Author: Jonas Bilinkevicius
How to detect the Windows OS version
Solve 1:
1 uses
2 Windows;
4 type
5 TWinVersion = (Win32, Win9x, WinNt, WinError);
7 function fWinVersion: TWinVersion;
8 var
9 GV: TOSVersionInfo;
10 begin
11 GV.dwOSVersionInfoSize := Sizeof(GV);
12 if GetVersionEx(GV) then
13 begin
14 case GV.dwPlatformId of
16 Result := Win32;
18 Result := Win9x;
20 Result := WinNT;
21 else
22 Result := WinError;
23 end;
24 end
25 else
26 Result := WinError;
27 end;
Solve 2:
28 type
29 PTransBuffer = ^TTransBuffer;
30 TTransBuffer = array[1..4] of smallint;
32 const
33 CInfoStr: array[1..4] of string = ('FileVersion', 'LegalCopyright', 'ProductName',
34 'ProductVersion');
36 procedure TFrmAbout.GetVersionInfo(AVersionList: TStrings);
37 var
38 filename: string;
39 i: integer;
40 infoSize: DWORD;
41 ptrans: PTransBuffer;
42 transStr: string;
43 typeStr: string;
44 value: PChar;
45 verBuf: pointer;
46 verSize: DWORD;
47 wnd: DWORD;
48 begin
49 AVersionList.Clear;
50 filename := Application.ExeName;
51 infoSize := GetFileVersioninfoSize(PChar(filename), wnd);
52 if infoSize <> 0 then
53 begin
54 GetMem(verBuf, infoSize);
55 try
56 if GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(filename), wnd, infoSize, verBuf) then
57 begin
58 VerQueryvalue(verBuf, PChar('\VarFileInfo\Translation'), Pointer(ptrans),
59 verSize);
60 transStr := IntToHex(ptrans^[1], 4) + IntToHex(ptrans^[2], 4);
61 for i := Low(CInfoStr) to High(CInfoStr) do
62 begin
63 typeStr := 'StringFileInfo\' + transStr + '\' + CInfoStr[i];
64 if VerQueryvalue(verBuf, PChar(typeStr), Pointer(value), verSize) then
65 {AVersionList.Add(CInfoStr[i] + ': ' + value);}
66 AVersionList.Add(value);
67 end
68 end;
69 finally
70 FreeMem(verBuf);
71 end;
72 end;
73 end;
Solve 3:
Delphi 5 has a variable Win32Platform in SysUtils
74 var
75 Win32Platform: Integer = 0;
It will have 3 values
Solve 4:
76 { ... }
77 case Win32MajorVersion of
78 3: {NT 3.51}
79 OSLabel.Caption := 'Windows NT 3.51';
80 4: {WIn9x/ME, NT 4}
81 case Win32MinorVersion of
82 0:
83 OSLabel.Caption := 'Windows 95';
84 10:
85 OSLabel.Caption := 'Windows 98';
86 90:
87 OSLabel.Caption := 'Windows ME';
88 else
89 if (Win32Platform and VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) <> 0 then
90 OSLabel.Caption := 'Windows NT 4.0'
91 else
92 OSLabel.Caption := 'unknown';
93 end;
94 5: {Win2K, XP}
95 case Win32MinorVersion of
96 0:
97 OSLabel.Caption := 'Windows 2000';
98 1:
99 OSLabel.Caption := 'Windows XP or .NET server';
100 else
101 OSLabel.Caption := 'unknown';
102 end;
103 else
104 OSLabel.Caption := 'unknown';
105 end;
Solve 5:
107 function GetOSInfo: string;
108 var
109 Platform: string;
110 BuildNumber: integer;
111 begin
112 case Win32MajorVersion of
113 3: {NT 3.51}
114 Platform := 'Windows NT 3.51';
115 4: {Win9x/ ME/ NT 4}
116 case Win32MinorVersion of
117 0:
118 Platform := 'Windows 95';
119 10:
120 Platform := 'Windows 98';
121 90:
122 Platform := 'Windows ME';
123 else
124 if (Win32Platform and VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) <> 0 then
125 Platform := 'Windows NT 4.0'
126 else
127 Platform := SUnknown;
128 end;
129 5: {Win2000/ XP}
130 case Win32MinorVersion of
131 0:
132 Platform := 'Windows 2000';
133 1:
134 Platform := 'Windows XP or .NET server';
135 else
136 Platform := SUnknown;
137 end;
138 else
139 Platform := SUnknown;
140 end;
141 case Win32Platform of
143 BuildNumber := Win32BuildNumber and $0000FFFF;
145 BuildNumber := Win32BuildNumber;
146 else
147 BuildNumber := 0;
148 end;
149 if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) or
150 (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) then
151 begin
152 if Win32CSDVersion = '' then
153 Result := Format('%s (Build %d)', [Platform, BuildNumber])
154 else
155 Result := Format('%s (Build %d: %s)', [Platform, BuildNumber,
156 Win32CSDVersion]);
157 end
158 else
159 Result := Platform;
160 end;