Author: Pieter Valentijn
How can I commit the Updates with Oracle 8.0.6 and Delphi 5.0 ? I don't want to use
a DBNavigator, but buttons.
I would add a new TQuery component to your Databasa module. Call it CommitQuery.
Edit the SQL property of CommitQuery by writing 'commit'; in the editor. And change
the database alias so that the query will be posted in the right database. Create
the ButtonOnClick procedure and add the line CommitQuery.Execute;
Or you can do something like this
1 2 Database1.startTransaction;
3 try4 Somequery.edit;
5 // Do someting wityh the query.6;
7 Database1.Commmit;
8 except9 Database1.Rollback
10 end;