Author: Felipe Machado
How to convert Windows Bitmaps to Windows Regions very fast. This is the
Delphi-like replacement for the BitmapToRegion function. This version is much
cleaner, smaller and educational mantaining a high performance. You will also find
many interesting comments and techniques inside.
The function BitmapToRegion creates a Windows Region (HRGN) from a Windows Bitmap
(HBITMAP) which is used as a mask. You choose one color to be made "transparent",
meaning that areas of the bitmap with this color will be left out of the resulting
region. This region will take the shape of the "non-transparent" pixels from the
original bitmap, which may or may not have a regular shape. You can later apply
this region to any window (all windowed controls including the form) using the
SetWindowRgn API call. Using this method you can create non-rectangular forms or
controls easily. The function also accepts a color tolerance for red, green, and
blue values which means that a color range could be specified rather than only one
How it works?
The function iterates over all the bitmap scanlines searching for contiguous
non-transparent pixels on a row-by-row basis.
It keeps record of the last visible pixel position on the row and loops until a
transparent pixel is found or the end of the row reached. Variable "x0" holds the
last visible pixel position and "x" holds the current pixel position. If x0 = x it
means that the current pixel is transparent and must be ignored, if x > x0 then we
have at least one visible pixel.
We then add a rect containing the pixels (x0,y) to (x,y+1) to a windows structure
RGNDATA which is passed to the function ExtCreateRegion, later used to create the
desired region (the RGNDATA is explained later on this article). The variable y
holds the current row being scanned. If we aren't yet at the end of the row we will
make x0 = x and will restart looping until another transparent pixel is found or
the end of the row reached (doing the same procedures again). If the end of the row
is finally reached we will jump to the next bitmap row, starting with x0 = x = 0.
By doing this to the entire bitmap we will end up with the desired visible region.
Problems found
** Windows 98 Limitations
Using this function on Windows 98 could fail with very complex masks (bitmaps).
That is due to a limitation on ExtCreateRegion under this OS: the function fails if
the number of rects is too large. To workaround this, every time the number of
rects reachs 2000, we call ExtCreateRegion and store it in Result (if it is the
first region created) or we combine this region with the one already created.
** Accessing the RGNDATA rects by index
The region data is made up of a RGNDATAHEADER which specifies the type and size of
the region plus a buffer of arbitrary size called Buffer (brilliant!). The problem
is that we need to access Buffer as if it was an Array of Rects, but it is defined
Buffer: array[0..0] of CHAR;
This is a very commom C construct actually denoting a char pointer (char *), but
Pascal is a far more strong typed language preventing us from accessing this array
directly. The easiest way to access the rects on this buffer is by typecasting it
to a more convenient structure like:
TRectArray = array[0..(MaxInt div SizeOf(TRect)) - 1] of TRect;
This creates the largest possible array of TRect elements. Do not attempt to create
a variable of this type because you will certainly exhaust system resources. It is
meant to be used for typecasting variables only (or a pointer contents:
TRectArrat(MyPrt^)[x] not TRectArray(MyPtr)[x]!). If we did declare a pointer to
this structure, we will be able to typecast another pointer without having to
dereference it:
PRectArray = ^TRectArray;
Now the following statement is correct: PRectArray(MyPtr)[x]. We can make a
variable of type PRectArray (let's say pr) point to Buffer with the simple
statement: pr := @RgnData.Buffer; This technique can be used to simplify and
clarify your code the same way it is used here.
** Bitmap Orientation and Scanline Access
The code:
ScanLinePtr := bmp.ScanLine[0];
ScanLineInc := Integer(bmp.ScanLine[1]) - Integer(ScanLinePtr);
is very tricky. The first line gets a pointer to the first bitmap scanline. The
second line gets the (signed) distance in bytes that separates the bitmap scanlines
in memory (scanlines need not to be contiguos in memory). If the bitmap is
bottom-up the distance will be negative. When we make
Inc(Integer(ScanLinePtr),ScanLineInc) we are already taking into account this
possibility (Inc with negative values actually decrements).
The access to individual pixels are made using the techniques shown earlier on
"Accessing the RGNDATA rects by index". We find the value of the xth character by
typecasting ScanLinePrt to PByteArray at the index [x*SizeOf(TRGBQuad)]. TRGBQuad
is an structure of red, green, blue, plus an extra byte that represents a pixel for
a 32-bit RGB image. We then make b point to this element of the array. Since b is
itself a PByteArray, we can access its individual bytes by index where the first
(0) is red, the second is green, and the last (2) is blue (we do not use the fourth
byte). The code is as follows:
2 b := @PByteArray(ScanLinePtr)[x * SizeOf(TRGBQuad)];
3 if (b[0] >= lr) and (b[0] <= hr) and
4 (b[1] >= lg) and (b[1] <= hg) and
5 (b[2] >= lb) and (b[2] <= hb) then
** Use of RGNDATA and ExtCreateRegion:
Speed! Speed is one of the main concerns of this algorithm. We could have made the
code much simpler if we used CreateRectRgn for every rect found and combined them
one-by-one with CombineRgn instead of adding rects to a RGNDATA and later calling
ExtCreateRegion to create the region at once, but ExtCreateRegion is much faster
than the combined use of CreateRectRgn and ComineRgn.
** Use of AllocUnit
Performance again is the factor of choice of this added complexity. We could
allocate memory as needed, one rect at a time, but it is much faster to allocate a
chunk of rects (even if we ended up with unused memory) and only do memory
reallocation (expansion) when we run out of space (we catch this when we test if
RgnData^.rdh.nCount >= maxRects). In the end all data (even unused) is freed.
** Use of Scanline Instead of Pixels property Scanline is a hundred times faster
than Pixels property for accessing the pixels of a bitmap.
** 32-bit Depth Conversion
I have chosen to convert every bitmap to pf32bit first to be able to deal uniformly
with the bitmap data, no need to have a special case for every pixel format and
since the algorithm is meant to be used only with RGB images (not palette indexed)
it was a matter of choosing between pf24bit and pf32bit. Second because Windows
being a 32-Bit environment is faster when dealing with 32-bit per pixel bitmaps.
This article provided a very fast Delphi friendly routine to convert bitmaps into
windows regions. These regions could be used to apply astonishing effects to your
forms simply by making them non-rectangular and decorated art painted over the
visible areas (if you ever saw the Quintessential CD player or the new apple
Quicktime interface you know what I mean).
You will also find inside a discussion on some Windows 98 limitations regarding
complex region creation and the best (fastest) method to use the TBitmap Scanline
property to access the pixels of an image. There's also some comments on how to
access arbitrary sizeable structs often found in C/C++ code from within Delphi.
Final Comments
This function is used by a component which I wrote called TFormShapper to apply
persintent non-regular shapes to forms. The component has a mask property of type
TPicture that stores the picture along with the form. This picture can be any valid
TGraphic descendant (including my own TPNGImage or TTGAImage implementations). All
I did to use it as a bitmap was to create a temporary bitmap and draw the stored
graphic over it with: tmpBMP.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, TheGraphic); then I passed this
tmpBMP to the function, freeing it later to release memory and system resources.
You can use this technique if you have any image that is not a TBitmap, but that
could be drawn over one.
My next post will regard the techniques used to extend the graphics capabilities of
Delphi, adding new image file formats and creating a new derived TGraphic class.
Stay tuned.
7 function BitmapToRegion(bmp: TBitmap; TransparentColor: TColor = clBlack;
8 RedTol: Byte = 1; GreenTol: Byte = 1; BlueTol: Byte = 1): HRGN;
9 const
10 AllocUnit = 100;
11 type
12 PRectArray = ^TRectArray;
13 TRectArray = array[0..(MaxInt div SizeOf(TRect)) - 1] of TRect;
14 var
15 pr: PRectArray; // used to access the rects array of RgnData by index
16 h: HRGN; // Handles to regions
17 RgnData: PRgnData; // Pointer to structure RGNDATA used to create regions
18 lr, lg, lb, hr, hg, hb: Byte; // values for lowest and hightest trans. colors
19 x, y, x0: Integer; // coordinates of current rect of visible pixels
20 b: PByteArray; // used to easy the task of testing the byte pixels (R,G,B)
21 ScanLinePtr: Pointer; // Pointer to current ScanLine being scanned
22 ScanLineInc: Integer; // Offset to next bitmap scanline (can be negative)
23 maxRects: Cardinal; // Number of rects to realloc memory by chunks of AllocUnit
24 begin
25 Result := 0;
26 { Keep on hand lowest and highest values for the "transparent" pixels }
27 lr := GetRValue(TransparentColor);
28 lg := GetGValue(TransparentColor);
29 lb := GetBValue(TransparentColor);
30 hr := Min($FF, lr + RedTol);
31 hg := Min($FF, lg + GreenTol);
32 hb := Min($FF, lb + BlueTol);
33 { ensures that the pixel format is 32-bits per pixel }
34 bmp.PixelFormat := pf32bit;
35 { alloc initial region data }
36 maxRects := AllocUnit;
37 GetMem(RgnData, SizeOf(RGNDATAHEADER) + (SizeOf(TRect) * maxRects));
38 try
39 with RgnData^.rdh do
40 begin
41 dwSize := SizeOf(RGNDATAHEADER);
43 nCount := 0;
44 nRgnSize := 0;
45 SetRect(rcBound, MAXLONG, MAXLONG, 0, 0);
46 end;
47 { scan each bitmap row - the orientation doesn't matter (Bottom-up or not) }
48 ScanLinePtr := bmp.ScanLine[0];
49 ScanLineInc := Integer(bmp.ScanLine[1]) - Integer(ScanLinePtr);
50 for y := 0 to bmp.Height - 1 do
51 begin
52 x := 0;
53 while x < bmp.Width do
54 begin
55 x0 := x;
56 while x < bmp.Width do
57 begin
58 b := @PByteArray(ScanLinePtr)[x * SizeOf(TRGBQuad)];
59 // BGR-RGB: Windows 32bpp BMPs are made of BGRa quads (not RGBa)
60 if (b[2] >= lr) and (b[2] <= hr) and
61 (b[1] >= lg) and (b[1] <= hg) and
62 (b[0] >= lb) and (b[0] <= hb) then
63 Break; // pixel is transparent
64 Inc(x);
65 end;
66 { test to see if we have a non-transparent area in the image }
67 if x > x0 then
68 begin
69 { increase RgnData by AllocUnit rects if we exceeds maxRects }
70 if RgnData^.rdh.nCount >= maxRects then
71 begin
72 Inc(maxRects, AllocUnit);
73 ReallocMem(RgnData, SizeOf(RGNDATAHEADER) + (SizeOf(TRect) * MaxRects));
74 end;
75 { Add the rect (x0, y)-(x, y+1) as a new visible area in the region }
76 pr := @RgnData^.Buffer; // Buffer is an array of rects
77 with RgnData^.rdh do
78 begin
79 SetRect(pr[nCount], x0, y, x, y + 1);
80 { adjust the bound rectangle of the region if we are "out-of-bounds" }
81 if x0 < rcBound.Left then
82 rcBound.Left := x0;
83 if y < rcBound.Top then
84 rcBound.Top := y;
85 if x > rcBound.Right then
86 rcBound.Right := x;
87 if y + 1 > rcBound.Bottom then
88 rcBound.Bottom := y + 1;
89 Inc(nCount);
90 end;
91 end; // if x > x0
92 { Need to create the region by muliple calls to ExtCreateRegion, 'cause }
93 { it will fail on Windows 98 if the number of rectangles is too large }
94 if RgnData^.rdh.nCount = 2000 then
95 begin
96 h := ExtCreateRegion(nil, SizeOf(RGNDATAHEADER) + (SizeOf(TRect) *
97 maxRects), RgnData^);
98 if Result > 0 then
99 begin // Expand the current region
100 CombineRgn(Result, Result, h, RGN_OR);
101 DeleteObject(h);
102 end
103 else // First region, assign it to Result
104 Result := h;
105 RgnData^.rdh.nCount := 0;
106 SetRect(RgnData^.rdh.rcBound, MAXLONG, MAXLONG, 0, 0);
107 end;
108 Inc(x);
109 end; // scan every sample byte of the image
110 Inc(Integer(ScanLinePtr), ScanLineInc);
111 end;
112 { need to call ExCreateRegion one more time because we could have left }
113 { a RgnData with less than 2000 rects, so it wasn't yet created/combined }
114 h := ExtCreateRegion(nil, SizeOf(RGNDATAHEADER) + (SizeOf(TRect) * MaxRects),
115 RgnData^);
116 if Result > 0 then
117 begin
118 CombineRgn(Result, Result, h, RGN_OR);
119 DeleteObject(h);
120 end
121 else
122 Result := h;
123 finally
124 FreeMem(RgnData, SizeOf(RGNDATAHEADER) + (SizeOf(TRect) * MaxRects));
125 end;
126 end;
128 {I've supplied a couple of simple examples of using this function for beginners:
130 This first example sets the region of a TForm}
132 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
133 var
134 ARgn: HRGN;
135 ABitmap: TBitmap;
136 begin
137 ABitmap := TBitmap.Create;
138 try
139 ABitmap.LoadFromFile('C:\MyImage.bmp');
140 ARgn := BitmapToRegion(ABitmap, clFuchsia);
141 SetWindowRgn(Form1.Handle, ARgn, True);
142 finally
143 ABitmap.Free;
144 end;
145 end;
147 {This second example sets the region of a TPanel}
149 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
150 var
151 ARgn: HRGN;
152 ABitmap: TBitmap;
153 begin
154 ABitmap := TBitmap.Create;
155 try
156 ABitmap.LoadFromFile('C:\MyImage.bmp');
157 ARgn := BitmapToRegion(ABitmap, clFuchsia);
158 SetWindowRgn(Panel1.Handle, ARgn, True);
159 finally
160 ABitmap.Free;
161 end;
162 end;
From both examples, you can see how simple it is to simply specify the Handle of
the window control that you wish to set the region of. Be it a TForm, TPanel,
TMemo, etc.