Author: Tomas Rutkauskas
I'm having an issue converting a Unix 1.15 GB text file to a Windows file. It
always seems my application runs out of memory during the conversion. Does anyone
have any ideas as to how to accomplish this?
It sounds like you're trying to read the whole file into memory or something. How
does this work:
1 program unix2dos;
2 3 {$APPTYPE CONSOLE}4 5 uses6 SysUtils;
7 8 var9 fp1: file;
10 fp2: TextFile;
11 buffer, buf2: array[1..8192] of Char;
12 numread: Integer;
13 i: Integer;
14 begin15 if paramcount <> 2 then16 begin17 writeln('USAGE : UNIX2DOS <input file> <output file>');
18 writeln(' Takes UNIX text file (linefeed delimited) and');
19 writeln(' converts it to a DOS (CR/LF) delimited text file.');
20 halt(10);
21 end;
22 if FileExists(Paramstr(1)) then23 begin24 AssignFile(fp1, paramstr(1));
25 Reset(fp1, 1);
26 AssignFile(fp2, paramstr(2));
27 SetTextBuf(fp2, buf2);
28 rewrite(fp2);
29 repeat30 BlockRead(fp1, buffer, sizeof(buffer), Numread);
31 if Numread <> 0 then32 begin33 for i := 1 to Numread do34 begin35 if buffer[i] = #10 then36 writeln(fp2)
37 else38 write(fp2, buffer[i]);
39 end;
40 end;
41 until42 NumRead = 0;
43 close(fp1);
44 close(fp2);
45 end46 else47 writeln('Could not find file : ', paramstr(1));
48 end.