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How to change the color of a TOleContainer Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Delphi 3.x
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Peter Below

How to change the color of a TOleContainer 


Basically you have to make a descendent class and reimplement the Paint method. 
This has some snags to deal with, like references to private fields of the 
TOleContainer class. Here is an example from a custom TOleContainer descendent.

The Paint method is basically copied from TOlecontainer.Paint and modified to fix a 
bug in painting the controls background. TOlecontainer uses DrawEdge with BF_MIDDLE 
as flag and that fills the background gray, ignoring the color set for the control. 
Since TOLecontainer.Paint makes reference to a number of private fields of the 
controls some nested functions are introduced to get access to these fields values.

1   procedure TStructureBox.Paint;
3     function DrawAspect: Longint;
4     begin
5       if Iconic then
6         result := DVASPECT_ICON
7       else
8         result := DVASPECT_CONTENT
9     end;
11    function DocObj: boolean;
12    var
13      wnd: HWND;
14    begin
15      (Self as IOleInPlaceSite).GetWindow(wnd);
16      result := wnd = Handle;
17    end;
19    function UIActive: Boolean;
20    begin
21      result := state = osUIActive;
22    end;
24    function ObjectOpen: Boolean;
25    begin
26      result := state = osOpen;
27    end;
29    function Viewsize: TPoint;
30    var
31      ViewObject2: IViewObject2;
32    begin
33      if Succeeded(OleObjectInterface.QueryInterface(IViewObject2, ViewObject2)) then
34        ViewObject2.GetExtent(DrawAspect, -1, nil, Result)
35      else
36        Result := Point(0, 0);
37    end;
39  var
40    W, H: Integer;
41    S: TPoint;
42    R, CR: TRect;
43    Flags: Integer;
44  begin
45    if DocObj and UIActive then
46      Exit;
47    CR := Rect(0, 0, Width, Height);
48    if BorderStyle = bsSingle then
49    begin
50      if NewStyleControls and Ctl3D then
51        Flags := BF_ADJUST or BF_RECT
52      else
53        Flags := BF_ADJUST or BF_RECT or BF_MONO;
54    end
55    else
56      Flags := BF_FLAT;
57    Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
58    Canvas.Brush.Color := Color;
59    {Main modification are the following two lines}
60    DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, CR, EDGE_SUNKEN, Flags);
61    Canvas.FillRect(CR);
62    if OleObjectInterface <> nil then
63    begin
64      W := CR.Right - CR.Left;
65      H := CR.Bottom - CR.Top;
66      S := HimetricToPixels(ViewSize);
67      if (DrawAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT) and (SizeMode = smScale) then
68        if W * S.Y > H * S.X then
69        begin
70          S.X := S.X * H div S.Y;
71          S.Y := H;
72        end
73        else
74        begin
75          S.Y := S.Y * W div S.X;
76          S.X := W;
77        end;
78      if (DrawAspect = DVASPECT_ICON) or (SizeMode = smCenter) or (SizeMode = smScale)
79        then
80      begin
81        R.Left := (W - S.X) div 2;
82        R.Top := (H - S.Y) div 2;
83        R.Right := R.Left + S.X;
84        R.Bottom := R.Top + S.Y;
85      end
86      else if SizeMode = smClip then
87      begin
88        SetRect(R, CR.Left, CR.Top, S.X, S.Y);
89        IntersectClipRect(Canvas.Handle, CR.Left, CR.Top, CR.Right, CR.Bottom);
90      end
91      else
92        SetRect(R, CR.Left, CR.Top, W, H);
93      OleDraw(OleObjectInterface, DrawAspect, Canvas.Handle, R);
94      if ObjectOpen then
95        ShadeRect(Canvas.Handle, CR);
96    end;
97    if Focused then
98      Canvas.DrawFocusRect(CR);
99  end;

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