Author: Jonas Bilinkevicius
I have a TTimer that is programmed to show a message box after 5 minutes. Is there
a way to check how much of the timer interval has passed after a certain time?
You will have to use a timer that occurs every second and increments a variable
(even its own Tag property).
1 2 TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: ...);
3 begin4 Timer1.tag := Timer1.tag + 1;
5 if Timer1.tag = 300 then6 begin7 Timer1.enabled := false;
8 {If you leave, it will show a message every 5 minutes, resulting in many 9 windows;10 suspend counting for the period showing the message}11 Timer1.tag := 0;
12 showmessage('5 Minutes!!!');
13 Timer1.enabled := true;
14 end;
15 end;
16 17 TForm1.button1click(....);
18 begin19 showmessage('Only ' + inttostr(Timer1.tag div 60) + ' minutes and ' +
20 inttostr(Timer1.tag mod 60) + ' seconds have passed');
21 end;