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How to save a Paradox blob field to a file Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
Reference URL:
			Author: Tomas Rutkauskas

My Paradox Table has a BLOB field which contains BMP files (pasted into it). Now I 
want to access those BLOB values and save them into files... This should be hidden 
to the user, so I want to use a loop that accesses each record and retrieves that 
BLOB value. I have to use FieldByName("Cover") to do this. But then I'm lost 
between all of the formats of TField, TBlobField, etc.. What is the method to 
access those bmp BLOBs, and then save the picture part to a file? I can't use a 
DBImage or something similar as I am not showing them on screen during that 
operation, so I can't use the "Picture" property to retrieve it. It's directly pure 
table access. Also I have disabled the controls in the loop, so I can't even use a 
hidden DBImage to do this.


Here's something that should get you started:

1   unit BmpToFromDB;
3   interface
5   uses
6     Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
7     StdCtrls, FileCtrl, DBCtrls, ExtCtrls, Db, DBTables, Menus;
9   type
10    TFrmBmpToFromDB = class(TForm)
11      DriveComboBox1: TDriveComboBox;
12      DirectoryListBox1: TDirectoryListBox;
13      FileListBox1: TFileListBox;
14      BtnWriteS: TButton;
15      Image1: TImage;
16      DataSource1: TDataSource;
17      Table1: TTable;
18      Table1TheLongInt: TIntegerField;
19      Table1ABlobField: TBlobField;
20      Table1Bytes1: TBlobField;
21      Table1Bytes2: TBytesField;
22      Table1B32_1: TBlobField;
23      Table1B32_2: TBytesField;
24      DBNavigator1: TDBNavigator;
25      DBImage1: TDBImage;
26      BtnReadS: TButton;
27      BtnWrite: TButton;
28      BtnRead: TButton;
29      procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
30      procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
31      procedure BtnWriteSClick(Sender: TObject);
32      procedure BtnReadSClick(Sender: TObject);
33      procedure BtnReadClick(Sender: TObject);
34      procedure BtnWriteClick(Sender: TObject);
35    private
36      { Private declarations }
37    public
38      { Public declarations }
39    end;
41  var
42    FrmBmpToFromDB: TFrmBmpToFromDB;
44  implementation
46  {$R *.DFM}
48  procedure TFrmBmpToFromDB.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
49  begin
50    Table1.Open;
51  end;
53  procedure TFrmBmpToFromDB.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
54  begin
55    Table1.Close;
56  end;
58  procedure TFrmBmpToFromDB.BtnWriteSClick(Sender: TObject);
59  var
60    f: integer;
61    theBitmap: TBitmap;
62    theBlobStream: TBlobStream;
63  begin
64    for f := 0 to FileListBox1.Items.Count - 1 do
65    begin
66      Table1.Edit;
67      theBlobStream := TBlobStream.Create(Table1B32_1, bmReadWrite);
68      try
69        theBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
70        try
71          theBitmap.LoadFromFile(FileListBox1.Items[f]);
72          theBitmap.SaveToStream(theBlobStream);
73        finally
74          theBitmap.Free;
75        end;
76      finally
77        theBlobStream.Free;
78      end;
79      Table1.Post;
80      Table1.Next;
81    end;
82    Table1.First;
83    DBImage1.Datasource := Datasource1;
84  end;
86  procedure TFrmBmpToFromDB.BtnWriteClick(Sender: TObject);
87  var
88    f: integer;
89    theBitmap: TBitmap;
90  begin
91    for f := 0 to FileListBox1.Items.Count - 1 do
92    begin
93      Table1.Edit;
94      theBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
95      try
96        TBlobField(Table1.FieldByName('B32_1')).LoadFromFile(FileListBox1.Items[f]);
97      finally
98        theBitmap.Free;
99      end;
100     Table1.Post;
101     Table1.Next;
102   end;
103   Table1.First;
104   DBImage1.Datasource := Datasource1;
105 end;
107 procedure TFrmBmpToFromDB.BtnReadSClick(Sender: TObject);
108 var
109   tempBmp: TBitmap;
110   theBlobStream: TBlobStream;
111 begin
112   tempBmp := TBitmap.Create;
113   try
114     theBlobStream := TBlobStream.Create(TBlobField(Table1.FieldByName('B32_1')), 
115 bmRead);
116     try
117       tempBmp.LoadFromStream(theBlobStream);
118       Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tempBmp);
119     finally
120       theBlobStream.Free;
121     end;
122   finally
123     tempBmp.Free;
124   end;
125 end;
127 procedure TFrmBmpToFromDB.BtnReadClick(Sender: TObject);
128 var
129   tempBmp: TBitmap;
130 begin
131   tempBmp := TBitmap.Create;
132   try
133     tempBmp.Assign(TBlobField(Table1.FieldByName('B32_1')));
134     Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tempBmp);
135   finally
136     tempBmp.Free;
137   end;
138 end;
140 end.

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