Author: Bertrand Goetzmann
Move or resize graphically a TControl object by using another objet that has all
the necessary code.
The unit showed bellow is for the TControlHandler class.
TControlHandler can manipulate graphically any descendant of the TControl class. A
TControl objet can be selected by the TControlHandler Control property : a border
appears surrounding the control passed to this method as reference. At run-time,
you can then change its location or change its size with the mouse.
For example, in an application, create a TControlHandler at startup :
FControlHandler := TControlHandler.Create(Self);
To manipulate a Button1 objet placed on the form, write the following instruction :
FControlHandler.Control := Button1;
You can choose another control by assigning a new TControl's reference ; the
previous one is deselected.
1 unit ControlHandler;
3 // Written by Bertrand Goetzmann (
5 interface
7 uses
8 Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
9 StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls;
11 type
12 TControlPoint = (pcTopLeft, pcTopRight, pcBottomLeft, pcBottomRight, pcOther);
14 TControlHandler = class(TCustomControl)
15 private
16 Rgn: HRGN;
17 R, R1: TRect;
18 Pos: TPoint;
19 Pt: TControlPoint;
20 bDrag: Boolean;
21 protected
22 FControl: TControl;
23 procedure SetRegion;
24 function GetControlPoint(const Point: TPoint): TControlPoint;
25 procedure Paint; override;
26 procedure MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
27 X,
28 Y: Integer);
29 procedure MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,
30 Y:
31 Integer);
32 procedure MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
33 public
34 constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
35 destructor Destroy; override;
36 procedure SetControl(Control: TControl);
37 published
38 property Control: TControl read FControl write SetControl;
39 end;
41 implementation
43 const
44 LARGEUR = 5;
46 // Méthodes de TControlHandler
48 constructor TControlHandler.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
49 begin
50 inherited Create(AOwner);
51 Parent := AOwner as TWinControl;
53 Rgn := 0;
54 bDrag := False;
56 OnMouseDown := MouseDown;
57 OnMouseMove := MouseMove;
58 OnMouseUp := MouseUp;
59 end;
61 destructor TControlHandler.Destroy;
62 begin
63 if Rgn <> 0 then
64 DeleteObject(Rgn);
65 inherited Destroy;
66 end;
68 function TControlHandler.GetControlPoint(const Point: TPoint): TControlPoint;
69 begin
70 Result := pcOther;
71 if PtInRect(Rect(0, 0, LARGEUR, LARGEUR), Point) then
72 Result := pcTopLeft
73 else if PtInRect(Rect(Width - LARGEUR, 0, Width, LARGEUR), Point) then
74 Result := pcTopRight
75 else if PtInRect(Rect(0, Height - LARGEUR, LARGEUR, Height), Point) then
76 Result := pcBottomLeft
77 else if PtInRect(Rect(Width - LARGEUR, Height - LARGEUR, Width, Height), Point)
78 then
79 Result := pcBottomRight;
80 end;
82 procedure TControlHandler.MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift:
83 TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
84 begin
85 Pos.x := X;
86 Pos.y := Y;
87 bDrag := True;
89 R := Rect(FControl.Left, FControl.Top, FControl.Left + FControl.Width,
91 + FControl.Height);
92 R1 := Rect(FControl.Left, FControl.Top, FControl.Left + FControl.Width,
94 + FControl.Height);
96 Pt := GetControlPoint(Pos);
98 Visible := False;
99 end;
101 procedure TControlHandler.MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift:
102 TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
103 begin
104 Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
105 bDrag := False;
107 Control.Left := R.Left;
108 Control.Top := R.Top;
109 Control.Width := R.Right - R.Left;
110 Control.Height := R.Bottom - R.Top;
112 SetRegion;
114 Visible := True;
115 end;
117 procedure TControlHandler.MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y:
118 Integer);
119 begin
120 case GetControlPoint(Point(X, Y)) of
121 pcTopLeft:
122 Cursor := crSizeNWSE;
123 pcTopRight:
124 Cursor := crSizeNESW;
125 pcBottomLeft:
126 Cursor := crSizeNESW;
127 pcBottomRight:
128 Cursor := crSizeNWSE;
129 pcOther:
130 Cursor := crDrag;
131 end;
133 if not bDrag then
134 Exit;
136 case Pt of
137 pcTopLeft:
138 begin
139 R.Left := R1.Left + X - Pos.x;
140 R.Top := R1.Top + Y - Pos.y;
141 end;
142 pcTopRight:
143 begin
144 R.Right := R1.Right + X - Pos.x;
145 R.Top := R1.Top + Y - Pos.y;
146 end;
147 pcBottomLeft:
148 begin
149 R.Left := R1.Left + X - Pos.x;
150 R.Bottom := R1.Bottom + Y - Pos.y;
151 end;
152 pcBottomRight:
153 begin
154 R.Right := R1.Right + X - Pos.x;
155 R.Bottom := R1.Bottom + Y - Pos.y;
156 end;
157 pcOther:
158 begin
159 R.Left := R1.Left + X - Pos.x;
160 R.Top := R1.Top + Y - Pos.y;
161 R.Right := R1.Right + X - Pos.x;
162 R.Bottom := R1.Bottom + Y - Pos.y;
163 end;
164 end;
166 with FControl do
167 begin
168 Left := R.Left;
169 Top := R.Top;
170 Width := R.Right - R.Left;
171 Height := R.Bottom - R.Top;
172 end;
173 end;
175 procedure TControlHandler.SetRegion;
176 var
177 Rgn1, Rgn2: HRGN;
178 begin
179 if Rgn <> 0 then
180 DeleteObject(Rgn);
181 Visible := False;
183 Left := Control.Left - LARGEUR;
184 Top := Control.Top - LARGEUR;
185 Width := Control.Width + 2 * LARGEUR;
186 Height := Control.Height + 2 * LARGEUR;
188 Rgn := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, Width, Height);
189 Rgn1 := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, Width, Height);
190 Rgn2 := CreateRectRgn(LARGEUR, LARGEUR, Control.Width + LARGEUR, Control.Height +
192 CombineRgn(Rgn, Rgn1, Rgn2, RGN_DIFF);
193 DeleteObject(Rgn1);
194 DeleteObject(Rgn2);
195 SetWindowRgn(Handle, Rgn, True);
197 Visible := True;
198 end;
200 procedure TControlHandler.SetControl(Control: TControl);
201 begin
202 FControl := Control;
203 SetRegion;
204 end;
206 procedure TControlHandler.Paint;
207 begin
208 with Canvas do
209 begin
210 Brush.Color := clBlack;
211 Brush.Style := bsBDiagonal;
212 Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);
214 // Dessiner les poignets
215 Brush.Style := bsSolid;
216 FillRect(Rect(0, 0, LARGEUR, LARGEUR));
217 FillRect(Rect(Width - LARGEUR, 0, Width, LARGEUR));
218 FillRect(Rect(0, Height - LARGEUR, LARGEUR, Height));
219 FillRect(Rect(Width - LARGEUR, Height - LARGEUR, Width, Height));
220 end;
221 end;
223 end.
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