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How to Parse the lines of a text file and import them into a Paradox table Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
Parse the lines of a text file and import them into a Parado 28-Aug-02
Delphi 2.x
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DSP, Administrator
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			Author: Tomas Rutkauskas 

How to Parse the lines of a text file and import them into a Paradox table

I have a text file with a certain format where only the first line is of type year 
and month. The rest is always the same: Integer, String, String, Integer, Integer, 
Integer. Example:

000368,"The Name","Category",000671000,0724690,009421
000701,"The Name","Category",000398500,0398500,005181

What's the best way to import this into Paradox tables?


Solve 1:

I would read it one line at a time and parse it with something like the following 
parser. The variable ofs needs to be set to zero to start the parsing at the 
beginning of the line.

1   { ... }
2   ReadLn(f, line);
3   ofs := 0;
4   if GetNextSepValueOK(line, ofs, YrStr, ', ', '"') and 
5   	GetNextSepValueOK(line, ofs, MoStr, ', ', '"') then
6     {prep date}
7   else
8     raise Exception.Create('Cannot find year and month');
9   while not EOF(f) do
10  begin
11    ReadLn(f, line);
12    ofs := 0;
13    {Do Append and try, etc. }
14    while GetNextSepValueOK(line, ofs, value, ', ', '"') do
15      {Do Post}
16  end;
17  end;
18  { ... }
20  function GetNextSepValueOK(const line: string; var ofs: integer; out value: string;
21    const Separator, Grouper: char): Boolean;
22  var
23    i, oc, lnb, GrouperCount: integer;
24    c: char;
25    temp: ShortString;
26  begin
27    oc := 0;
28    lnb := 0;
29    GrouperCount := 0;
30    i := ofs;
31    while (ofs < length(line)) do
32    begin
33      c := line[ofs + 1];
34      if not Odd(GrouperCount) and (c = Separator) then
35        break
36      else if c = Grouper then
37      begin
38        inc(GrouperCount);
39        if odd(GrouperCount) and (ofs > i) and (line[ofs] = Grouper) then
40        begin
41          inc(oc);
42          temp[oc] := Grouper;
43        end;
44      end
45      else if (c > ' ') or (lnb > 0) or odd(GrouperCount) then
46      begin
47        inc(oc);
48        temp[oc] := c;
49      end;
50      if (c > ' ') or odd(GrouperCount) then
51        lnb := oc;
52      inc(ofs);
53    end;
54    if (ofs < length(line)) and (line[ofs + 1] = Separator) then
55    begin
56      inc(ofs);
57      Result := true;
58    end
59    else
60      Result := (i < length(line)) and not Odd(GrouperCount);
61    if Result then
62    begin
63      temp[0] := char(lnb);
64      value := temp;
65    end;
66  end;

Solve 2:

67  procedure TForm1.ImportFile(const filename: string);
68  var
69    F: Textfile;
70    year, month: Integer;
71    line: string;
72    sl: Tstringlist;
73  begin
74    Assignfile(F, filename);
75    Reset(F);
76    try
77      ReadLn(F, line);
78      sl := TStringlist.Create;
79      try
80        sl.QuoteChar := '"';
81        sl.Commatext := line;
82        year := StrToInt(sl[0]);
83        month := StrToInt(sl[1]);
84        while not EOF(F) do
85        begin
86          Readln(line);
87          sl.Commatext := line;
88          SaveRecord(sl);
89        end;
90      finally
92      end;
93    finally
94      Closefile(f)
95    end;
96  end;

The Saverecord method would be something like:

97  procedure Tform1.SaveRecord(sl: TStringlist);
98  begin
99    if sl.Count <> 6 then
100     raise Exception.Create('Invalid record');
101   table1.Append;
102   table1['ID'] := sl[0];
103   table2['Name'] := sl[1];
104   { ... }
105   table1.Post;
106 end;

Solve 3:

You can use the CommaText property of a TStringList to parse the lines. Something 
like this:

107 procedure ReadFile(FileName: string);
108 var
109   F: TextFile;
110   S: string;
111   List: TStringList;
112   i: integer;
113 begin
114   AssignFile(F, FileName);
115   Reset(F);
116   List := TStringList.Create;
117   try
118     Readln(F, S);
119     List.CommaText := S;
120     {do whatever you want with first line}
121     while not EOF(F) do
122     begin
123       List.Clear;
124       ReadLn(F, S);
125       List.CommaText := S;
126       {List now contains the integers and strings as separate strings}
127       MyTable.Append;
128       for i := 0 to 5 do
129         MyTable.Fields[i].AsString := List.Strings[i];
130       MyTable.Post;
131     end;
132   finally
133     List.Free;
134   end;
135   closefile(f);
136 end;

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