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How to check italian code for companies Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
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			Author: Christian Cristofori

In Italy companies have a code for use with fiscal transactions. There's a checksum 
This function not only checks for its validity, but also retrieves some interesting 
from the code: the progressive number a company has in his state (provincia) and 
the country
that generated that code.


1   const
2     Provincie: array[0..102] of string =
3     ('Torino', 'Vercelli', 'Novara', 'Cuneo', 'Asti',
4       'Alessandria', 'Aosta', 'Imperia', 'Savona', 'Genova',
5       'La Spezia', 'Varese', 'Como', 'Sondrio', 'Milano',
6       'Bergamo', 'Brescia', 'Pavia', 'Cremona', 'Mantova',
7       'Bolzano-Bozen', 'Trento', 'Verona', 'Vicenza', 'Belluno',
8       'Treviso', 'Venezia', 'Padova', 'Rovigo', 'Udine',
9       'Gorizia', 'Trieste', 'Piacenza', 'Parma', 'Reggio nell''Emilia',
10      'Modena', 'Bologna', 'Ferrara', 'Ravenna', 'Forli''-Cesena',
11      'Pesaro e Urbino', 'Ancona', 'Macerata', 'Ascoli Piceno', 'Massa-Carrara',
12      'Lucca', 'Pistoia', 'Firenze', 'Livorno', 'Pisa',
13      'Arezzo', 'Siena', 'Grosseto', 'Perugia', 'Terni',
14      'Viterbo', 'Rieti', 'Roma', 'Latina', 'Frosinone',
15      'Caserta', 'Benevento', 'Napoli', 'Avellino', 'Salerno',
16      'L''Aquila', 'Teramo', 'Pescara', 'Chieti', 'Campobasso',
17      'Foggia', 'Bari', 'Taranto', 'Brindisi', 'Lecce',
18      'Potenza', 'Matera', 'Cosenza', 'Catanzaro', 'Reggio di Calabria',
19      'Trapani', 'Palermo', 'Messina', 'Agrigento', 'Caltanissetta',
20      'Enna', 'Catania', 'Ragusa', 'Siracusa', 'Sassari',
21      'Nuoro', 'Cagliari', 'Pordenone', 'Isernia', 'Oristano',
22      'Biella', 'Lecco', 'Lodi', 'Rimini', 'Prato',
23      'Crotone', 'Vibo Valentia', 'Verbano-Cusio-Ossola'
24      );
26  function PartitaIVA(code: string; var Progressive: integer; var Provincia: string):
27    boolean;
28    function ReduceSum(n: Integer): Integer;
29    var
30      i: Integer;
31      s: string;
32    begin
33      s := inttostr(n);
34      if (length(s) = 1) then
35      begin
36        result := n;
37        exit;
38      end;
39      result := 0;
40      for i := 1 to length(s) do
41      begin
42        result := result + strtointdef(s[i], 0);
43      end;
44    end;
45    function ReduceNum(n: Integer): Integer;
46    var
47      s: string;
48    begin
49      result := n;
50      s := inttostr(n);
51      if (length(s) > 1) then
52      begin
53        result := strtointdef(s[length(s)], 0)
54      end;
55    end;
56  var
57    i: Integer;
58    c: Integer;
59  begin
60    result := false;
61    if (length(code) <> 11) then
62    begin
63      provincia := '11 numeric-characters needed!';
64      raise exception.Create(provincia);
65      exit;
66    end;
67    for i := 1 to 11 do
68    begin
69      if (not (code[i] in ['0'..'9'])) then
70      begin
71        provincia := '"' + code[i] + '" is not a numeric value!';
72        raise exception.Create(provincia);
73        exit;
74      end;
75    end;
76    // Returns the town.
77    i := strtointdef(copy(code, 8, 3), 0) - 1;
78    if ((i < 0) or (i > 102)) then
79    begin
80      provincia := 'Value out of set!';
81      raise exception.create(provincia);
82      exit;
83    end
84    else
85      provincia := provincie[i];
86    // Returns the progressive number.
87    progressive := strtointdef(copy(code, 1, 7), 0);
88    // Calculates if is valid.
89    c := 0;
90    for i := 1 to 10 do
91    begin
92      if ((i mod 2) = 0) then
93        inc(c, reducesum(strtointdef(code[i], 0) * 2))
94      else
95        inc(c, strtointdef(code[i], 0));
96    end;
97    result := ((10 - ReduceNum(c)) = strtointdef(code[11], -1));
98  end;

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