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How to save a password to the registry Turn on/off line numbers in source code. Switch to Orginial background IDE or DSP color Comment or reply to this aritlce/tip for discussion. Bookmark this article to my favorite article(s). Print this article
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DSP, Administrator
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			Author: William Gerbert 

How to save a password to the registry


When saving the password for your application in the registry, make sure you 
implement some level of encryption on the password though. There are a number of 
algorithms out there. Below is a really easy way that I used:

This function is resposible for rotating the ASCII value of each character in the 
string. It takes in an integer that represents the direction to rotate the 
character's value.

1   function ROT(s: string; direction: integer): string;
2   var
3     i: integer;
4   begin
5     if length(s) < 1 then {if the string is empty then exit}
6       exit;
7     for i := 1 to length(s) do {iterate the number of characters in string}
8       Inc(s[i], direction); {change the value of char by the value of direction}
9     result := s; {result becomes altered string}
10  end;
13  //This routine will read values from keys of the registry:
15  procedure ReadRegistryValues(Tci: TConnectInfo);
16  var
17    Reg: TRegIniFile;
18  begin
19    Reg := nil;
20    {init the variable Reg}
21    try
22      {attempt to do the following}
23      Reg := TRegIniFile.Create;
24      {create blank instance}
25      Reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
26      {set Root Key}
27      if Reg.OpenKey('SOFTWARE\Futura International, Inc.\FTPUpdater', false) then
28        {If the key opens successfully}
29      begin
30        {fill class with values from the registry}
31        Tci.TC_url := ROT(Reg.ReadString(SECTION, 'Name of Key', 'string to be 
32  stored'
33          -1);
34        Tci.TC_username := ROT(Reg.ReadString(SECTION, 'UserName',
35          'string to be stored'), -1);
36        Tci.TC_password := ROT(Reg.ReadString(SECTION, 'Password',
37          'string to be stored'), -1);
38        Tci.TC_username := ROT(Reg.ReadString(SECTION, 'UserName',
39          'string to be stored'), -1);
40        Tci.TC_passive := Reg.ReadBool(SECTION, 'string to be stored', false);
41        Tci.TC_socks_add := Reg.ReadString(SECTION, 'string to be stored', '');
42        Tci.TC_socks_password := ROT(Reg.ReadString(SECTION, 'string to be stored', 
43  ''),
44          -1);
45        Tci.TC_socks_port := Reg.ReadString(SECTION, 'string to be stored', '');
46        Tci.TC_socks_usercode := Reg.ReadString(SECTION, 'string to be stored', '');
47        Tci.TC_socks_version := Reg.ReadInteger(SECTION, 'string to be stored', 0);
48      end;
49    finally
50      {when done with the above}
51      Reg.Free;
52      {free memory of instance of class}
53    end;
54  end;
57  //This routine will save values to the registry:
59  procedure SaveToRegistry(Tci: TConnectInfo);
60  var
61    Reg: TRegIniFile;
62  begin
63    Reg := nil;
64    {initializing the variable}
65    try
66      {attempt to do the following}
67      Reg := TRegIniFile.Create;
68      {create an instance of TRegIniFile}
69      Reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
70      {setting the root key}
71      {The call below and in the routine above has a third param. This parameter is 
72  used
73      to create the key if necessary. I set the value to true here just in case the 
74  key did not
75      exist, this should only be in the first use of the program.}
76      if Reg.OpenKey('SOFTWARE\Futura International, Inc.\FTPUpdater', true) then
77        {this rtn will create the key}
78      begin
79        Reg.WriteString(SECTION, 'URL', ROT(Tci.TC_url, 1));
80        {same as above routine except we are writing values instead reading them}
81        Reg.WriteString(SECTION, 'UserName', ROT(Tci.TC_username, 1));
82        Reg.WriteString(SECTION, 'Password', ROT(Tci.TC_password, 1));
83        Reg.WriteBool(SECTION, 'Passive Connect', Tci.TC_passive);
84        Reg.WriteString(SECTION, 'Socks Address', Tci.TC_socks_add);
85        Reg.WriteString(SECTION, 'Socks Password', ROT(Tci.TC_socks_password, 1));
86        Reg.WriteString(SECTION, 'Socks Port', Tci.TC_socks_port);
87        Reg.WriteString(SECTION, 'Socks UserCode', Tci.TC_socks_usercode);
88        Reg.WriteInteger(SECTION, 'Socks Version', Tci.TC_socks_version);
89      end;
90    finally
91      Reg.Free;
92      {free memory alloced to Reg}
93    end;
94  end;

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