Author: Tomas Rutkauskas
How can I find out if Netscape is running or not? And if it is running, how can I
get the current URL address that is displaying? The same with IE.
Here's an example which gets you both the URL and the title of the page into one
string. For explorer replace 'Netscape' with 'IExplorer':
1 uses2 DdeMan;
3 4 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
5 var6 DDE: TDdeClientConv;
7 begin8 DDE := TDdeClientConv.Create(self);
9 if DDE.SetLink('Netscape', 'WWW_GetWindowInfo') then10 Edit1.Text := DDE.RequestData('0xFFFFFFFF, sURL, sTitle')
11 else12 ShowMessage('Netscape is not running');
13 DDE.Free;
14 end;