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How to convert Numbers to words Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Raghunath Dhungel

How to convert numbers like 2345697.347 to "two billion, three hundred and 
forty-five thousand, six hundred and ninety seven decimal three four seven."


1   unit Inwordsu;
3   interface
4   uses SysUtils, Dialogs;
6   function InWords(const nNumber: Extended): string;
8   implementation
10  function InWords(const nNumber: Extended): string;
11  const
12    aUnits: array[0..9] of string = ('', 'one ', 'two ', 'three ', 'four ', 'five ',
13      'six ', 'seven ', 'eight ', 'nine ');
14    //Local function to convert decimal portion
15    function cDecimal(const cDecDitxt: string): string;
16    var
17      len, x, n: Integer;
18      nNumber: string[17];
19    begin
20      result := '';
21      nNumber := cDecDitxt;
22      //cut off Zeros to the right
23      while copy(nNumber, length(nNumber), 1) = '0' do
24        delete(nNumber, length(nNumber), 1);
25      len := length(nNumber);
26      //No need to convert if it is all zeros
27      if len = 0 then
28        exit;
29      //Start conversion !
30      for x := 1 to len do
31      begin
32        n := strToint(copy(nNumber, x, 1));
33        if n = 0 then
34          result := result + 'zero '
35        else
36          result := result + aUnits[n];
37      end;
38      if result <> '' then
39        result := ' decimal ' + trim(result);
40    end;
42    //Local function to convert the whole number portion
43    function Num2EngWords(const nNumber, nWordIndex: integer): string;
44    const
45      aLargeNumWords: array[0..5] of string = ('', 'thousand, ', 'million, ',
46        'billion, ', 'trillion, ', 'quadrillion, ');
47      aTens: array[0..8] of string = ('', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty', 
48  'sixty',
49        'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety');
50      aTwenties: array[10..19] of string = ('ten ', 'eleven ', 'twelve ', 'thirteen ',
51        'fourteen ', 'fifteen ', 'sixteen ', 'seventeen ', 'eighteen ', 'nineteen ');
52    var
53      nQtnt, nNum, nMod: Integer;
54    begin
55      result := '';
56      if nNumber < 1 then
57        exit;
58      nNum := nNumber;
60      if nNumber > 99 then
61      begin
62        //Pick up hundreds and leave others
63        nQtnt := nNum div 100;
64        nNum := nNum mod 100;
65        result := aUnits[nQtnt] + 'hundred and ';
66      end;
67      case nNum of
68        1..9: result := result + aUnits[nNum]; {one to nine}
69        10..19: result := result + aTwenties[nNum]; {ten to nineteen}
70        20..99:
71          begin
72            nQtnt := nNum div 10;
73            nMod := nNum mod 10;
74            result := result + aTens[nQtnt - 1]; {digit at tenth place}
75            if nMod <> 0 then
76              result := result + '-' + aUnits[nMod] {digit at unit place}
77            else
78              result := result + ' ';
79          end
80      else
81        if result <> '' then
82          result := copy(result, 1, length(result) - 4);
83      end;
84      result := result + aLargeNumWords[nWordIndex]; {add thousand, million etc...}
85    end;
86  var
87    nNum, nIndex: Integer;
88    cStr, cDec: string;
89    lNegative: Boolean;
90  begin
91    result := '';
92    if (nNumber > 999999999999999999.0) then
93    begin
94      showmessage('Sorry this is too large ! larger than the budget of the whole 
95  world !!'
96      exit;
97    end;
98    str(nNumber: 34: 15, cStr);
99    lNegative := False;
100   nIndex := pos('-', cStr); {having - sign is negative}
101   if nIndex > 0 then
102   begin
103     lNegative := True;
104     cStr := copy(cStr, nIndex + 1, length(cStr) - nIndex); {trim off minus sign}
105   end;
106   while cStr[1] = ' ' do {trim of spaces}
107     delete(cStr, 1, 1);
108   nIndex := pos('.', cStr); {decimal position}
109   if nIndex = 0 then
110     nIndex := length(cStr) + 1; {if no decimal it must be at the far right}
111   cDec := copy(cStr, nIndex + 1, length(cStr) - nIndex); {digits after decimal 
112 point}
113   cStr := copy(cStr, 1, nIndex - 1); {digits before decimal point}
114   nIndex := 0; {index to point the words thousand, million etc.}
115   nNum := length(cStr); {count of digits}
116   while nNum > 0 do
117   begin
118     if nNum < 3 then
119     begin
120       result := Num2EngWords(strToInt(copy(cStr, 1, nNum)), nIndex) + result;
121       cstr := ''; {less than 3 digits means finished}
122     end
123     else
124     begin
125       result := Num2EngWords(strToInt(copy(cStr, nNum - 2, 3)), nIndex) + result;
126       cStr := copy(cStr, 1, nNum - 3); {cut off three rightmost digits}
127     end;
128     nNum := length(cStr); {remaining number of digits}
129     inc(nIndex); {increase the large number's word index}
130   end;
131   result := trim(result) + cDecimal(cDec) + '.'; {finished, add a full stop}
132   if lNegative then
133     result := 'minus ' + result; {if the number is negative add "minus" at first}
134 end;
136 //Thanks Mr. KRISHNA SAPKOTA
137 //E-Mail:
138 //for pointing out the misspelled function name in the calling example
139 //below !
141 //Calling examples:
142 {nNum:extended or nNum:Double}
143 //nNum:=24693456799398.6078;
144 {Corrected calling function name on Monday May 21, 2001}
145 //label1.caption:=InWords(nNum);
146 {nInt:Integer or nInt:longint}
147 //nInt:=23456
148 //label2.caption:=InWords(nint);
149 //label3.caption:=InWords(2345678965432.30045);
150 //label4.caption:=InWords(896867);
152 end.

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