Author: Jonas Bilinkevicius
Switch Keyboard for your application
Solve 1:
Following code will activate 'Greek' Keyboard Layout for the application.
1 var2 LangIdentifier: string;
3 begin4 LangIdentifier := '00000408'; //'0000408' is the Language Identifier for Greek5 LoadKeyboardLayout(PChar(LangIdentifier), KLF_ACTIVATE);
6 end;
PS: This would only Load the Keyboard Layouts which are installed on that very
machine otherwise there would be no affect.
Solve 2:
If you want to change a current keyboard layout, you can:
7 var8 lang: HKL;
9 lang := LoadKeyboardLayout(pcKeyboard, 0);
10 SetActiveKeyboardLayout(lang);
LoadKeyboardLayout(pcKeyboard, KLF_ACTIVATE);
where pcKeyboard is:
'00000409' - english
'00000419' - russian
'00000422' - ukrainian
'00000407' - german
'0000040C' - french
'00000410' - italian
'00000416' - portuguese
'0000040A' - spanish
... (for more information view a language consts in windows.pas)