Author: Tomas Rutkauskas
Imagine there are two win.ini files and I want to combine both together. Some of
the common sections and keys/ values are the same in each but they differ in their
data generally. How could I merge the two together to get an ini file that contains
all the data from both in the right places?
Iterate over the sections in the source file. For each section, iterate over the
names. If there is a name in Source that already exists in Dest, Dest's copy will
be overwritten.
1 { ... }2 var3 Source, Dest: TIniFile;
4 SectionNames: TStrings;
5 i: Integer;
6 begin7 SectionNames := TStringList.Create;
8 try9 Source.ReadSections(SectionNames);
10 for i := 0 to SectionNames.Count - 1 do11 begin12 MergeSection(Source, Dest, SectionNames[i]);
13 end;
14 finally15 SectionNames.Free;
16 end;
17 end;
18 19 procedure MergeSection(Source, Dest: TIniFile; const SectionName: string);
20 var21 i: Integer;
22 Section: TStrings;
23 Name, Value: string;
24 begin25 Section := TStringList.Create;
26 try27 Source.ReadSection(SectionName, Section);
28 for i := 0 to Section.Count - 1 do29 begin30 Name := Section.Names[i];
31 Value := Section.Values[Name];
32 Dest.WriteString(SectionName, Name, Value);
33 end;
34 finally35 Section.Free;
36 end;
37 end;