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How to control display and writing of data onto data-aware components. Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
using OnGetText, OnSetText, DisplayFormat and EditMask 12-Sep-05
Delphi All Versions
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Vicens Meier, Guillem
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			The idea of this article is to help you to control both how the data is displayed 
in and what the user can type in a data-aware component by using EditMask, 
DisplayFormat, the OnGetText and OnSetText event handlers.

To expose it i will use as an example a TDBGrid, but this you can apply to any db 
visual component. 

Let's consider a TDBGrid displaying only 3 fields:

- AName: string;
- MyTime : TDateTime;
- AltDate : TDateTime;

what they are for is of no interest for us now. But let's consider we want 

1) Name has to be written and displayed only in uppercase
2) MyTime has to be written and displayed in format 'hh:nn', and ignore the date 
contained in the TDateTime.
3) AltDate has to be written and displayed in format ddmmm (like for example 01Jan 
for the 1st January) Not only that, but the month has to be written and displayed 
in uppercase and it can be only a date between January and April. Tricky, isn't it?

OK, let's see each case:

CASE 1) Seems quite easy. You could use a mask of the style


where > theoretically forces the characters behind it to be uppercase and 'l' 
permits but not requires a alphabetical character in its place. 

But that forces you to establish a max length of the name. What if you want it to 
have as many as 255 characters? You'd need to assign a mask with 255 'l'. Besides, 
the '>' does not always work well...

An alternative would be to use the OnSetText event handler. This event fires 
whenever the user tries to set the Text property in a TField. You can actually use 
it to change the text that will be passed to the TField. Like this:

1   procedure TForm1.UppercaseSetText(Sender: TField; const Text: string);
2   begin
3      Sender.AsString := UpperCase(Text);
4   end;
6   //Of course you have to assign the event handler like this:
8   DBGrid1.Fields[0].OnSetText := UpperCaseSetText;  //where Fields[0] is AName

CASE 2) in this case you've got a TDateTime to be displayed and written as 'hh:nn'

How to do it? A TField has an EditMask, but not a DisplayFormat. You need to cast 
it to a TDateTimeField, which actually has it. Then you could assign both like this:

9     TDateTimeField(DBGridSeries.Fields[1]).DisplayFormat:= 'hh:nn';
10    TDateTimeField(DBGridSeries.Fields[1]).EditMask := '!00:00'; //where Fields[1] is 
11  MyTime

CASE 3) Finally we got to the real tricky case.

For this we'll need some support functions which i will show but won't discuss 
here. These are following:

12  function DateToFormatDDMMM(date: TDateTime): string;  //for example 
13  converts 01-01-2005 to 01JAN
14  function FormatDDMMMToDate(date: string): TDateTime; //for example converts 01JAN 
15  to 01-01-yyyy where year 								 //is not important right now but could be 
16  calculated
18  {Then you could use OnGetText to force the field to display it the way you want. As 
19  you are using it, you don't need DisplayFormat. In this case, perhaps we could have 
20  used it to obtain a similar result, but without uppercase.}
22  procedure TForm1.DDMMMGetText(Sender: TField; var Text: string; DisplayText: 
23  Boolean);
24  begin
25     Text := UpperCase(DateToFormatDDMMM(Sender.AsDateTime));
26  end;
28  {Using OnSetText again combined with EditMask, you could force the user to write 
29  only a date in format ddmmm with the month being between January and April, like 
30  this:}
32  procedure TForm1.DDMMMSetText(Sender: TField; const Text: string);
33  var
34     auxDate: TDateTime;
35     Month : word;
36  begin
37     auxDate := FormatDDMMMToDate(Text);
38     Month := MonthOf(auxDate);  //returns a number between 1 and 12 representing the 
39  month of the year
40     if Month < 5 then
41        Sender.AsDateTime := auxDate
42     else 
43        Sender.Clear;  //if it does not match then for example we apply the value null
44  end;

The EditMask would look like '!00LLL', where 0 means you need to put a number there and L means you need to put a alphabetical character in it

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