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How to use Interbase Sweep on the Fly in a thread Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Interbase Sweep on the Fly in a thread 26-Jul-03
Database Others
Delphi 5.x
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Kim Sandell 

In the Interbase Admin components there is a IBValidationService but is hard to use 
as it is. Sweeping is just one of the functions of the validation service. This 
component makes doing sweeps of databases alot easier, and also works in a thread. 
Ideal for use in server applications.

2   (* 
3     Interbase Sweep Thread 
5     Author 
6       Kim Sandell 
7       Email:     
9     Description 
10      A Thread that performs an Sweep of an interbase database on the fly. 
11      The thread can automatically free itself after the sweep is done. 
13      Note: This can be a lengthy process so make sure you do not interrupt 
14            the program in the middle of the sweep. The sweeping process 
15            can not be interrupted !!! It makes sense to let it run in the 
16            background and free itself if you have a server program ! 
18      Parameters 
19      ---------- 
20       DatabaseName       Full : to database 
21       DatabaseUsername   The name of the user with rights to sweep the db 
22       DatabasePassword   The password of the user 
23       FreeOnTerminate    Set this to false if you want to free the thread 
24                          yourself. Default is TRUE 
25       Priority           The priority of the thread. Default is tpLower 
27    Version 
28      1.0 
30    History 
31      24.09.2002  - Initial version 
33    Known issues 
34      None so far ... 
36    Example of usage 
38      The example below assumes you have included the "IBSweepThread" unit 
39      in the uses clause, and that you have a button on a form. 
41      The Thread must be created and the properties initialized, before the 
42      thread can be Resumed. 
44      procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); 
45      Var 
46         IBSweep : TIBSweepThread; 
47      begin 
48           Try 
49              IBSweep := TIBSweepThread.Create( True ); 
50              IBSweep.DatabaseName := '\Databases\MyIBDB.GDB'; 
51              IBSweep.DatabaseUsername := 'SYSDBA'; 
52              IBSweep.DatabasePassword := 'masterkey'; 
53              IBSweep.FreeOnTerminate := False; // We want to see the results! 
54              IBSweep.Resume; 
55              { Wait for it } 
56              While Not IBSweep.Terminated do 
57              Begin 
58                   SleepEx(1,True); 
59                   Application.ProcessMessages; 
60              End; 
61              { Just make sure the thread is dead } 
62              IBSweep.WaitForAndSleep; 
63              { Check for success } 
64              If IBSweep.ResultState = state_Done then 
65              Begin 
66                   MessageDlg( 'Sweep OK - Time taken: '+ 
67                               IntToStr(IBSweep.ProcessTime)+' ms', 
68                               mtInformation,[mbOK],0); 
69                   ShowMessage( IBSweep.SweepResult.Text ); 
70              End Else MessageDlg('Sweep FAILED',mtError,[mbOK],0); 
71           Finally 
72              IBSweep.Free; 
73           End; 
74      end; 
75  *) 
76  unit IBSweepThread;
78  interface
80  uses
81    Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes,
82    IBServices;
84  const
85    state_Idle = $0;
86    state_Initializing = $1;
87    state_Sweeping = $2;
88    state_Done = $3;
89    state_Error = $ - 1;
91  type
92    TIBSweepThread = class(TThread)
93    private
94      { Private declarations }
95    protected
96      { Protected declarations }
97      procedure DoSweep;
98    public
99      { Public declarations }
100     DatabaseName: string; // Fully qualifyed name to db
101     DatabaseUsername: string; // Username
102     DatabasePassword: string; // Password
103     Processing: Boolean; // True while processing
104     ResultState: Integer; // See state_xxxx constants
105     ProcessTime: Cardinal; // Milliseconds of the sweep
107     property Terminated; // Make the Terminated published
109     constructor Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean); virtual;
110     procedure Execute; override;
111     procedure WaitForAndSleep;
112   published
113     { Published declarations }
114   end;
116 implementation
118 { TIBSweepThread }
120 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
121 //
122 // Threads Constructor. Allocated objects, and initializes some
123 // variables to the default states.
124 //
125 // Also sets the Priority and FreeOnTreminate conditions.
126 //
127 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
129 constructor TIBSweepThread.Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean);
130 begin
131   { Override user parameter }
132   inherited Create(True);
133   { Default parameters }
134   FreeOnTerminate := False;
135   Priority := tpLower;
136   { Set variables }
137   Processing := False;
138   ResultState := state_Idle;
139 end;
141 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
142 //
143 // Threads execute loop. Jumps to the DoWork() procedure every 250 ms
144 //
145 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
147 procedure TIBSweepThread.Execute;
148 begin
149   try
150     { Perform the Sweep }
151     DoSweep;
152   except
153     on E: Exception do
154       ; // TODO: Execption logging
155   end;
156   { Signal terminated }
157   Terminate;
158 end;
160 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
161 //
162 // Waits for the Thread to finish. Same as WaitFor, but does not take
163 // 100% CPU time while waiting ...
164 //
165 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
167 procedure TIBSweepThread.WaitForAndSleep;
168 var
169   H: THandle;
170   D: DWord;
171 begin
172   { Get Handle }
173   H := Handle;
174   { Wait for it to terminate }
175   repeat
176     D := WaitForSingleObject(H, 1);
177     { System Slizes }
178     SleepEx(1, True);
179   until (Terminated) or ((D <> WAIT_TIMEOUT) and (D <> WAIT_OBJECT_0));
180 end;
182 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
183 //
184 // Makes a sweep of the database specifyed in the properties.
185 //
186 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
188 procedure TIBSweepThread.DoSweep;
189 var
190   IBSweep: TIBValidationService;
191   SrvAddr: string;
192   DBName: string;
193 begin
194   try
195     { Set Start Time }
196     ProcessTime := GetTickCount;
197     { Extract SrvAddr and DBName from DatabaseName }
198     SrvAddr := DatabaseName;
199     { Correct if Local machine }
200     if Pos(':', SrvAddr) <> 0 then
201     begin
202       Delete(SrvAddr, Pos(':', SrvAddr), Length(SrvAddr));
203       DBName := DatabaseName;
204       Delete(DBName, 1, Pos(':', DBName));
205     end
206     else
207     begin
208       { Must be localhost since Server Address is missing }
209       SrvAddr := '';
210       DBName := DatabaseName;
211     end;
212     { Set Flags }
213     Processing := True;
214     ResultState := state_Initializing;
215     try
216       { Create IBValidationService }
217       IBSweep := TIBValidationService.Create(nil);
218       IBSweep.Protocol := TCP;
219       IBSweep.LoginPrompt := False;
220       IBSweep.Params.Values['user_name'] := DatabaseUsername;
221       IBSweep.Params.Values['password'] := DatabasePassword;
222       IBSweep.ServerName := SrvAddr;
223       IBSweep.DatabaseName := DBName;
224       IBSweep.Active := True;
225       IBSweep.Options := [SweepDB];
226       try
227         { Start the service }
228         IBSweep.ServiceStart;
229         { Set state }
230         ResultState := state_Sweeping;
231         { Get the Report Lines - No lines in Sweeping but needs to be done }
232         while not IBSweep.Eof do
233         begin
234           IBSweep.GetNextLine;
235           { Wait a bit }
236           Sleep(1);
237         end;
238       finally
239         { Deactive Service }
240         IBSweep.Active := False;
241       end;
242       { Set State to OK }
243       ResultState := state_Done;
244     except
245       on E: Exception do
246       begin
247         { Set State to OK }
248         ResultState := state_Error;
249       end;
250     end
251   finally
252     { Calculate Process Time }
253     ProcessTime := GetTickCount - ProcessTime;
254     { Free objects }
255     if Assigned(IBSweep) then
256     begin
257       if IBSweep.Active then
258         IBSweep.Active := False;
259       IBSweep.Free;
260       IBSweep := nil;
261     end;
262     { Set flag }
263     Processing := False;
264   end;
265 end;
267 end.

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