Author: Tomas Rutkauskas
Using D4, Paradox 7 and a peer-to-peer network on Win95/ 98, I am currently
thinking about the problems of using AutoInc fields as primary indexes to avoid key
violations. On balance, I feel that it is probably best to avoid potential problems
by choosing an alternative primary index system. But what are the alternatives?
Using a DateTime field as the unique primary index or use a number that is
incremented in code?
If you need a unique number for a primary key create a single-field-single-record
table to hold the last used value and call the following function when you need a
new number.
1 function dgGetUniqueNumber(LastNumberTbl: TTable): LongInt;
2 {Gets the next value from a one field one record table which stores the last used3 value in its first field. The parameter LastNumberTbl is the table that contains 4 the last used number.}5 const6 ntMaxTries = 100;
7 var8 I, WaitCount, Tries: Integer;
9 RecordLocked: Boolean;
10 ErrorMsg: string;
11 begin12 Result := 0;
13 Tries := 0;
14 with LastNumberTbl do15 begin16 {Make sure the table contains a record. If not, add one and set the first field 17 to zero.}18 if RecordCount = 0 then19 begin20 Insert;
21 Fields[0].AsInteger := 0;
22 Post;
23 end;
24 {Try to put the table that holds the last used number into edit mode. If 25 calling Edit26 raises an exception wait a random period and try again.}27 Randomize;
28 while Tries < ntMaxTries do29 try30 Inc(Tries);
31 Edit;
32 Break;
33 except34 on E: EDBEngineError do35 {The call to Edit failed because the record could not be locked.}36 begin37 {See if the lock failed because the record is locked by another user.}38 RecordLocked := False;
39 for I := 0 to Pred(E.ErrorCount) do40 if E.Errors[I].ErrorCode = 10241 then41 RecordLocked := True;
42 if RecordLocked then43 begin44 {Wait for a random period and try again.}45 WaitCount := Random(20);
46 for I := 1 to WaitCount do47 Application.ProcessMessages;
48 Continue;
49 end50 else51 begin52 {The record lock failed for some reason other than another user has the53 record locked. Display the BDE error stack and exit.}54 ErrorMsg := '';
55 for I := 0 to Pred(E.ErrorCount) do56 ErrorMsg := ErrorMsg + E.Errors[I].message + ' (' +
57 IntToStr(E.Errors[I].ErrorCode) + '). ';
58 MessageDlg(ErrorMsg, mtError, [mbOK], 0);
59 Exit;
60 end;
61 end;
62 end;
63 if State = dsEdit then64 begin65 Result := Fields[0].AsInteger + 1;
66 Fields[0].AsInteger := Result;
67 Post;
68 end69 else70 {If the record could not be locked after the specified number of tries raise 71 an exception.}72 raise Exception.Create('Cannot get next unique number. (dgGetUniqueNumber)');
73 end;
74 end;