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How to read CSV files with TStringList.CommaText when the value between commas c Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Object Pascal-Strings
Delphi 2.x
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Jonas Bilinkevicius

When reading comma separated files with TStringList.CommaText, there is a problem, 
if the value between commas contains a space it is broken up to two separate 
values. Any suggestion on how to avoid this?


Solve 1:

I had a similar problem and wrote a function that replaces all commas (,) with 
carriage returns (#13). So you can do:

StringList1.Text := CommaSeparate(TheCSVString);

1   function CommaSeparate(const szString: string): string;
2   var
3     iLength: integer;
4     i: integer;
5     bDoubleQuotesActive: boolean;
6     szOutput: string;
7   begin
8     iLength := Length(szString);
9     bDoubleQuotesActive := False;
10    for i := 1 to iLength do
11    begin
12      if szString[i] = ',' then
13      begin
14        if not bDoubleQuotesActive then
15          szOutput := szOutput + Chr(13);
16      end
17      else if szString[i] = '"' then
18      begin
19        if bDoubleQuotesActive then
20          bDoubleQuotesActive := False
21        else
22          bDoubleQuotesActive := True;
23      end
24      else
25        szOutput := szOutput + szString[i];
26    end;
27    Result := szOutput;
28  end;

Solve 2:

29  { ... }
30  interface
31  {So CommaText will have the same meaning as CSV}
32  TCommaStrings = class(TStringList)
33  private
34    function GetCommaText: string;
35    procedure SetCommaText(const Value: string);
36  public
37    property CommaText: string read GetCommaText write SetCommaText;
38  end;
40  implementation
42  function TCommaStrings.GetCommaText: string;
43  var
44    S: string;
45    P: PChar;
46    I, Count: Integer;
47  begin
48    Count := GetCount;
49    if (Count = 1) and (Get(0) = '') then
50      Result := '""'
51    else
52    begin
53      Result := '';
54      for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
55      begin
56        S := Get(I);
57        P := PChar(S);
58        while not (P^ in [#0..' ', '"', ',']) do
59          P := CharNext(P);
60        if (P^ <> #0) then
61          S := AnsiQuotedStr(S, '"');
62        Result := Result + S + ',';
63      end;
64      System.Delete(Result, Length(Result), 1);
65    end;
66  end;
68  procedure TCommaStrings.SetCommaText(const Value: string);
69  var
70    P, P1: PChar;
71    S: string;
72  begin
73    BeginUpdate;
74    try
75      Clear;
76      P := PChar(Value);
77      while P^ in [#1..' '] do
78        P := CharNext(P);
79      while P^ <> #0 do
80      begin
81        if P^ = '"' then
82          S := AnsiExtractQuotedStr(P, '"')
83        else
84        begin
85          P1 := P;
86          while (P^ >= ' ') and (P^ <> ',') do
87            P := CharNext(P);
88          SetString(S, P1, P - P1);
89        end;
90        Add(S);
91        while P^ in [#1..' '] do
92          P := CharNext(P);
93        if P^ = ',' then
94        begin
95          repeat
96            P := CharNext(P);
97          until
98            not (P^ in [#1..' ']);
99          if P^ = #0 then
100           Add('') {Trailing commas ARE another field!}
101       end;
102     end;
103   finally
104     EndUpdate;
105   end;
106 end;

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