Author: Jonas Bilinkevicius
I need to extract a string from the middle of a sentence. For example: An email
will come in with the following subject: Order from the Web :
My method is to start at the @ sign and work outwards using copy.
Solve 1:
This may not be the most efficient, but
1 function MyWord(const Token: Char; const S: string): string;
2 var
3 B, M, E: Integer;
4 K: string;
5 begin
6 Result := '';
7 M := Pos(Token, S);
8 if M > 0 then
9 begin
10 K := ' ' + S + ' '; {wrap in spaces cause I'm lazy}
11 B := M + 1;
12 repeat
13 Dec(B);
14 until
15 K[B] in [' ', #9, #10];
16 E := M;
17 repeat
18 Inc(E);
19 until
20 K[E] in [' ', #9, #13];
21 Result := Copy(S, B, E - B - 1);
22 end;
23 end;
Example of using:
24 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
25 begin
26 Caption := MyWord('@', Memo1.Text);
27 end;
Solve 2:
28 {Parse item}
30 procedure ParseItem(var Source, Item: string; Delimiter: Char);
31 var
32 CurrentPosition: Integer;
33 begin
34 CurrentPosition := Pos(Delimiter, Source);
35 if CurrentPosition = 0 then
36 begin
37 {No delimeter - item is the remaining string}
38 Item := Source;
39 Source := '';
40 end
41 else
42 begin
43 {There is a delimeter}
44 Item := Copy(Source, 1, CurrentPosition - 1);
45 Delete(Source, 1, CurrentPosition);
46 end;
47 end;
49 function GetEmailAddress(ASource: string): string;
50 var
51 AWord: string;
52 begin
53 Result := '';
54 while ASource <> '' do
55 begin
56 ParseItem(ASource, AWord, ' ');
57 if Pos('@', AWord) <> 0 then
58 begin
59 Result := AWord;
60 Break;
61 end;
62 end;
63 end;
65 procedure TForm1.Button30Click(Sender: TObject);
66 begin
67 ShowMessage(GetEmailAddress('Order from theWeb :'));
68 end;
Solve 3:
Can we assume that you always have the colon / blank sequence? If so then this may
be easier:
69 P := Pos(':', Subject) + 2; {Position following the colon / blank}
70 {Grab everything after}
71 EMailAddress := Copy(Subject, P, Length(Subject) - P - 1);
Solve 4:
If you can't count on the ' :' as Kurt suggests, perhaps the following will do:
72 function ExtractEMailAddress(const s: string): string;
73 const
74 goodEMailChars = ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '@', '.', '_', '-'];
75 var
76 i, j, lth: integer;
77 begin
78 i := pos('@', s);
79 if i > 0 then
80 begin
81 j := i + 1;
82 while (i > 0) and (s[i] in goodEMailChars) do
83 dec(i);
84 inc(i);
85 lth := Length(s);
86 while (j <= lth) and (s[j] in goodEMailChars) do
87 inc(j);
88 result := Copy(s, i, j - i);
89 end
90 else
91 result := '';
92 end;
Solve 5:
You can use Pos to locate the substrings and Copy to copy the text to a new string.
Something like:
93 function FindSubString(const S, Prefix, Suffix: string): string;
94 var
95 P: Integer;
96 begin
97 Result := EmptyStr;
98 P := Pos(Prefix, S);
99 if P > 0 then
100 begin
101 Result := Copy(S, P + Length(Prefix), Length(S));
102 P := Pos(Suffix, Result);
103 if P > 0 then
104 SetLength(Result, P - 1)
105 else
106 Result := EmptyStr;
107 end;
108 end;
The code isn't very efficient, but it should get you started.