Author: Tomas Rutkauskas
I have a question about disabling containers. In my case I have a panel containing
a button. When disabling the panel the button is disabled, but not greyed. Why is
it not greyed?
You have several options. Perhaps the easiest is to use this small routine which
iterates through a parent's children controls, enabling / disabling each in turn:
1 procedure EnableContainer(Parent: TWinControl; AEnabled: Boolean);
2 var3 I: Integer;
4 begin5 for I := 0 to Parent.ControlCount - 1 do6 Parent.Controls[I].Enabled := AEnabled;
7 Parent.Enabled := AEnabled;
8 end;
9 10 11 //So instead of doing this:12 13 14 Panel1.Enabled := False;
15 16 17 //do this instead:18 19 20 EnableContainer(Panel1, False);