Author: Yovanny Rodrigue
How do i connect to a remote firebird database server?
Firebird/Interbase Databases
A Firebird database is a single file - normally either *.fdb or *.gdb - all the
tables are stored in that file.
To create a new alias, follow the instructions above, select the INTRBASE driver,
and set the following parameters.
Property Value Comments
Server Name This is the fully qualified *.fdb or *.gdb file
User Name SYSDBA For employee.gdb, the default password is masterkey
Warning: If the focus is in an Opened Interbase/Firebird table when Object /
New... is selected, it is possible that you will create a new table or a new field
instead of a new alias.
To connect to a remote firebird server, you MUST include the drive letter after the
computer name.
CompName:C:\Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\Data\employee.gdb
The Interbase help says that the following format is also acceptable in ISQL - but
it definitely does NOT work in the Database Explore.
\\CompName\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\Data\employee.gdb
Firebird is the open source version of Borland's Interbase database server.