter);
55            WinSpool.ClosePrinter(hPrinter);
56            FreeMem(Buffer, BufSize);
57            exit;
58          end;
59        end;
60      end;
61      FreeMem(Buffer, BufSize);
62      EndDocPrinter(hPrinter);
63      WinSpool.ClosePrinter(hPrinter);
64    finally
65      System.Closefile(f);
66    end;
67  end;
69  procedure WriteRawStringToPrinter(PrinterName: string; S: string);
70  var
71    Handle: THandle;
72    N: DWORD;
73    DocInfo1: TDocInfo1;
74  begin
75    if not OpenPrinter(PChar(PrinterName), Handle, nil) then
76    begin
77      ShowMessage('error ' + IntToStr(GetLastError));
78      Exit;
79    end;
80    with DocInfo do
81    begin
82      pDocName := PChar('test doc');
83      pOutputFile := nil;
84      pDataType := 'RAW';
85    end;
86    StartDocPrinter(Handle, 1, ocInfo);
87    StartPagePrinter(Handle);
88    WritePrinter(Handle, PChar(S), Length(S), N);
89    EndPagePrinter(Handle);
90    EndDocPrinter(Handle);
91    ClosePrinter(Handle);
92  end;

The PrinterName parameter must be the name of the printer as it is installed. For 
example, if the name of the printer is "HP LaserJet 5MP" then that is what you 
should pass.

Solve 2:

The procedure below spools a RAW PCL file to the printer. Mainly you need to use 
the WritePrinter API call along with OpenPrinter.

93  procedure PrintPCL;
94  var
95    Handle: THandle;
96    numwrite: DWORD;
97    Docinfo1: TDocInfo1;
98    PrintFile, InFile, SampForm: TMemoryStream;
99    buffer: array[0..4096] of char;
100   HPLetter, HPLegal, NC: array[0..15] of char;
101   temp: array[0..3] of char;
102   FF: char;
103   numread: longint;
104   x: integer;
105   FileName: string;
106 begin
107   if (OpenPrinter(PrinterName, Handle, nil)) then
108   begin
109     FF := Chr(12);
110     strcopy(HPLetter, chr(27));
111     strcat(HPLetter, '&l6d66p1h2A');
112     strcopy(HPLegal, chr(27));
113     strcat(HPLegal, '&l6d84p4h3A');
114     strcopy(NC, chr(27));
115     strcat(NC, '&l');
116     strcat(NC, StrPCopy(temp, InttoStr(NumCopies)));
117     strcat(NC, 'X');
118     try
119       PrintFile := TMemoryStream.Create;
120       for x := 0 to Printlist.Count - 1 do
121       begin
122         FileName := Copy(PrintList[x], 1, pos(',', printlist[x]) - 1);
123         InFile := TMemoryStream.Create;
124         InFile.LoadFromFile(FileName);
125         if (Integer(filename[Length(FileName) - 1]) = 49) then
126           PrintFile.write(HPLetter, Strlen(HPLetter))
127         else
128           PrintFile.write(HPLegal, Strlen(HPLegal));
129         PrintFile.write(NC, strlen(NC));
130         PrintFile.CopyFrom(InFile, 0);
131         InFile.Free;
132         if Sample then
133         begin
134           try
135             SampForm := TMemoryStream.Create;
136             SampForm.LoadFromFile(AppPath + 'SAMPLE.PRN');
137             PrintFile.Copyfrom(SampForm, 0);
138           finally
139             SampForm.Free;
140           end;
141         end;
142         PrintFile.write(FF, SizeOf(FF));
143       end;
144       DocInfo1.pDocName := PChar('PCLPrinter');
145       DocInfo1.pOutputFile := nil;
146       DocInfo1.pDataType := 'RAW';
147       PrintFile.Seek(0, 0);
148       StartDocPrinter(Handle, 1, @DocInfo1);
149       StartPagePrinter(Handle);
150       numread := 0;
151       numwrite := 0;
152       while (numread = numwrite) and (PrintFile.Position <> PrintFile.Size) do
153       begin
154         numread :=, sizeof(buffer));
155         WritePrinter(Handle, @buffer, numread, numwrite);
156         UpdateProgress(round((PrintFile.Position / PrintFile.Size) * 100));
157       end;
158       EndPagePrinter(Handle);
159       EndDocPrinter(Handle);
160       ClosePrinter(Handle);
161     finally
162       PrintFile.Free;
163     end;
164   end;
165 end;

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