Author: Tomas Rutkauskas
Using the TMediaPlayer to play AVI is rather slow. When I play the same movies in
the Windows mediaplayer everything works fine. I tried to import the TActiveMovie
ActiveX control in Delphi 5 but then I get an error message when I want to compile
my program. I can't even delete the control from my form. Is there another "easy"
way to play AVI from Delphi without the delays from MCI?
This code plays an AVI movie (in full screen). It links directly to the MCI devices
of Windows.So it should be as fast as possible.
1 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
2 const
3 longName: PChar = 'f:\media\ANIM1.MPG'; {Your complete FileName}
4 var
5 ret, shortName: PChar;
6 err: DWord;
7 begin
8 {Getting the short Name (8:3) of selected file}
9 shortName := strAlloc(521);
10 GetShortPathName(longName, shortname, 512);
11 {Sending a close Command to the MCI}
12 ret := strAlloc(255);
13 err := mciSendString(pchar('close movie'), 0, 0, 0);
14 {No error check because at the first call there is no MCI device to close}
15 {Open a new MCI Device with the selected movie file}
16 err := mciSendString(pchar('open ' + shortName + ' alias movie'), 0, 0, 0);
17 shortName := nil;
18 {If an Error was traced then display a MessageBox with the mciError string}
19 if err <> 0 then
20 begin
21 mciGetErrorString(err, ret, 255);
22 messageDlg(ret, mtInformation, [mbOk], 0);
23 end;
24 {Sending the "play fullscreen command to the Windows MCI}
25 err := mciSendString(pchar('play movie fullscreen'), 0, 0, 0);
26 {Use the following line instead of the above one if you want to play
27 it in screen mode}
28 err := mciSendString(pchar('play movie'), 0, 0, 0);
29 {If an Error was traced then display a MessageBox with the mciError string}
30 if err <> 0 then
31 begin
32 mciGetErrorString(err, ret, 255);
33 messageDlg(ret, mtInformation, [mbOk], 0);
34 end;
35 ret := nil;
36 end;