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Delphi FLIC component - a starting point Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
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			Author: Tomas Rutkauskas

Delphi FLIC component - a starting point


I have included two files: - an include file with the interface defs for aaplay.dll
aaplay1.pas - a very skeletal flic-playing component
You need a copy of aaplay.dll from Autodesk.

1   {}
2   {Header file containing constant and type definitions for aaplay1.pas}
3   const
4     NULL = 0;
5     NULLPTR = ^0;
6     {Valid flags in wMode: integer; Used in aaLoad, aaReLoad. The low order eight 
7   bits of wMode is used in aa_flags.}
8     AA_MEMORYLOAD = $1; { Load into memory }
9     AA_HIDEWINDOW = $2; { Hide the animation window }
10    AA_NOPALETTE = $4; { Prevent palette animation }
11    AA_RESERVEPALETTE = $8; { Reserve entire palette at start }
12    AA_LOOPFRAME = $10; { Loaded with a loop frame }
13    AA_FULLSCREEN = $20; { Use full screen for playing }
14    AA_STOPNOTIFY = $40; { Prevent any notification messages }
15    AA_STOPSTATUS = $80; { Prevent status messages }
16    AA_NOFAIL = $100; { Reduce load type on fail }
17    AA_DONTPAINT = $200; { Don't paByVal animation when loading }
18    AA_BUILDSCRIPT = $400; { lpzFileName is script not name }
19    AA_ALLMODES = $FF; {Valid flags for the sound mode - wMode: integer; Used in 
20  aaSound}
21    AA_SNDFREEZE = $1; { Freeze frames until sound begins }
22    AA_SNDDEVICEID = $100; { device is an ID not a name }
23    AA_SNDBUILDALIAS = $200; { create sound device alias }
24    {aaNotify allows an application to be notified at specific frames when an 
25  animation is playing.
26   lPosition is the position at which the notification is to take place. The wParam 
27  for this message is
28   hAa, and the lParam is copied from this call. Returns TRUE if the notification is 
29  set. This value for
30   the loops will cause the animation to end when the sound has finished. If no sound 
31  is playing, the
32   animation will loop forever.}
34    {An automatic notify is sent when an animation in a script is reloaded. The lParam
35    of this message is defined below}
37    {The parameter types Used with aaGetParm and aaSetParm.}
38    AA_STATUS = 1; { Get current status }
39    AA_FILETYPE = 2; { Get Type of animation on disk }
40    AA_MODE = 3; { Get/Set Animation Flags }
41    AA_WINDOW = 4; { Set/Get animation window }
42    AA_SPEED = 5; { Set/Get current speed }
43    AA_DESIGNSPEED = 6; { Get design speed }
44    AA_FRAMES = 7; { Get Number of frames }
45    AA_POSITION = 8; { Set/Get current frame position }
46    AA_LOOPS = 9; { Set/Get number of loops }
47    AA_X = 10; { Set/Get Pos of display window }
48    AA_Y = 11; { Set/Get Pos of display window }
49    AA_CX = 12; { Set/Get extents of display window }
50    AA_CY = 13; { Set/Get extents of display window }
51    AA_ORGX = 14; { Set/Get Origin of display window }
52    AA_ORGY = 15; { Set/Get Origin of display window }
53    AA_WIDTH = 16; { Get Width of animation }
54    AA_HEIGHT = 17; { Get Height of animation }
55    AA_RPTSOUND = 18; { Set/Get sound repeats }
56    AA_PAUSE = 19; { Set/Get pause time }
57    AA_DELAYSND = 20; { Set/Get sound delay time }
58    AA_TRANSIN = 21; { Set/Get Transition In type }
59    AA_TRANSOUT = 22; { Set/Get Transition Out type }
60    AA_TIMEIN = 23; { Set/Get Transition In time }
61    AA_TIMEOUT = 24; { Set/Get Transition Out Time }
62    AA_CALLBACK = 25; { Set/Get CallBack window }
63    AA_ANIMWND = 26; { Get Animation Window Handle }
64    AA_MODFLAG = 100; { Set/Get Script is modified flag }
65    AA_SCRIPTNAME = 101; { Set/Get Script name }
66    AA_ANIMATION = 102; { Get/Set Script Animation }
67    AA_ANIMATIONCOUNT = 103; { Get Script Animation Count }
68    AA_SCRIPTCONTENTS = 104; { Get Script Contents }
69    AA_LASTERROR = 1001; { Get last error code }
70    AA_LASTERRORMESSAGE = 1002; { Get/Set last error messsage }
71    {The parameter types Used with aaSetParmIndirect}
72    AA_SETMODE = $1; { Get/Set Animation Flags }
73    AA_SETWINDOW = $2; { Set/Get animation window }
74    AA_SETSPEED = $4; { Set/Get current speed }
75    AA_SETPOSITION = $8; { Set/Get current frame position }
76    AA_SETLOOPS = $10; { Set/Get number of loops }
77    AA_SETX = $20; { Set/Get left of display window }
78    AA_SETY = $40; { Set/Get left of display window }
79    AA_SETCX = $80; { Set/Get top of display window }
80    AA_SETCY = $100; { Set/Get top of display window }
81    AA_SETORGX = $200; { Set/Get width of display window }
82    AA_SETORGY = $400; { Set/Get width of display window }
83    AA_SETRPTSOUND = $800; { Set/Get sound repeats }
84    AA_SETPAUSE = $1000; { Set/Get pause time }
85    AA_SETDELAYSND = $2000; { Set/Get sound delay time }
86    AA_SETTRANSIN = $4000; { Set/Get Transition In type }
87    AA_SETTRANSOUT = $8000; { Set/Get Transition Out type }
88    AA_SETTIMEIN = $10000; { Set/Get Transition In time }
89    AA_SETTIMEOUT = $20000; { Set/Get Transition Out Time }
90    AA_SETCALLBACK = $40000; { Set/Get Callback window }
91    AA_ALL = $FFFFFFFF; { Get/Set all parameters }
92    {Status values for an animation}
93    AA_STOPPED = 1; { Loaded but not playing }
94    AA_QUEUED = 2; { Animation is waiting to play }
95    AA_PLAYING = 3; { Animation is playing }
96    AA_PAUSED = 4; { Animation is paused }
97    AA_DONE = 5; { Animation has ended playing and is awaiting an aaStop call }
98    {File type definitions}
99    AA_FLI = $1; { Autodesk Animator Fli format }
100   AA_DIB = $2; { Windows DIB format }
101   AA_NUMTYPES = $2; { Number of types }
102   AA_SCRIPT = $3; { Script without an animation }
103   {Transition types}
104   AA_CUT = 0; { Just stop one and start another }
105   AA_FADEBLACK = $1; { Fade In/Out from to black }
106   AA_FADEWHITE = $2; { Fade In/Out from to white }
107   {Error codes returned by aaGetParm(xxx, AA_LASTERROR)}
108   AA_ERR_NOERROR = 0; { Unknown error }
109   AA_ERR_NOMEMORY = $100; { 256 - Out of memory error }
110   AA_ERR_BADHANDLE = $101; { 257 - Bad handle }
111   AA_ERR_NOTIMERS = $102; { 258 - Cannot start timer }
112   AA_ERR_BADSOUND = $103; { 259 - Bad sound spec }
113   AA_ERR_NOSCRIPT = $104; { 260 - Requires a script }
114   AA_ERR_WRITEERR = $105; { 261 - Write error for script }
115   AA_ERR_BADANIMATION = $106; { 262 - Cannot open animation }
116   AA_ERR_BADWINDOWHANDLE = $200; { 512 - Bad Window Handle }
117   AA_ERR_WINDOWCREATE = $201; { 513 - Cannot create window }
118   AA_ERR_DLGERROR = $202; { 514 - Dialog error }
119   AA_ERR_INVALIDSTATUS = $300; { 768 - Invalid status }
120   AA_ERR_BADDIBFORMAT = $301; { 769 - Bad dib file }
121   AA_ERR_BADFLIFORMAT = $302; { 770 - Bad fli file }
122   AA_ERR_UNRECOGNIZEDFORMAT = $303; { 771 - Unrecognized format }
123   AA_ERR_NOSOUND = $304; { 772 - Sound not supported }
124   AA_ERR_NOTVALIDFORSCRIPTS = $305; { 773 - Not valid for scripts }
125   AA_ERR_INVALIDFILE = $306; { 774 - Bad file handle }
126   AA_ERR_NOSCRIPTS = $307; { 775 - No Script files }
127   AA_ERR_SPEED = $400; { 1024 - Invalid speed  }
128   AA_ERR_LOOPS = $401; { 1025 - invalid loops }
129   AA_ERR_RPTSOUND = $402; { 1026 - invalid repeat sound }
130   AA_ERR_PAUSE = $403; { 1027 - invalid pause }
131   AA_ERR_TRANSIN = $404; { 1028 - invalid transition }
132   AA_ERR_TIMEIN = $405; { 1029 - invalid transition }
133   AA_ERR_TRANSOUT = $406; { 1030 - invalid transition time }
134   AA_ERR_TIMEOUT = $407; { 1031 - invalid transition time }
135   AA_ERR_DELAYSND = $408; { 1032 - invalid sound delay }
136   AA_ERR_INVALIDTYPE = $409; { 1033 - invalid parameter type }
137   AA_ERR_DUPLICATENOTIFY = $500; { 1280 - duplicate notify }
138   AA_ERR_NOSWITCH = $600; { 1536 - no switch in script }
139   AA_ERR_PARSELOOPS = $601; { 1537 - Bad loops in script }
140   AA_ERR_PARSESPEED = $602; { 1538 - Bad speed in script }
141   AA_ERR_BADRPTSOUND = $603; { 1539 - Bad repeat sound in script }
142   AA_ERR_PARSEPAUSE = $604; { 1540 - Bad pause in script }
143   AA_ERR_PARSETRANS = $605; { 1541 - Bad tranisition in script }
144   AA_ERR_PARSEDELAYSND = $606; { 1542 - Bad delay sound in script }
145   AA_ERR_TOOMANYLINKS = $607; { 1543 - Too many links }
146   {dwFlags: integer; can be any of the following Used in aaGetFile.}
149   AA_GETFILE_SAVE = $4;
150   AA_GETFILE_OPEN = $8;
151   AA_GETFILE_USEDIR = $10;
153   AA_GETFILE_SOUND = $40;
154   AA_GETFILE_SCRIPT = $80;
156   {wMode: integer; Values Used in aaSave}
158   AA_SAVE_AS = $2;
159   AA_SAVE_CANCEL = $4;
160   {Capabitlities Used in aaGetCaps}
161   AA_CAP_TIMER = 1;
162   AA_CAP_SOUND = 2;
163   AA_CAP_SCRIPT = 3;
164   {Animation status messages Use RegisterWindowMessage to get the real message 
165 numbers.}
166   AA_NOTIFY = 'AAPLAY Notify'; { notification message }
167   AA_STOP = 'AAPLAY Stop'; { stop message }
168   {These are sent in the low word of lParam with the AA_ERROR message.
169   They indicate the error that occured}
170   AA_BADPLAY = 1; { Error attempting to play }
171   AA_BADNOTIFY = 2; { Error attempting to notify }
172   AA_BADSCRIPT = 3; { Error attempting to animation in script  }
174 unit aaplay1;
176 interface
178 uses
179   SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls,
180   Forms, Dialogs, MPlayer;
182 {$I AAPLAY1.INC}
184 const
185   AAPARMS_SIZE = 54;
187 type
188   AAHandle = word; { Handle to an animation }
189   AASPEED = word; { Type that holds speed for animation }
190   AATRN = word; { Type that holds transition for animation }
191   dword = longint;
192   {The parameter structure to be used for the animation.}
193   AAPARMS = record
194     AA_STATUS: byte; { Current status of animation }
195     AA_FILETYPE: byte; { Type of file on disk }
196     AA_MODE: byte; { Some flags }
197     AA_bitpix: byte; { bits per pixel }
198     AA_HWnd: HWnd; { Handle of window for status messages }
199     AA_X: integer; { Left of display window }
200     AA_Y: integer; { Top of display window }
201     AA_CX: integer; { Width of display window }
202     AA_CY: integer; { Height of display window }
203     AA_ORGX: integer; { PoByVal in the animation displayed }
204     AA_ORGY: integer; { in the upper left corner }
205     AA_SPEED: AASPEED; { Speed of animation in msec per frame }
206     AA_DESIGNSPEED: AASPEED; { Designed milliseconds per frame }
207     AA_WIDTH: word; { Width of animation in pixels }
208     AA_HEIGHT: word; { Height of animation in pixels }
209     AA_FRAMES: word; { Number of frames in animation }
210     AA_POSITION: dword; { Current frame position }
211     AA_LOOPS: dword; { End of animation position }
212     AA_RPTSOUND: word; { Number of times to repeat sound }
213     AA_PAUSE: word; { Number of milliseconds to hold l:t frame }
214     AA_DELAYSND: longint; { Delay Sound in milliseconds }
215     AA_TRANSIN: byte; { Transition at start of animation }
216     AA_TRANSOUT: byte; { Transition at end of animation }
217     AA_TIMEIN: word; { Length of transition in, milliseconds }
218     AA_TIMEOUT: word; { Length of transition out, milliseconds }
219     AA_CALLBACK: HWnd; { message callback window }
220     AA_ANIMWND: Hwnd; { Animation Window Handle }
221   end;
224 type
225   TAAPlayer = class(TMediaPlayer)
226     procedure OpenAA;
227   private
228     { Private declarations }
229   protected
230     { Protected declarations }
231   public
232     { Public declarations }
233     AAParameters: AAPARMS;
234     FlicHandle: AAHandle;
235     PlayWinHandle: THandle;
236     StatusWinHandle: THandle;
237     CallbackWinHandle: THandle;
238   published
239     { Published declarations }
240   end;
242 procedure register;
244 { External calls to AAPLAY.DLL }
245 function aaOpen: boolean;
246 procedure aaClose;
247 function aaGetCaps(wType: word): word;
248 function aaLoad(lpzFileName: PChar; WinHnd: HWnd; wMode: word; x, y, wid,
249   hght, orgx, orgy: integer): AAHandle;
250 function aaReLoad(hAa: AAHandle; lpzFileName: PChar; wMode, wMask: word): boolean;
251 function aaUnload(hAa: AAHandle): boolean;
252 function aaPlay(hAa: AAHandle): boolean;
253 function aaNotify(hAa: AAHandle; lPosition, lParam: longint): boolean;
254 function aaCancel(hAa: AAHandle; lLoPos, lHiPos: longint): word;
255 function aaStop(hAa: AAHandle): boolean;
256 function aaPause(hAa: AAHandle): boolean;
257 function aaPrompt(hAa: AAHandle; lpName: PChar): boolean;
258 function aaGetParm(hAa: AAHandle; wType: word): longint;
259 function aaGetParmIndirect(hAa: AAHandle; lpAp: AAPARMSPtr; wSize: word): boolean;
260 function aaSetParm(hAa: AAHandle; wType: word; wValue1, lValue2: longint): AAHandle;
261 function aaSetParmIndirect(hAa: AAHandle; dwType: longint; lpAp: AAPARMSPtr;
262   wMask: word): boolean;
263 function aaShow(hAa: AAHandle; bShow: boolean): boolean;
264 function aaSound(hAa: AAHandle; device, ffile: PChar; wMode: word): boolean;
265 function aaGetFile(dwFlags: word; lpszPath: PChar; wBufLen: word;
266   lpszDriver: PChar; wDrvLen: word): integer;
267 function aaSave(hAa: AAHandle; wMode: word): integer;
269 implementation
271 procedure register;
272 begin
273   RegisterComponents('Samples', [TAAPlayer]);
274 end;
276 procedure TAAPlayer.OpenAA;
277 var
278   FileSuffix, tempstr: string[12];
279   a, b: integer;
280 begin
281   tempstr := ExtractFilename(AAPlayer.Filename);
282   a := StrPos(tempstr, '.');
283   if (a > 0) then
284   begin
285     b := a;
286     while (b <= StrLen(tmpstr)) do
287     begin
288       FileSuffix := FileSuffix + StrUpper(tempstr[b]);
289       b := b + 1;
290     end;
291     if ((FileSuffix = '.FLC') or (FileSuffix = '.FLI')) then
292     begin
293       AutoEnable := False;
294       EnabledButtons := [btRecord, btEject];
295     end;
296   end;
297 end;
299 { External calls to 'AAPLAY.DLL' }
300 {$F+}
302 function aaOpen: boolean;
303   external 'AAPLAY';
305 procedure aaClose;
306   external 'AAPLAY';
307 {AAOpen and AAClose are not really needed, except there is a bug in Windows
308 which prevents Libraries from being freed in the Windows Exit Proc (WEP). So we
309 use AAClose to free the Libraries when the last task closes the AAPlay DLL.}
311 function aaGetCaps(wType: word): word;
312   external 'AAPLAY';
314 {Get Capabitities}
315 function aaLoad(lpzFileName: PChar; WinHnd: HWnd; wMode: word;
316   x, y, wid, hght, orgx, orgy: integer): AAHandle;
317   external 'AAPLAY';
318 {aaLoad loads an animation. The file name is in lpzFileName and the loading mode is 
319 in wMode.}
321 function aaReLoad(hAa: AAHandle; lpzFileName: PChar; wMode, wMask: word): boolean;
322   external 'AAPLAY';
323 {aaReLoad will load a new animation file into an old animation handle.
324 Notifications are lost, but the palette and window are retained.}
326 function aaUnload(hAa: AAHandle): boolean;
327   external 'AAPLAY';
328 {aaUnload unloads a loaded animation. FALSE is returned if hAa is not the handle
329 of a loaded animation.}
331 function aaPlay(hAa: AAHandle): boolean;
332   external 'AAPLAY';
333 {aaPlay plays a loaded animation. TRUE is returned if the animation is not stopped
334 when aaPlay returns.}
336 function aaNotify(hAa: AAHandle; lPosition, lParam: longint): boolean;
337   external 'AAPLAY';
338 {aaNotify allows an application to be notified at specific frames when an animation
339 is playing. lPosition is the position at which the notification is to take place. 
340 The
341 wParam for this message is hAa, and the lParam is copied from this call. Returns
342 TRUE if the notification is set.}
344 function aaCancel(hAa: AAHandle; lLoPos, lHiPos: longint): word;
345   external 'AAPLAY';
346 {aaCancel allows an application to cancel notifications set by aaNotify. lLoPos and
347 lHiPos give lower and upper limits on positions. Returns the number of notifications
348 canceled.}
350 function aaStop(hAa: AAHandle): boolean;
351   external 'AAPLAY';
352 {aaStop will stop a playing animation. TRUE is returned if the animation is stopped
353 when aaStop returns.}
355 function aaPause(hAa: AAHandle): boolean;
356   external 'AAPLAY';
357 {aaPause will pause an animation. TRUE is returned if the animation is paused when
358 aaPause returns. To resume a paused animation, use aaPlay.}
360 function aaPrompt(hAa: AAHandle; lpName: PChar): boolean;
361   external 'AAPLAY';
362 {aaPrompt will produce a dialog to prompt for user input. When input is accepted, 
363 the
364 handle is changed to reflect the new parameters. The old handle is not destroyed 
365 until
366 the new handle has been created. aaPrompt returns NULL if the new handle cannot be
367 created, otherwise the new handle is returned.}
369 function aaGetParm(hAa: AAHandle; wType: word): longint;
370   external 'AAPLAY';
371 {aaGetParm will return information on an animation. Some of the information can be 
372 set
373 with aaSetParm, and other information is state information maintained by AAPLAY.}
375 function aaGetParmIndirect(hAa: AAHandle; lpAp: AAPARMSPtr; wSize: word): boolean;
376   external 'AAPLAY';
377 {aaGetParmIndirect returns the same information as aaGetParm, in a structure for 
378 easy
379 access by Visual Basic applications.}
381 function aaSetParm(hAa: AAHandle; wType: word; wValue1, lValue2: longint): AAHandle;
382   external 'AAPLAY';
383 {aaSetParm will set information on an animation}
385 function aaSetParmIndirect(hAa: AAHandle; dwType: longint;
386   lpAp: AAPARMSPtr; wMask: word): boolean;
387   external 'AAPLAY';
388 {aaSetParmIndirect will set animation parameters from a structure.}
390 function aaShow(hAa: AAHandle; bShow: boolean): boolean;
391   external 'AAPLAY';
392 {aaShow will show a single frame of an animation in a window. The mode determines
393 how the animation is drawn. The window used is set using either aaSetParm or
394 aaSetParmIndirect. aaShow returns TRUE if the animation was successfully drawn.}
396 function aaSound(hAa: AAHandle; device, ffile: PChar; wMode: word): boolean;
397   external 'AAPLAY';
398 {aaSound will open or close a sound for the animation. The sound is opened if the 
399 file
400 arguement is not null and not blank%, otherwise the sound is closed. If device is 
401 null,
402 the format of the file is used to select an appropriate device.}
404 function aaGetFile(dwFlags: word; lpszPath: PChar; wBufLen: word;
405   lpszDriver: PChar; wDrvLen: word): integer;
406   external 'AAPLAY';
407 {Opens a dialog box querying the user for a file in the standard windows file open 
408 box
409 style. dwFlags determines how the dialog box will appear. It may be the following:
411 Selected file must satisfy conditions of OpenFile() flags, else dialog beeps.
413 Do not show the search spec in the edit box. Default IS to show the spec.
415 Ok button will show "Save".
417 Ok button will show "Open".
419 Set the filename to the file in lpszPath
421 Change to the directory in lpszPath
423 Get sound file and driver
425 Get script file
427 Get Animation File (no scripts)
429 lpszPath is a LPSTR to a string buffer into which the final fully qualified pathname
430 will be written.
431 wBufLen is the length of this buffer.
432 lpszDriver is a LPSTR to a string buffer into which a sound device selection is 
433 placed.
434 wDrvLen is the length of this buffer.
435 Return value is: 0 if cancel was hit, -1 if OpenFile() failed but 
437 was not specified. DOS file handle of selected file, otherwise. This handle is not 
438 open when
439 aaOpenFile returns.}
441 function aaSave(hAa: AAHandle; wMode: word): integer;
442   external 'AAPLAY';
443 {Save a script}
445 {$F-}
446 { End of external calls to 'AAPLAY.DLL' }
447 end.

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